Monday, December 28, 2009

A Winter Boost

...try this lush version of "Una Notte de Napoli," courtesy of Pink Martini. You'll be feeling pepped up, fast. (Husband has already listened to it five or six times tonight.) The weird part? I first heard it in a thrift shop this week!

Eating From Your Pantry In January!

Money Saving Mom has a new challenge -- can you concoct meals primarily from your pantry for the month of January? It doesn't mean giving up fresh items like eggs, milk and such -- but limiting your visits to the grocery store to 3 per month (in Mom's case). She's challenged others to take it on too, making up their own variations as they go.

Husband eyed the umpteenth Safeway bag I dragged home tonight and said, "Aren't you spending a lot of money?" (I'd already been to Kohl's, Target and Michael's -- but little did he know I spent less than $5 at K's, and about $45 each at the other two.) Granted, I was shopping for a New Year's Day catering gig...but it got me to thinking. Why not try MSMom's challenge, too?

So here's the plan. I will visit grocery stores no more than 3 times in January. (Two, if I can get away with it.) I will purchase no more than $50 worth of stuff, and rely on my freezer, cupboards and pantry the rest of the time.
   In fact, if at all possible, I will visit other stores only twice this coming month -- period. I don't need any stuff, thanks to Christmas stocking. (The one exception to this 'rule' will be Target's 75% and 90% off Christmas sale items. Lordy, they have good bargains then...)

As God is my witness, we will not go hungry!
(Oops, channeling Scarlett O'Hara for a moment there.)

There will be weekly updates, recipes and such. Want to try your own version of this challenge? You're welcome to join in!

And don't miss MSMom's enlightening post on living poor during law school -- it reminds what's most important in life.

Yet Another Crazy Quilts Review

Pepper Cory, bless her little North Carolina heart, mentioned CRAZY QUILTS! See her review at Pepper's blog...which, incidentally, is a great place to visit regularly for quilting stuff, but also a great deal of interest and comfort.

Thanks so much, friend.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Between Holidays

Monday's panting on the horizon...and I know I have to Get Back to Work soon.


It was a lovely Christmas, in spite of our strange schedule -- everybody slept in until 10 a.m. or so (thank God for twenty-something children) and we didn't even have breakfast until noon. (Supper was at 8 p.m. Another spatchcocked turkey, British crackers (with strange party hats), and sachertorte for dessert.)

The girlies have both gone home...the Mama is still here, though, until Tuesday morning...and it seems strangely quiet. They won't be back for New Year's -- they enjoy going out with friends New Year's Eve, and we prefer cowboy movies, pizza and a quiet evening. (Too many drunken weirdos out on the street!)

For those of you who enjoy weirdos, here are the top 100 strangest stories of the year, starting with the top 5 or so. Keep clicking for the rest, once you get to the site.

The frugal will appreciate 50 money-saving websites...and they're not all what you would think!

And now I'll head to bed for a long winter's night, to dream of sugarplums and paperwork that magically gets itself done... hope you had a merry holiday, too.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Multi-Using Your Holiday Items!

Real Simple magazine has an intriguing slide gallery on uses for holiday decorations and such after the holidays. Some intriguing stuff here -- check it out!

I have a multi-purpose wish for you: a safe, warm and content Christmas, remembering the Child who started all the hoopla, after all --
    "Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask thee to stay
    Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.
    Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care
    And take us to Heaven to live with Thee there."

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What Made You Start Thinking About Money?

J.D. Roth's superlative Get Rich Slowly has pondered this question in the past. Take a look -- here's the original post, plus the followup. (Don't miss the comments -- they're especially helpful.)

What made me start taking my finances seriously? Three events stand out clearly.

*I started an after-school job at Rogers Hardware. ($1.50 an hour -- riches!) College was a dream; my parents were farmers and not well-off. I knew I had to Do Something. Half the money I made during the three-plus years I worked at Rogers went into a savings account for college. I ended up with enough to pay for the first year plus much of the second, thanks to grants and scholarships. All because I started putting away money for college at 15.

*Husband was a well-paid mechanical engineer. I had a fascinating job as an editor for a quilting magazine. Our girls were about 7 and 9. Life was great!
    Then Husband had a nervous breakdown. In the next month or so, he stayed home from work and did strange things, like obsessively washing the same sinkful of dishes for four or five hours. At night he said he couldn't sleep, couldn't breathe...and wanted to walk. We'd go outside and pace up and down the street for a few hours. (I didn't dare go past eyesight of the house -- our children were asleep in there.) We'd go to bed about 3 a.m...then I would get up at 6 to go to work, while Husband slept the morning away.
    This went on week after week, until I felt ready to have a nervous breakdown myself. No income coming in. No time to think for myself. Fortunately, Husband began to recover and went back to work. (He found out, after his return, that his bosses at Martin Marietta didn't think a thing about it -- lots of engineers there had nervous breakdowns. Goes to show you the stress and worry they went through there.)
    We had enough, thanks to an emergency fund, to get us through that time. But it made me determined to never feel quite as desperate again. I took extra care with groceries, shopped primarily at thrift shops, had a large garden. Husband switched jobs -- then two years later, quit that one, saying he felt that if he didn't, he would have another nervous breakdown.
    By then, I was working for myself, and income was really spotty. But our emergency fund was larger, thank God, and it kept us going for three months. After that, Husband began a new job -- as a school bus driver.
    Needless to say, a bus driver's income is substantially less than an engineer's -- about 75% less. We lived on that income -- and mine, growing, thankfully, because of Brickworks -- until the girls both graduated from high school.
    Finances are better today; Husband is a trainer, which pays better, and my business has grown considerably. But I have never forgotten the lessons I learned from that first desperate period.

And finally:

* The Millionaire Next Door. This book helped me realize that it's not the big prizes or jumps in salary -- it's the slow, day-by-day accumulation of just a bit that makes you rich in the end.
    You can get this book for just a penny on Amazon -- and it will be one of the best purchases you ever made. Thomas Stanley has a new book I can't wait to read: Stop Living Rich...and Start Living Like A Millionaire.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Gingerbread Houses Made To Fit Your Cup!

Take a look at these tiny gingerbread houses...they actually fit (through the door slot) on the side of your cup.

The recipe is for gingerbread (of course), but shortbread and sugar cookie dough is also suggested, provided you chill the dough thoroughly so it doesn't spread.

I kept looking at these, though, and wondering if you could do something similar with graham crackers...

I have GOT to try these.

Monday Morning Stuff

What a surprise! Go out of town, and your friends leave piles of presents in your apartment when you return. (Unfortunately, they're your vacuum, books, clothes, stuff in the freezer...) Sounds like guys, doesn't it?

And this inspiring post about Faith, the two-legged dog, who learned to walk on her hind legs. She's been visiting veterans' centers with her caretakers. Gutsy, gutsy.

One of our boys has not been doing well. Weimaraners often have hip trouble, and Goonie's had a lot of difficulty getting up. (Goonie is short for Gunther -- Weimies are a German breed.) One eye has not been good, either -- his inner eyelid keeps showing, and the eye is red and inflamed. The bad part: he's 13-plus. He'd need a hip replacement, something we can't afford. (I'm not sure he'd survive the operation, anyway.) He's doing better today, for which I'm grateful. He got up twice by himself -- and without our urging. Amazing. I'm grateful for his cheerful, uncomplaining nature. Needless to say, he's been getting extra petting and snacks -- something which our other Weimie, Buck, is desperately jealous of!
   The worst is not over. But at least Goon is better.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Good Deals

Well, it's been a strange weekend at Ye Olde Brick House. People here seem to be on some pep-em-up/slowdown schedule. Either we're scampering from activity to program...or it's dead, with people sacked out sleeping or dozing or reading. (Gathering strength, no doubt, for the next scamper.) The Mama has been baking for days, and piles of cookies are everywhere. (Also contributing, no doubt, to the torpor.)

Husband and yours truly had solos during church today on the "Friendly Beasts" song. (In case you're wondering, I was the donkey -- Husband was the cow! Yes, I know, he should have been the bull..) Then practice for Christmas Eve service, dinner at friends' house, where we watched the Broncos almmmoooost win the game against the Raiders. It is the first time I can ever remember that a game was stopped -- while police searched the stands for some moron who kept shining a laser pointer into various Broncos' eyes. (The players were actually pointing at the guy, who apparently thought discretion was the better part of valor, and disappeared.) No naps for us today, though I got a brief but refreshing catnap before the screaming began.

