Sunday, May 17, 2015

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: In A Hurry

   See this darling man?

My uncle, Vernon Cumings, passed away Friday. He had a good long life, but his family -- including the Brick and yours truly -- will miss him. We need to go to the service on Tuesday -- which has meant a whole lot of pushing back some tasks, and cancelling others. In fact, we'll be on the road to Michigan in a few hours. You'll be hearing from me this week -- but from Michigan. Staffers will hold the fort here in Colorado.
I'm glad I've been collecting goodies for you all week, so I can still share Stuff:

Eating -- and spending  -- less. A lot less. (Check the comments.) From Budgets are Sexy.

20 copycat recipes for everything from Krispy Kreme doughnuts to Outback's brown bread. 

Three planters -- cut from soda bottles. Easy how-tos are on Our Peaceful Planet.

A man struggles with 'allergies' for decades -- then sneezes a play dart out his nose!

The most filling 100-calorie snacks out there. 

 Corn-chile tamales -- an easier-to-make recipe. (from Good Cheap Eats)

'Two-can' tuna tacos. (From San Francisco Magazine)

Making decorative use of that wasted space behind your doors. (From Distressed Donna Down Home)

Ten spending habits of the famous and frugal.   Including a football player who still drives the car he bought for $2.

Treasure in a marble-topped chest bought at an estate sale. Don't forget to check for hidden drawers!

Swing beds -- and just plain swings -- made from pallets. The blog's Russian -- but it won't stop you from figuring out these brilliant ideas. (From Styleitchic)

Vietnamese-style banh mi -- meatball sandwiches, in this case. (From My Bare Cupboard)

Have a good week.  

God is good, all the time.
All the time, God is good.


LouAnne said...

How come the 20 copycat recipes link does't work? Alternate question: What am I doing wrong????? LOL!

Cindy Brick said...

Oops...sorry about that, LouAnne -- the fault's mine, not yours.

I fixed the link on the original post -- here it is, as well. Enjoy!

As always, it's nice to hear from you. Hope all's well.

Marketing 101

  Fresh vine-ripened tomatoes...makes me drool, just thinking about it. Unfortunately, it's March...