Frugal Babe has a money-saving post on buying eyeglasses. I also found a good post on who's offering bonuses with gift card purchases. Add two more to this list -- both Red Robin and Qdoba restaurants are giving $5 bonuses with every $25 of gift cards purchased. (Don't count on these specials being good past Christmas.)

And if your silliness factor is not strong enough, try cheering for the Red Sparrows, the Lawn Chair Drill Team, or the Briefcase Brigade. (Or try Monty Python's Bring Out Your Dead -- my favorite -- Military Fairies orThe Spanish Inquisition! I sure could use a comfy chair...)

Here's hoping your holiday week is a restful one.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Life Goes On...

Including a stop at the Governor's Mansion, to take the tour and admire the Palm room, full of large glass windows and sunshine. (Not to mention the 'jadeite' lamps in the hallways. Remember those candles you made in milk cartons, using ice cubes to get a 'Swiss cheese' look? They looked like that -- made out of jade. Very cool.) The holiday decorations were quite lovely -- you can see them here.

Then a wild cookie-decorating party with the piano (and voice) kids. Frosting EVERYWHERE. (But fun!)

I'm just beat. But not too tired to smirk at the guy who murdered three people, shot at two others, then tripped on his own fallen-down pants (he was wearing lowriders) and fell three stories to his death, as he was trying to shoot at another person. Oops. I keep hearing a song from kidhood:
    "My pants fell down, my pants fell down, my pants fell down on Main Street.
      I pulled them up, I pulled them up, I pulled them up on Main Street..."

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Books are Here!

They finally showed up this morning...true to form, about an hour after we had to leave for Denver.

The boxes are in a long row down the hallway, until they can be schlepped into inventory...and every last order is done and ready to go out in a very late (midnight) run to the post office tonight.

But they're DONE. And barring any great weirdness, they should all arrive in plenty of time for Christmas.


Waiting, Waiting...

Still no truck. I've stayed home for two straight days, waiting. (Nearly all of our staffers are on vacation through the end of the month -- two have agreed to come in for just a few hours, to help get the backed-up Hanky Panky orders sent out.)

The shipment's been in Denver since the 15th, says the tracking info. Castle Rock is 30 miles -- tops -- from Denver. What do I have to do: march down there and unload the boxes myself??


The Momma, yours truly and one feckless staffer have finally hacked a path through the inventory area. There's much more to go, but it already looks a heck of a lot better.

I must do some errands tomorrow -- they can't be delayed any longer. What do you want to bet the delivery shows up while I'm gone?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore's recent speech...well, the poor man admitted he might have gotten his facts wrong.

Turns out the scientist whose data Gore quoted told the Times of London he had never made any such statement -- or conclusion. (Although he does have something to say about the polar ice cap melting.)

Gore's office admitted he based his remarks on a conversation he'd had with the scientist 'several years ago.'


Need a Gift That's Inexpensive...Fast?

The Gingerbread Pop-Tart houses mentioned in the last post just might do the trick.

This post from Like Merchant Ships' archive might be what you need, too. Meredith had to get gifts for a hundred employees -- her husband's the 'big boss.' And $100 was the budgeted amount! You'll be amazed at the ideas that flow out of this post, especially in comments.

For my piano students, Mom and I are hosting a cookie decorating party Friday afternoon. The kids get to indulge in frosting, red-hots and chocolate chips up to their eyebrows, plus a large 'people' cookie for themselves and every person in their family. We get frosted cookies for the holiday plate! (My cousins used to come every year for a C.C.D.C. party, growing up, but the girlies are now Too Old for this childhood tradition. The abbreviation, by the way -- 'Cumings Cookie Decorating Committee.')

We'll have soup or chili for supper, then I'll take them to the local dollar store. (A looked-forward-to tradition now for the kids.) One dollar for every member of their family, plus $1 extra for tax. I love to see the presents they choose...the giggling...and the happy faces taking mysterious bags home to wrap!

Gingerbread Houses Made Easy

Try this Pop-Tart version, courtesy of Kellogg's. A couple of boxes of Pop-Tarts, a few cans of frosting, some goodies to decorate, and you're done! (Did you know they make gingerbread Pop-Tarts??) Some real architectural opportunities for expansion here...

Even simpler: sugared Christmas tree cupcakes that use sparkling sprigs of evergreen pushed into frosted cupcakes. I could see a row of these on your favorite cake, too. (Our Dec. 26 wedding was held among a 'forest' of trees -- unsold Christmas trees mounted on stands and decorated with shimmery stuff. Yes, inside the church.)

The Hanky Panky delivery truck isn't here yet. The shipping envelopes are addressed and waiting, and we have plenty of stuff to do. (Rediscovered the inventory room floor last night!) C'mon, buddy. We've got orders to ship for Christmas!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Decorating

Our tree is now up and decorated.


It's a little on the bare-and-springy side, but at least the decorations are on...including the Victorian Santa and his early 20th century cohort that I can remember my grandma's tree always having. When she died, they came to my mom...then me. Because of them, I got in the habit of collecting Santa ornaments that had a pack, and were carrying a Christmas tree. (There's more out there than you would think!)

I know. This is pretty pathetic. A few wreaths...some greenery and a few angels and Santas on the fireplace...the tree...and pretty soon, the Nativity scene. (I have to find it down in storage.) That's it for Christmas decorating? Well, it's an improvement from last year, when a tiny Christmas tree made its appearance -- and not much else. 

Others are a bit more lavish in their approach. Take a look at this Christmas house photo gallery -- these people take the decorating to a whole new level of weirdness. Then again, nature gets into it too, I guess... take a look at the Colorado Springs buck who's sporting a frosting of lights in his antlers. (Thankfully, they'll fall off when his antlers shed soon.)

We're bracing ourselves here for pallets of Hanky Panky an e-mail, and they're scheduled in at the Brickworks offices either tomorrow or Tuesday. Then the shipping out begins! 

Friday, December 11, 2009

News from the Financial World

In a very interesting move, Suze Orman is now advocating using cash only -- no credit cards. She says she's sick of companies taking advantage of us by increasing fees, interest rates and so on.

A lot of people are agreeing with her, and cancelling their cards.

I am wondering, though -- a lot of this misuse -- and abuse -- has been going on for years. How come it's suddenly so important to Suze? Because her customers are soooo broke now? And so many are unable to pay their debts?

There are some who argue that you are 'willing' to pay more when you use the card, versus pay for cash. (Or at the very least, you'll buy more.) I can see this point. But what if you deliberately limit yourself, even when using cards?

We get enough cash (and points) back every year to justify continuing our usual practice -- charging everything possible, but paying it off each month. No exceptions. (And we've only missed doing that three times in 28-plus years -- two by accident.) What about that, Suze? Wouldn't that be the best of both worlds?

What do you think?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Make Your Own Paper Notebook -- and Fire 'Logs!'

I have a shameful confession to make.

I love notebooks.

Big ones, little ones, doesn't matter, as long as they have clean-smelling pages (gold-tipped edges are even nicer), pretty covers...and a pen's nearby. (Preferably one of those old-time fountain pens with silver nibs.)

And now, thanks to a new blog, The Art of Stinginess, I know how to make my own from scrap paper! Basically, he cuts two covers from something hard(er), a batch of pages (slightly smaller than the covers), clamps them together, glues them along one edge, then pastes on a spine cover.

Looks wayyy easy.

Hmmm. Couldn't I print out book pages and bind them this way for private editions? (I've been working on a cookbook of family recipes for the girlies, as well as Nephew and his wife, and Niece.) I'm going to try it -- will let you know if it works.

In the meantime, visit Mr. Stingy's Nov. 26, 2009 post. (Unfortunately, I can only give you a blog link, not the specific post link. Something about the way he set things up.) And when you're done there, go to the Nov. 20 post to know what to do with the paper leftovers -- very cool paper log/briquettes!

* * * * *
Mom's here, cozily ensconsed in Daughter #1's room (where it's warmer). I got an electric fireplace from Sam's Club, which she seems to really like. Basically where I need to go, she goes with me, including a pit stop at Big Lots to buy Swedish ginger thins (Husband's favorite cookie, only comes out at Christmas), imported olives and other goodies for Christmas stockings.
It's nice to have her here.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Welcome to the New North Pole

Went to Safeway last night to redeem the free clementines coupon. By the time I got back outside, the temp was -13!! I was afraid Buck, who was waiting in the car, would be a giant Weimie popsicle...but he was fine.

By the time we got home, some ten minutes away, it had moderated. To a balmy -9.

That's the story right now in Colorado. At least the snow has stopped, and we have plenty of sunlight...albeit no warmth.

The movie 2012 postulated that the earth's poles had shifted -- the new South Pole was now in Wisconsin. Gee, maybe it really happened, and someone forgot to tell us!

Time for some pork loin in the crockpot, with mushroom gravy, a shot of wine and a handful of chopped celery. It will be bubbly by the time I get home from the airport. I'll be picking up my mom, who's had two flights cancel on her since 'our' blizzard started making itself at home in Michigan.

Mom hates planes, and avoids them whenever possible. (I find that very amusing, since much of my business life is spent par avion, heading to or from somewhere.) At least my brother got her the last seat on a direct flight -- all she has to do is get on in Grand Rapids, and get off in Denver. I'll be waiting for her by baggage claim.

The dishes aren't done (yet), the tree (cut from National Forest land last weekend) isn't trimmed. But it will be lovely to have her here for the holidays.

Hang in there, Ma! I'm coming...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Some Random Stuff...and a Very Weird Experience

The "Barrel Man" , Tim McKernan, is dead. He's been sporting an orange-painted barrel and a cowboy hat for years at Broncos games. Football fans will miss his enthusiasm.

Safeway is offering a free five-pound box of clementines if you become a fan on Facebook. (The offer says good today (12/7), but my coupon's for use on December 8 only.) I also grabbed a $5 gift subscription to Good Housekeeping for Mom. (Other mags, including Country Living and Redbook, are available for this rockbottom price for a short time on Amazon. Thanks so much for passing the word, Coupon Cravings!)

An interesting post on low-cost and fast evening meals.

And recipes for Gluhwein (German-style hot mulled wine) and Christmas Glogg.

See...I told you it was random!

Went to see the movie 2012 last night. According to director Roland Emmerich, "I said to myself that I'll do one more disaster movie, but it has to end all disaster movies. So I packed everything in." He keeps his word, all right -- you've got everything from Los Angeles to Yellowstone to India being crashed into, breaking off/apart (I lost count of all the airport runways splitting juuuuust behind Our Heroes' taking-off planes), blowing up or (Emmerich's favorite) being inundated by ocean waves. It was fun in a weird sort of way, though I found myself rooting that the Hero would eventually be toast. (I still like Emmerich's Day After Tomorrow better, though it's also got plenty of hoke.)

The strangest part, though, came after the movie. We'd been having this whispery, heavy snow all day. The roads were slippery. Only a handful of people were at the 8 p.m. showing. We stayed to watch the credits -- alone, as usual -- and by the time we walked out, about 11 p.m., the lobby was deserted.

No one at the ticket counter. No one in the halls. No one in the office. No one at the popcorn counter.

Three cars in the deserted parking lot -- including ours. Lights gave a spooky, surreal glow. A light but impenetrable curtain of snow fogged the sky. Dead silent.

Only two people at King Soopers, where we stopped on the way home. (And they were clerks.)
Since 2012 ends with only a handful of people being saved, I started to wonder...did the rest of the world know something we didn't??

But then we saw a sheriff's patrol car at the stoplight, using his flashlight to trigger the green 'Go,' and I figured -- hey, if he's still around, probably all's well.

And it was.

Meredith's back!

COLD here...and has been snowing since last night. Light, tiny flakes. Unfortunately, they're not thick enough to force no school for tomorrow -- or so Husband thinks.

One of my favorite bloggers, Meredith at Like Merchant Ships, is finally posting again! I've missed her so much. True to form, even when she's talking about a subject that doesn't help me much (a Nutcracker's Suite ballet party for little girls), there's something wonderful tucked in as well -- like these cute little chocolate mice that may make an appearance in Daughters' Christmas stockings. (Here's another version, made with dried apricots.)

Tune in tomorrow for the results of the Great Stationery Giveaway. See you then.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Living Within Your Limits

It's hard for me to fathom living from paycheck to paycheck -- we've saved and scrimped for a long time, to keep from this happening. But I've also learned from the examples of people who do it regularly. (Here's another example of same.) You might, too.

Especially hard for those who get in this situation because of no insurance and high medical bills. Both Daughters do not have health insurance right now -- a reality that bothers us, but we can do little about. Neither is in school full-time, and that's the only way our insurance will cover them.

But if you can spend less than you earn, reality changes for the better very quickly.

It's a good reminder, when we're being pressured to buy, buy, buy during this holiday season.

Fresh Fruit

Trent from The Simple Dollar has a lot to say about seasonal produce -- and buying it at the right season, in order to get the best price.

He's right.

The girlies -- yours truly, too -- love clementines, those small, sweet mandarin-type oranges. Right now, they're about $1 a pound. We eat them by the five-pound box, and can easily go through two or three at a time, before the season ends and the prices go up.

Colorado has the best peaches in the world -- and that's coming from a girl who grew up in an area of Michigan where orchards were common next-door neighbors. We even had apple trees on our property that had seeded from the orchard across the fence!

Anyways, the best way to take advantage of that is to order a box of fruit from the Western Slope. Half of the forty pounds gets gobbled up right away; the rest is washed and bagged, two or three peaches at a time, in plastic bags for the freezer. You haven't lived until you've had a fresh-frozen peach smoothie, or a wash of peach sauce on ice cream.


It feels ironic, even thinking of fresh fruit -- we got 6" of snow yesterday, and the temps plunged down below 10. The dogs do their business outside quickly, then rush back in for their warm blankets.

Back to work...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells...

Snow, all right... about 6" so far, and coming down steadily. The birds are having a heyday under the feeder; I put in just sunflower seeds, and that is apparently caviar to them.

Take a minute -- send your favorite people a phone message from Santa, Sammy the Snowman or NASCAR driver Tony Stewart! And it's free, courtesy of King Soopers. There's a long list of names to choose from for your recipient; I was able to cover everyone but my mom (Bonnie).

The top guy on the list was brother Mikey, whose birthday is in two days. He'll get to hear from Santa about that. Only two days, also, to enter the stationery giveaway -- fire me a comment, and you're entered!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Getting Ready...

Restless. What the heck is wrong with me?

I think it's a combination of things --

*some business stuff needs to be finalized (boring paperwork-type stuff)
*the girlies have gone home
*back to 'normal' life -- washing, dirty dishes, bits on the carpet
*a long-worked-on job...that still needs another week's worth of effort
*schlepping everything out for decorating -- I want it out, just don't want to put it out!

Gripe, gripe, gripe.

Also, a blizzard is moving in...a prime ingredient for restless temps and feelings.

I stopped and had eggrolls with Daughter #1 on my way home from Denver this morning. Better. A few hours of cleaning...that business paperwork worked on. Salmon and sweet potato fries for supper; Husband and a friend to share it with. Best of all.

Monday, November 30, 2009

My Buddy - Stephen King

It's true...and yet it isn't.

I'm fascinated by the guy, as well as revulsed (he periodically suffers from "trash mouth" and the desperate need to describe weird sex in detail) and frustrated (he's great at characterization and detail, but sometimes shovels his endings in wayyy too fast).

Some of his books have gone way past creepy-in-a-fascinating-way to directly affecting my life. Case in point: His 1987 novel, Misery, about a writer who becomes the pet of Annie Wilkes, his "greatest fan." (King himself admitted that Annie represented the addictions he'd had for years, including alcohol and drugs.) For anyone who's a writer, just the idea of being kept hostage and forced to write has a nasty attraction (time to write! no interruptions!) at the same time it repulses ('ol Annie's going to chop my foot off if I don't make the characters do what she wants! Why would they...they never do what I want them to do...)

I read the book shortly after I had Daughter #1, not realizing until halfway through that Annie was a nurse at Boulder Community Hospital. Where she went on trial for murdering babies in the neonatal section. Where both our daughters were born.

Talk about chills down the spine. I even did some checking -- was there a nurse put on trial for this? But apparently, King made it up. (whew)

I also had a love/hate affair with King's Needful Things...where you can get anything you want, but you have to pay for it by doing "favors" for the owner.

And, of course, there's The Stand.

All three have been made into tv series...although I think I prefer The Langoliers and The Shining (which King has been working on a sequel to), instead of any of them. (Shawshank Redemption -- yes, King wrote that, too! -- is also great.)

One of King's very best books, though, is also one of his least-known: a nonfiction look at himself and his work, called simply On Writing. It also covers his 1999 accident, which left him in pain ever since.
Roger Ebert observed: "A lot of people were outraged that he [King] was honored at the National Book Awards, as if a popular writer could not be taken seriously. But after finding that his book On Writing had more useful and observant things to say about the craft than any book since Strunk and White's The Elements of Style, I have gotten over my own snobbery."

Stephen King: one amazing, messed-up guy.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thank goodness Brin of MessyThrillingLife had a peaceful Thanksgiving -- she's had a rough year, including losing her beloved home, and it's good to see her starting to get back on a more even keel. She's spending the evening by the Christmas tree, enjoying a cup of hot chocolate and favorite books.

Our tree is still standing in the forest -- we couldn't get a permit fast enough to cut it this weekend. Nonetheless, I spent some lovely time starting up Stephen King's The Stand. (An amazing take on the fight between good and evil...and set partly in Boulder, which is doubly creepy.) Daughter #1 got me Charles Dickens' Christmas Stories, and I've also been reading those a bit at a time.

A nice holiday break, before work starts back in tomorrow.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

(A Few) Day(s) After Thanksgiving Musings

It's been a nice rest...being with both Daughters. Cooking together. Playing Scrabble. (And arguing about which words are 'real,' and which aren't!) Watching the Three Stooges, in one big warm pile on the couch. Not worrying, about business or chores or responsibilities.

(Very happy sigh here.)

Since my ancestors came not long after the Pilgrims arrived at the Rock, I've always had a soft spot in my heart for them. The Pilgrims, I mean. (Plus one of my dearest friends, Chris, has an ancestor in William Brewster, one of the leaders.) My own family tie came with Isaac Cumings, who arrived here on the good ship Sally Ann. Life wasn't easy for him, or for any of the other potential DAR ancestors, but he persevered. Reminds me that I need to do the same.

If your Thanksgiving wasn't quiiite as peaceful, you'll enjoy the variety of strangeness at Awkward Family Photos. Thanksgiving's represented, as well as any number of Scary Santas and even more terrifying Easter Bunnies.

See? Other leftovers are just as delicious as the stuffing (forked straight out of the carton, like I've been doing while writing) and that sliced turkey. (By the way, the spatchcocking WORKED!! Moist, delicious turkey, done in less than two hours. But don't use a kitchen scissors...we did it much more easily with an electric knife.)

And don't forget to add a comment; every time you do it, you enter my ongoing contest!

And don't kill yourself. The work will wait until Monday. Honest.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day Before Thanksgiving Musings

The Coinstar people are at it in $40 worth of coins, and get $10 free! It's simpler than you think; load in your coins, get the 'loaded' gift card or e-cert from the machine, then mail in the claim form at the bottom of your receipt. Voila..I got a $10 Amazon gift card this way last year. (The deal's good through Dec. 6.)

Also, a treasure of '60s Texas photographs of Important People (including one of Kennedy's motorcade, moments before his assassination) found dumped under a Forth Worth, TX bridge. Authorities suspect that it was part of the items taken from a historical society five years ago.

Putting up...and actually finding floors and counters underneath all that stuff. A miracle. Kind of like the Italian Mafia boss who was let out of jail early, for 'medical reasons.' (Paralysis, supposedly.) When arrested, he was dining sans wheelchair, having driven to the restaurant in his sportscar. The cops asked what happened, and he replied, "It's a miracle!"

This IS a miracle; an incredible meteor shower in South Africa.

* * * * *
Don't forget about my Hot Chocolate giveaway! Here are the particulars:

-- actually, THREE new giveaways, thanks to Carolina Pad. This stationery company has come up with some of the most colorful, cheerful (and very high quality) stationery products I've seen in a long time. And thanks to their generous donation, we're going to send three stationery gifts out for three lucky people, in time for Christmas giving!

Here's the plan. (I'll repeat it again in future posts -- don't worry.)
You've got at least three chances to enter:

* Post a comment on any posts between today (Nov. 21) and Dec. 4. Yammer on about whatever you'd like. (You'll have an entry for every comment, but it's limited to one a day.)

*Visit Carolina Pad, come back, and let me know your favorite design there. Make this a separate comment. (In case you're wondering, the giveaways will all be in their classy 'Hot Chocolate' pattern.)

*Join up -- become a follower of my blog, and earn a third entry in the contest!

The contest ends Dec. 4...and we'll announce the winners Dec. 6.

* * * *

Now, if I could only get one of my family to watch some of those Pilgrim Thanksgiving specials with me...that would be a miracle, too.

Have a wonderful, peaceful Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Great Tips

Got a minute? Here's a compendium of some of the best common sense tips I've ever read. Subscribing to the home spot, Vocalpoint, is worth it, too -- lots of coupons and freebies.

one of the tips:
Stubborn stains on your clothes? Spray them with oven cleaner. (I'm going to try this, especially on stubborn stains on the 'Brick shelf', the chest.)

Worth a shot.

Got any of your own tried-and-true tips to share?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Dyeing Yarn with Kool-Aid

Ever try this? The tutorial here makes it look really easy...

just two packages of kool-aid, a jar of water and a microwave.

Oh, and time.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Recession Stories

Originally, I visited the Ladies' Home Journal site because One Frugal Girl, a fellow blogger, was talking about their pantry homemade mixes. And that was interesting...

but even more so were the four stories of families coping with lost jobs, homes and improvising for insurance and work. You can read about them here.

(P.S. Don't miss out on OFG's original entry -- she's got a great recipe for taco seasoning mix.)

A long day, filled with church, lunch with a friend, a (short) nap, and a church-wide Thanksgiving supper.

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Weekend Stuff...and Announcing A Contest!

Check out this video of a patrolman valiantly trying to write a ticket, while a neighborhood cat takes a liking to him -- and climbs up his leg. And shoulder. And rubs around his head. Repeatedly.
This kitty is lucky it's not in the slammer. Must be a cat burglar.

Man vs Debt has to eat his words -- and the experience is none too pleasant.

Speaking of eating, a 30-min. Thanksgiving meal. We're going to take slightly more hour, thanks to the spatchcocking method I mentioned in a few posts back. (I hope it works!) Daughter #1 keeps talking about needing a Really Strong pair of household scissors. I have a pair...but will they do the trick?

Slept in this morning -- lovely. Then took an afternoon nap, as well -- both of us could not keep our eyes open. In typical Brick fashion, it's a little before 11 p.m., and we're both going strong now. Husband is working on the music for tomorrow's worship team, banging away at the piano...I come in with an alto part now and then. The dishes are staring me in the face, though, begging me to scrub them up before bed.

Both the Grand Junction and Cheyenne gigs went very, very well. Lots of appraising at both -- a Crazy lecture in 'GJ,' (that's what they call it) plus judging 250 quilts in a day. (Yep, you read that right. Couldn't have done it without the 8-plus scribes that helped. Thanks so much, guys.)
Cheyenne was a Golden West lecture, then appraising. Some beautiful pieces...some wonderful, interesting, generous people at both places. You are so kind!

Then home. And planning.

* * * * * * * *
It's time for a new giveaway -- actually, THREE new giveaways, thanks to Carolina Pad. This stationery company has come up with some of the most colorful, cheerful (and very high quality) stationery products I've seen in a long time. And thanks to their generous donation, we're going to send three stationery gifts out for three lucky people, in time for Christmas giving!

Here's the plan. (I'll repeat it again in future posts -- don't worry.)
You've got at least three chances to enter:

* Post a comment on any posts between today (Nov. 21) and Dec. 4. Yammer on about whatever you'd like. (You'll have an entry for every comment, but it's limited to one a day.)

*Visit Carolina Pad, come back, and let me know your favorite design there. Make this a separate comment. (In case you're wondering, the giveaways will all be in their classy 'Hot Chocolate' pattern.)

*Join up -- become a follower of my blog, and earn a third entry in the contest!

The contest ends Dec. 4...and we'll announce the winners Dec. 6.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Lost and Found

Lose anything lately?

Poor old Galileo had a few fingers, a tooth and a vertebrae lifted when his body was exhumed and reburied in a fancy mausoleum 95 years after his death. The fingers and tooth reappeared recently; no doubt the great astronomer's happy about that.

Also, some weird Peruvian gang is murdering people for their body fat, which they (the gang members) sell to cosmetic companies.

Well, they can have some of my fat anytime!

Did a BUNCH of appraisals today, plus caught up on piano lessons...and had supper with Daughter #1. This weekend, I'll finally announce that giveaway...check back in. It will be worth it.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Love Being Home!

...but exhausted. Got just a few hours sleep last night, trying to catch back up.

Will have something to say, besides burbling, tomorrow.

Hope you all are doing ok.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Barbara Brackman Mentions Quilts of the Golden West!

I respect this quilt and fabric historian so much that it's a positive pleasure to have her mention my name...and Quilts of the Golden West. Take a look at Barbara's blog for more, including several photos.

* * * * *
A loooooonnnng day today. Judged 250 quilts! I did it, but by wearing out a whole bevy of scribes and myself, in the process. Glad to be home and at the computer, where I can just let my mind wander. It got a real workout today in Grand Junction.

Appraising all day tomorrow. More mental digging and shoveling, but it's worth it.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Happy Not-Halloween!

What do you do with your leftover Halloween candy? Frugal Upstate and buddies have been discussing this. Their options include crushing it and using the 'crumbles' to top cakes; decorating gingerbread houses; and so on.
I was surprised no one mentioned what I do with it (assuming I've got some, that is): fill in extra spots in Christmas stockings. (the weird eyeballs, lips, etc. are especially appreciated.)

This year, we had no trick or treaters. Yes, you read that right -- zero, zip, nada. There aren't a lot of kids in the neighborhood, to start with, and it was pretty chilly out.
I've had fun watching some of the classic horror flicks showing lately, though -- The Fog and The Shining (both Stephan King) are favorites. A very sexy version of Dracula (with Frank Langella, of all people!) ranks up there now, too. (The sex is pretty much implied, except for the obligatory cleavage. Even the guy shows some chest! The only freaky part -- taking in account, the general weirdness you get with any Dracula movie, that is --Dracula says "gooood eve-n-ing" about nine hundred bazillion times. And seems to be doing it seriously every single time!)

* * * *
I am happy to say that Quilts #1 and #2 went out the door, happily ensconced in their caretaker's arms this weekend. I got about 45 min. of sleep last night, but it was worth it. Now on to finish up the next project: a larger quilt version of Hanky Panky, done in neutrals. And on to teach at the Grand Junction, CO guild next Wednesday. (Judging is on Thursday, and appraisals on Friday and Saturday.)

Now on to finish up some dishes, while the Godfather keeps us company. (AMC has been showing all three Godfather movies today -- amazing. I'd never seen any. They're better than I figured, though you have to get used to the idea that if someone says no, does something rebellious, or gets caught cheating or doing something stupid, they're pretty much dead.)

Then on to blissful sleep.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Believing in Yourself - and the People You Love

I started life rather naively, believing that no one would deliberately do the wrong thing. Needless to say, I quickly learned that there were plenty of kids who would ridicule you, steal your lunch money and kick you in the shins, if they thought they'd be able to get away with it.

The kicker was a Government class in high school. Mr. Z gave us a game in 'life:' he assigned us various occupations, salaries, etc., then we would draw cards that would force us to make decisions that changed how the game would progress. One of my classmates decided that he wouldn't wait to see what 'life' (and Mr. Z) handed him -- he stole the cards he wanted out of the teacher's desk!

I saw him do it. Being a natural-born tattler, I immediately ratted on the kid to Mr. Z...who responded with a grin and "so what!" Right then and there, I realized that life wasn't always fair. (Though that classmate built a successful business in my hometown, I have never quiiiite trusted him.)

I can still be a bit starry-eyed, but am much more reticent, until I know I can trust the person. But once I do...there's no holding back.

* * * * *
Speaking of --

Get Rich Slowly has a fascinating post on statements (and attitudes) that can hold you back -- and how to deal with them.

One quilt down! I'm binding quilt #2 (an interesting rayon Crazy top); the client will pick it up tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Christmas gift ideas - fast, and priced right!

Yes, it's coming...and now's a great time to start on gift ideas before Thanksgiving hits. This site has so many different suggestions that I ran out of steam, trying to read them all! What sets it apart from others, though, is the plethora of inexpensive gift ideas for guys. That, and lots of recipes. Take a look!

Some Helpful Posts

Mike at Gathering Little by Little always has something interesting to say, including this post on ten little ways to save money that really add up.

My buddy at The Simple Dollar admits he's given in to various temptations...but there is a way to handle these occasional stumbles, and profit from it. You could, too.

Sunny day, but lots of work to do.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Mourning Ribbons, Performing Cats and More

What -- these don't go together in your mind?? :)

*Mourning ribbons hold a fascination for me -- partly because they've been around for hundreds of years, partly because they are such a strong signal of that person's importance to their world. Presidential ribbons are a special favorite -- and I just scored a 1994 Richard Nixon one off Ebay! Whoo hoo!
Here's a Benjamin Franklin ribbon I can only aspire to. (Maybe you can afford its $3000-plus price.)
I wonder if there's a Michael Jackson mourning ribbon?

*And the kitties, for fellow cat-lovers on this blog...

Here's the best compilation of singing and talking kitties I know of. Our cat Sheba used to do a scritchy ditty similar to this little guy. Also, a 'mouser' and a kitty who goes nuts when his string is taken away. Best of all: the Moscow Cat Theatre. (I don't make this stuff up -- I just chronicle it!)

* * * * * *
Yours Truly was mistaken in some of her fussing. (sigh) My new book, Quilts of the Golden West, has been doing wonderfully. (That was no mistake.) BUT I got the newest royalty statement, and it's clear I misunderstood the Kansas City Star accountant. The book sold $5100 worth in September -- not 5100 books.
I know it's done great in October, so I'm not too embarrassed. But please stand by as Yours Truly mops her red face with a handkerchief, and says "Oops. Sorry."

Starting a New Week!

Have you ever visited the Get Rich Slowly discussion forums? Lots of posts there on success stories, people/places/things to avoid, and this one: tips, good sites and freebies.

A beautiful day, albeit a bit snowy. Even with the sun of the past few days, we still have big piles of snow in street medians around here. Husband trudged off to work this morning, after a three-day (paid) vacation. (That's the plus of working for the school district -- when school's cancelled, it's for everybody.)

Piles of Stuff await -- I'd better get to it. Hope your Monday is a sunny one, too.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

A New Giveaway!

And it's a great one, thanks to a company donation...check my site in the next few days for more info.

Important Things

Trent over at the Simple Dollar has one of the best posts he's ever done:
The ten most important things he's learned from life -- and finances.

These are really quite amazing, including:

The more time you spend improving and educating yourself, the better off you will be.

Blaming others for your problems is a dead-end road. It may be fun. It may even be true in part. But it's not going to get you anywhere.

And maybe my favorite: The single most important part of finance is truly knowing yourself.

Additional thoughts:

Always spend less than you earn. (JD at Get Rich Slowly posits this, and I think he's right.)

Save a little every week -- even if it's only a dollar or so.

You weren't put on this earth to have it cater to you. We're here for a reason.

Big piles of snow are in the middle of the roads downtown, and people gingerly drive through the narrow lanes created. The sun is shining hard, in spite of the chilly air, and you can literally see the snow steaming down. We're supposed to be in the 60s next week, which should take care of the rest.

Now back to that sinkful of dirty dishes...have a great weekend.

Friday, October 30, 2009

End of the Week Smile

Go to Nester's 'smile' post first, and spend some time grinning at the American Express commercial. But then take a minute to visit the smile in the laundry room. (Think Geico.)
I missed it the first time!


I woke up late this morning, to find Husband, still snoring blissfully -- school got cancelled yet again today! He, for one, was heartbroken that he couldn't trudge out and shovel the 19-plus inches of snow off the car...

It's beautiful out, but not much is melting. And we've got storm clouds still peeking over the mountains. On the other hand, we're supposed to have temps in the 60s next week. It's Colorado -- go figure.

Twenty of filmdom's creepiest little kids are listed in this unsettling photo gallery, including my own favorite -- the little girl in Bad Seed. She had no hesitation burning up a creepy janitor, or killing the little boy that wouldn't fork over the penmanship medal she craved. Wouldn't it be a relief to push somebody who was irritating the crap out of you down the stairs... oh no, I'm starting to think like her! Horrors!

The girlies saw Bad Seed when they were younger, and loved it. Then they'd get this speculative look in their eyes...

Animal Attacks

Have you heard about the young folk singer killed by coyotes?

What a strange thing to happen. I would think it totally bizarre, if not for some of the odd animal attacks we've had here in Colorado. But for us, it's generally mountain's advice on what to do if you're ever in this kind of situation.

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells...


oop, wait... I need to claw myself up and out of a snowdrift before I can do anything else!!

Seriously, we have been DUMPED on the past few days. School got cancelled; a blessing because Husband, who works as a trainer in the transportation department, could stay in bed and sleep in. (He still isn't over this flu completely...I haven't come back to full strength either, frankly.)

The tally, as of tonight, is 18". (I'd gripe more about that, but Evergreen and places further toward the mountains got as much as 39"!) It's enough to have big overhanging shelves of snow on the deck roof, and half the bird population of Douglas County hanging out on our back porch. (The bird feeder, nearly full earlier this week, is now about 3/4 empty.) The snow is past the dogs' bellies, and the boys flounder around happily, though they're quick to zoom back in.

We've stayed put. Today, I don't think more than one or two cars went down our road -- if that. (The snowplow only put in one appearance.) I finished quilting the top, after staying up nearly all night, plus a bunch of other hours, (yay!) and have started binding it.

Two solid days of snow and blowing, but it's moving further east, over the plains now. Looks like the snow's finally stopped falling here, as of 12:45 a.m. (this posting). I'm guessing Husband will go back to work tomorrow -- darn it.

Ah well. I've got a huge pile of Golden West books to take to the post office, anyways.

* * * * * * *
Some people around Wolf Creek Pass haven't been too thrilled that the area's under consideration for a new ski resort. So they (the people, not the developers) enlisted the support of an unusual champion -- Bigfoot! Take a look at this very funny video.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Recession Payback

One of the funniest online games I've seen in a long time...and it rewards you with coupons! Go to the Con-Agra Recession Payback site, and you can beat up the six-term senator, the Wall Street schemer, corporate bigshot, or my favorite -- the sneaky banker.

Your hero is any one of Con-Agra's brand characters, from Marie Callender to Chef Boy-Ar-Dee.

Have fun!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Piano Players

Friend Marcie just sent on this great video of an elderly couple playing piano -- enjoy!

Go here.

What a cheerful way to start the week.

Three Blogs Worth Reading

...and then I have to get some work done before bedtime!

LifeasMom has a nice post on cooking once and eating thrice. (I admire her organization.) Her chicken potpie recipe sounds amazing.

And another blogger, who in her 'other' life is a missionary. And a wife. And a mother. Honest, to the point, really living her faith. Wow. Check out Moms,Ministry&More.

And Cook for Good, who believes in using blocks of time for meals...I like the concept, though heating up baked potatoes seems a bit silly, when the house could benefit from the residual heat, anyways. She's a bit too vegetarian for our taste (the Bricks are big meat-eaters). But the ideas are good, and adaptable for about anyone. The price is right, too -- very frugal.


Do Something!

Snowing again, first delicate flakes, then a sort of machine-gun version. Now it's gone back to a few light wisps now and then. The dogs charged in from their evening romp, backs wet. Husband threw out the antelope horns from our recent furry friend, and the boys enjoy going out there and chewing on them. (The rest of Antie is in the freezer, waiting for stews and Sunday dinner roast.) X Men Origins has been duly watched. (Amazing special effects, but no Great Revelations, except now we know that Three Mile Island is really a testing site for mutants.) A long cozy nap indulged in. The hot chocolate is gone, and it's time for Sunday evening musings, while hanging out on a British website...

A celebrity who, for a week, takes the place of Elaine ---, a single mother (5 kids) in a housing project. She details all the horrors, including a dirty, unkempt house, and the fact that 'I had to do all the housework and cooking!' (She then weakly amends, 'that was ok because I do it for myself and my girls.' Yeah, right.)
She says that the welfare money was barely enough to live on, then just happens to mention that Mom is paying a "doorstep loan" bookie nearly 1/4 of that money. (Sounds like our 'Check Into Cash' places.) She then goes into a speech on how people have to borrow money at exorbitant rates, shouldn't the government pay more so this won't happen, yada yada.

She mentions that she grew up in a similar project ("council flat"); that her mom insisted on regular chores and keeping the house 'spotless.' Then she says something even more intriguing:
"Of course, I accept that there is also a culture of benefit entitlement that has killed ambition. Teenagers know that they will get dole money once they reach adulthood and girls learn from their parents that if they have babies they will become eligible for a council flat. It's little wonder that teenage pregnancy rates are higher in Britain than anywhere in Europe.

"I was fortunate in that I grew up with parents who always worked hard. We may have lived in a council house, but my father Martin went to work every day and at one stage, my mother held down three jobs. Danielle [her sister] and I learned from watching them that we could have better lives by earning our own money.

"I started working at 15, running aerobics classes at the local Mandela Centre in Chapeltown, Leeds, and I also had a Saturday job in a jeans shop.

"Yet Elaine's eldest child, 18-year-old Tyrone, was so uninterested that he didn't want to get out of bed in the morning even to sign on at the Jobcentre."

Hmmm. Is there a connection here? Especially since the next article I noticed was:

A whiny diatribe about being jealous of classmates/friends who've done better than you. The author knew Coldplay's Chris Martin in school, but is ticked off that they don't have a successful band, a pretty actress wife, millions of dollars, blah blah blah. (Whereas I was thinking that Chris would give a lot to walk down the street with his wife without a camera in his face.)

Fiona Harrold, a life coach quoted in the article, has this to say about peer envy:

"Successful people apply themselves and do what they say they're going to do,' she says. 'It's as simple as that. The majority of people are too busy thinking of why it's not going to work and making excuses.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Good News

I got a phone call this afternoon from one of the managers at the Kansas City Star, publisher of Ye Olde Quilts of the Golden West. After I answered her initial question, I asked one of my own: how many books had sold?

She didn't know about this month's sales. In September, though, when the book first came out, the book sold...

nearly 5,100 copies!

After I picked myself up off the floor, I thanked the Great Editor for His help and encouragement. Then I called my mom.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A video to give you heart!

Tiger Woods...bested by a 12-year-old?

Woods was in North Carolina, showing off his first golf course design. He hit two shots to 'open' the course -- both landed in the trees. When he invited the crowd to do better, the kid stepped forward...

and hit the ball 200 yards down the course. Woods said, "Do it again..." So he did!

See the video here, and Tiger's gracious response: "Good job. I'm proud of you."

The mark of a true champion.

Wildlife Photo Contest Results

Go here for the winners of a national wildlife photography contest sponsored by BBC Wildlife and London's Natural History museum. The winning photo: a wolf in mid-leap while on a hunting expedition.

But my heart smiled at the cat busy defending her territory...from a fox! Her 'pet,' a wildlife ranger, spent five months in a nature reserve in Kamchatka, and took Ryska (the cat) along with him. He explained, "...the animals were curious about the area's new residents, and drawn by cooking smells from the cabin. The foxes in particular would visit every day. When they came within 20m, that was her boundary and chased them. It was really funny - foxes were climbing trees to get away from the cat."

Frugal Luxuries

I love this thread from J.D. at Get Rich Slowly:

What makes you feel rich, while still being frugal?

For me, it's:

*Buying Good Stuff cheap or on sale -- like imported lebkuchen, curry paste (especially nasi goreng, an Indonesian spicy mix that's absolutely addictive), quality chocolate and coffee, Japanese rice crackers, etc. I rely on Cost Plus World Market, sales on Amazon (more of these than you would think in the grocery area), Trader Joe's and Andy's Discount Market, a scratch-and-dent grocery near my mom's house in Michigan. The latter has had everything from rice vinegar to imported chocolates, lobster bisque and canned crabmeat at rock-bottom prices.

*Sitting out on our deck, with the petals from our blooming rosebush drifting around. $15 for the (very large) copper container, 35 bucks for the rosebush, which I plan to replant in the spring. Worth every penny. (Yes, it's under snow at present.)

*Finding quality items at the thrift shop -- like a lambswool sweater, or a leather jacket. Or yesterday's find, 7 blue/green-trimmed glass goblets. (The 8th must have broken.) As a bonus, they were giving away day-old bread.... upscale, artisan brand baguettes, french bread and bagels. Yum.

*Finishing a big job -- or a nasty one I've been putting off. Then taking an hour to read in a snug chair, fur throw over the legs and a cup of steaming British tea nearby, while the snow falls outside.

So what's yours?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Still Here...Under the Snowflakes

We had a pretty big storm start last night, about midnight.

Thankfully, I'd gotten home about 11:00 p.m., after giving a talk for the newly-formed textile history group meeting at the Creative Needle quilt/fabric shop. (A great place, by the way, to find not only the newest fabrics, but great stuff in needlepoint, cross-stitch and other needlearts, as well as a new sewing machine!) For more on the group -- which promises to be very interesting, and yours truly will be joining, too -- try the Creative Needle's calendar.

The night before, I spoke for the Alpine Quilters, in the mountains above Morrison.

And the night before that, I'd barely gotten home from California!

Needless to say, catching up is still a big part of this girl's equation. The bod doesn't know if it's coming or going yet.

* * * * *
QUILTS OF THE GOLDEN WEST is doing great -- we've already sold out of our first batch of books, and are waiting for the second batch, so we can fill more orders! (Nearly half are already spoken for.) If you'd like a copy too, they're $24.95, including free shipping...and a copy of the Grandma's Quilt Pattern Quilts of the Pioneers will be thrown into the mix, on the house. Just write or phone via the Brickworks website.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Getting On With It

More appraising...trudge, trudge, trudge. Except for a break for lunch, Nancy (the girl who foolishly agreed to scribe for me), along with yours truly, was either meeting with someone, schlepping them up or down the escalator and two hallways, or typing away to get that appraisal done before the next person came up the escalator. (Note to self: try not to get too upset when you attempt three times to spell escalator -- and have to dither about it before you get it.)

Anyhow, I am here...but very tired.

Had a lovely supper out under the stars -- leftover lasagne (but I didn't have to cook it!), a glass of champagne and some hot tea with a handful of pecans. And a long discussion about the effects of the human will on sickness. Oh yes, and whether Language of Flowers meanings had something to do with the ways herbs and flowers are used for medical purposes. (I'll bet they do...and could think of a few examples, at least.)

Thanks, Nancy and Clayton. It was wonderful.

Off to bed -- and dream of tomorrow, stuffed full of people asking questions, holding quilts.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Santa Clara, Here I Am...

Got into the San Jose airport in a incredibly bumpy trip. Rain glistening everything at the midnight hour. Fell into bed, but couldn't sleep. Got up. Took a hot bath, read about ten pages of Les Miserables (my current thick book-reading), out like a light.

Judged all day today. (Why is it I keep hearing in my head, "Judge not, let ye be judged." I'm going to be in big trouble!) Dragged back to the hotel - fell into bed again, slept for a few hours. Had a snack, read more. If you haven't read Les Miz for yourself (seeing the movie doesn't count, though it helps), find a copy, pronto. Victor Hugo tends to take these huge leaps off into the unknown -- more than 30 pages on Battle of Waterloo, for example! -- but I am amazed at his vivid descriptions and clarity. More than once, I found myself crying or talking out loud. This for a novel published in 1862? How many books make you do that!?!

Now it's on to Day #2, and appraising. This will be a quiet one: only a few appraisals in the room, but lots of hanging appraisals.

The show has some beauties, including an incredible golden wholecloth quilt with shining embellishments, some really nice floral samplers (one in country fabrics on red!), and some of the prettiest bustier/formal wearables I've seen in a long time. If you're in the area, a trip to Pacific International is well worth it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Frugal Babe is proclaiming the glories of de-cluttering. Even in a small way, it's refreshing; I've been getting rid of a handful of things every other day or so. More will go away, once I get back...

from Pacific International. Taking the plane away from this drearyness to the sunny temps of Santa Clara, California. And working like crazy -- judging the first day, then three days of appraising. This show is one of the best on the West coast, including an amazing display of modern quilts. Find out more about it here.

I'll be checking in now and then. Or stop in at the appraiser's room and say hi, if you're going to Pacific!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Frontier - and Challenges!

Earlier this afternoon, I was so frustrated, I could have spit. (An old Michigan expression that doesn't sound nearly as good in print as when you're, well, spitting the words out!)

Frontier changed my flight reservation for coming home. I was supposed to work all day at the conference -- and the little dears at Frontier changed my flight.

To 11 a.m. In the morning. Without letting me know, until I got the notice from Orbitz last night.

See why I was so mad?!

Thankfully, the folks at Orbitz were able to reschedule me to the redeye flight next morning -- 6:52 a.m. Oh joy.

Meanwhile, the Mancusos cleared my Saturday schedule and stuffed everything on Friday, instead! I'll be very busy then...but now I have Saturday for more work, plus finishing up the hanging appraisals, as well.

And if I'm lucky, a quick visit to the Winchester Mystery House Saturday afternoon, as well.

There's no use adding another night at the hotel, since I'd have to be at the airport so early next morning, anyways. I'll just go to the airport after supper, and do some work there.

But I'd love to march down to the Frontier offices and personally spank whichever yahoo thought to cancel my later flight -- and not let anyone, including Orbitz, know until yesterday. That was not appreciated.

Spending Less Than You Earn - Revisited!

Whoa....this is one of Get Rich Slowly's favorite mantras, and it's explored in detail this morning! Take a look. Some good stuff here.

Monday plans

Millionaire Mommy has an interesting post on 'taking control of your life:' in her case, that means starting a new business multiple times. I'm not so sure about following her advice exactly -- some of this seems like a lick and a promise, rather than a concrete approach. But she's definitely got some interesting ideas. Some I've used for my own business, Brickworks -- for one thing, don't spend like you've got money stacked to the sky! Grow your biz slowly, and it will be stronger. More importantly, it will last longer.

Had a sudden brainwave this morning. I plan to go to an appraisers conference in New York City Aug. 5-8. Both daughters' birthdays are in early August; why not take them with as a birthday present? They could explore while I'm in class, and we could spend a little time together. I love them dearly, and all three of our lives mean we don't spend much time together.

I called and texted them. Still waiting to hear what they think.

Feeling Guilty When Your Bills Are Paid --

...and others' bills are not.

J.D. at the always-interesting Get Rich Slowly has a take on this: feeling guilty about being able to say that his needs are met, and now he can indulge some of his wants. It's not exactly wealth that he's talking about, although he characterizes it that way. It's more about having extra...and knowing that some of your friends and family don't.

Read the post here. And don't miss out on the comments -- they tussle with the issue much more than J.D.'s original post does. The essence of J.D.'s advice: don't spend more than you make.

Does your approach to this issue change if you grew up poor in the first place? I think it does. Being aware of what you didn't have -- and noticing some of the same people in your world still don't have much -- can certainly skew how you feel about what you've accomplished.

My own background comes from a small farm; my dad worked full time at a repair shop on the side. Eventually he became the parts manager there, then part-owner, along with my cousins. Due to some financial shenanigans from one of the cousins, the shop went bankrupt and shut down. (This happened in the early 1980s, not long after the Brick and I were married.) My dad said, though, that this was a hidden blessing -- the farmers who attended the auction refused to bid on equipment they saw Dad bidding on. As a result, he was able to start his own repair business -- make a better living -- and not have to worry about partners. (It took me years, though, to forgive the cousin in question from doing this to my own father. As far as we know, Cousin has never apologized or acknowledged his part in this fiasco.)

Dad was determined that my brother and I would get a better education than he did. (He never got past 8th grade.) Bro and I, thanks to lower income, were eligible for financial help -- but we also both worked through high school and college, and my parents helped out, too. Many of our cousins financially were in the same pot that we were -- most chose not to even try to attend college, but went directly to work.

Some did very well -- some 'okay' -- and some not so well. But in most cases, the ones struggling today are doing so because they blew their money early on bigshot purchases like large tvs and fancy stuff. The ones who paid for things as they went are doing just fine.

Brother and I both got our degrees; his, a B.S.; mine up through a M.A. After working as a salesman for years (and building his own house), Brother started his own business. He then bought two more that produced parts needed for business #1 -- then sold all three. Brother currently still works for the new owner, but he does it on his terms. He could afford a much larger house and a fancy car, but he still lives in the same house he built himself -- and drives a truck.

Our house is larger than his -- but it's also older, and we had to do a lot of work to it. But for years, we lived in student housing, or rented places. It wasn't until our youngest was born that we bought our first house. Our current place is actually our second house, paid for with the profits of home #1. (Which we also renovated considerably.)

Should I feel guilty because the Brick and I learned early on to pay our bills first -- then started saving for the luxuries? For example, We still don't have a big-screen tv, something I know the Brick would love to watch football on. (Cable is a necessity out here because you don't get tv out here otherwise -- the mountains cut us off from nearly all channels.) We drive a nicer Jeep Cherokee...but we also bought it used, and the Brick did a heck of a job bargaining it down to an incredible price. (Sshhh, don't tell the Brick that I've been looking for a big-screen tv on Craigslist; we'll find someone that's moving, or needs a quick sale! )

Same thing has happened for the house we live in now. (Although I wish we could have been able to afford remodeling it right away, rather than piece by piece as we can afford it.) We could have never afforded it right off -- but a substantial down payment from the profits of House #1 (plus scraping to keep paying off the principal, bit by bit), made it possible to live here.

One of our cousins came for a visit this summer, and I could see the pleasure (and a bit of envy) in her eyes as we sat on the patio, looking out toward the mountains. How could I communicate that the house had to be totally rewired, and scrubbed out when we first bought it from Ma and Pa Kettle? (They kept rabbits in the basement. On the carpet. I am not kidding.) The house was on the market for more than a year, and the realtor was so desperate to sell the house that he actually cut his commission to meet our offer. (Ma and Pa were so deep in debt that they refused to budge. For years after, we had people trying to serve us papers, on the theory that we were them.)

We lived with a dirt driveway, yard and cracked concrete for years, until we could afford to pay a friend to pour the driveway, tear out the sidewalk, then re-pour it and the patio. We spent a decade enduring an ugly blue paint job until we could pay for good-quality siding. The patio set was an end-of-the-season clearance steal...but we made do with crappy stuff until we could even afford that.

So when I saw that look in my cousin's eyes...

Well, I looked around, at the tall copper pot full of roses (found at King Soopers for a steal); the dishes (presents, discount and thrift shop); the hot tub (a gift from a friend); and the yard and garden, all painstakingly built up over the years. (Well, the grass still has a ways to go!) I didn't feel guilty about it at all -- only a deep, sure feeling that our hard work over time was starting to pay off. And an even deeper feeling that if we lost it all, it wouldn't matter. Being poor was -- and is -- nothing to fear.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Menswear in Quilts - Fall Exhibit at NEQM

Laura Fisher, noted historian and textiles dealer, has curated a fascinating exhibit on quilts made from menswear. More than forty different objects, plus lots of ephemera (catalogs, patterns and such) make this especially relevant.

It's just opened at the New England Quilt Museum -- see an exhibit description and sample pieces here. And here's the press release. You only have through Nov. 15 of this year.

Kim Wulfert has a review of this unusual exhibit...take a look. Lots of photos and descriptions.

Wish I lived closer! I'd visit several hardly ever get a chance to see the humbler objects of our lives expressed like this -- both as useful objects, and as expressions of imagination. Wonderful!

100 Ways To Recycle Your Old T-Shirts!

Frugal Babe, bless her heart, passed on this intriguing link. She likes the diapers...but I couldn't take my eyes off the terrific rug. See which of the 100 different approaches helps you make an old t-shirt (singular or plural) into something unique.

Oh, and Colorado (almost) beat 2nd place-in-the-country Texas. Note I said "almost!"

As I write this, Michigan's still hanging in there. Go Blue!!

Lovely Saturday

A skim of snow and frost everywhere, with foggy clouds drifting over. Blurs the vivid reds and golds that I just noticed a few days ago, when the sun finally stayed out. Or were they there all the time? I've never seen so many reds here! Usually we stick to gold, bright yellow and a sort of dull orange around here in Colorado. And green.

Slept in, snuggled against warm Husband. Now, hours after waffles for breakfast (his absolute favorite) and a hot bath (my fav!). Chicken soup bubbling on the stove. (Friend is sick with the flu that's taking so many people here.) Candles burning. Hot tea. Classical music swirling through the house. And a talk with you.

Brace yourself for some of the nicest (and most unusual) pictorial quilts I've ever seen. This is a German museum's exhibit, but you'll be able to figure out an astonishing number of titles. Zowee.

The orders for QUILTS OF THE GOLDEN WEST are coming in! And the kind words, as well...thank you so much.

I still am behind, but somehow am not so discouraged, anymore. An encouraging feeling.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Saturn...Quilts of the Golden West...and stuff on the way to stuff

The Cassini telescope is taking amazing new photos of Saturn. Discoveries include a tiny moon orbiting between the rings, and a big ring never known about previously. Go here for some amazing photos.

* * * * * * *

I've spent the past few days washing (yes, I spoil poor neglected Husband), ironing...quilting an indigo 25 Patch top (it's sooo close to being done!) Trying to catch up on business before I leave again -- this time to judge and appraise for the Mancusos' Pacific International Quilt Show. (For those of you in California, stop by and say hi. I'd love it. We're in the convention center at Santa Clara.)

I spent last week with Mom. She's not doing well, I hate to say, though she has better days...and worse ones. I can't blame her - I miss Dad, too. She'll be coming here for Christmas, which will hopefully help some. We putzed around a lot, went out to eat, and picked a few bushels of crisp Macintosh apples. (My share got banged and smacked around in the airport, but there is always apple crisp to fall back on.)

Husband, meantime, went antelope hunting in the Colorado backcountry with Daughter #2 -- and got a big buck within an hour of their arrival in Maybelle! Amazing, almost unheard of. THEN they got a flat tire on the popup camper they borrowed for the trip. Changed that, and put on the spare...going out the next morning, the second tire blew. Got that fixed...and the bearing froze up.

They spent two extra days because of a popup camper they never used. (They decided to sleep in the back of the Jeep instead. Didn't want to mess the camper up, I guess.) Monday night, they came home in the same storm I flew home in -- only their version was snowy, sleeting and filled with trucks that had jackknifed up at the Eisenhower Tunnel. (Which was closed westbound -- but thankfully not eastbound.)

They got home around 10:00 p.m. -- the same time I did.

* * * * * * * *

QUILTS OF THE GOLDEN WEST is finally at the Brickworks offices! And the books are lovely. You can see them, including sample pages, here.

You'll find a mix of history about pioneers; the Gold and Silver Rush in various states, including California; the fight over the Gold and Silver Standard; financial panics (there have been many -- at least one every decade of America's existence); and how quilters expressed their opinions about money, silver, gold...and life. Ten quilt patterns are featuring, including Girls of the Golden West, containing nine famous women who were involved with gold, silver and copper.

Want a copy? Everyone else is offering the book for $28.95 PLUS shipping -- but Brickworks is selling it for $24.95, INCLUDING media rate shipping. We'll even throw in a copy of our "Quilts of the Pioneers" pattern booklet -- a $2.95 value. E-mail, or call toll-free 1-888-48-BRICK. We accept MASTERCARD, VISA, Paypal, checks and money orders.

Finally Home --

and loving being here.

I flew back Monday night in a horrendous batch of clouds as we came down toward DIA. Thankfully, the pilot warned us beforehand. Not so thankfully, the clueless guy in the row ahead decided to recline his seat -- so I spent the time with literally about a foot of personal space between me and the tray table.

The trip down should have been a new ride at Elitch's, our local amusement park...first rollercoaster down, slam to a brief stop, then have the plane shake from side to side. After a few minutes of this, my seatmate turned green, and...

Well, you can guess. Mostly in the convenient bag...

But not all of it.

So I spent the rest of the time looking out the window, breathing shallowly through the mouth and desperately trying not to join him. I succeeded...but barely.

It's one of the few times I felt like kissing the ground when I got off. What a pilot!

More tomorrow. It's so nice to be back and sleeping in my own bed.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Quilting for Dear Life

Just before I left on this trip, the publisher e-mailed...they wanted quilts to promote the book NOW, for display on the booth.

That would be just fine -- except the quilts made for the Golden West book were just in top form! And the antique quilts had either gone back into the museum collections, or were returned to their owners.

My Machine Quilter Extraordinaire, Tammy di Pasquale, finished one top and shipped it off. Mom and I have been busting ourselves quilting a second and third top...both are quilted, and we're busy stitching on the bindings this afternoon. They'll be in the mail, and on to a hotel in Houston.

I'm blowing kisses their direction, and waving them Godspeed. Hopefully they'll do their job.

It's been raining here in Michigan (north of Grand Rapids) today, but just an off-and-on drizzle. Kind of refreshing; we see so little rain at home in Colorado. The Brick and Daughter #2 are antelope hunting this weekend. Hope they bring home a nice juicy, hairy friend.

The Crockpot Is My Friend - Redux

 Another goodie from the Brickworks files: Stephanie over at "A Year of Slow Cooking" has made it her goal to use the crockpot e...