Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More Bailout Thoughts

Well, the House rejected the government's current bailout plan...

but is that a bad thing?

I'm sure a number of prominent CEOS are crying into their gold-lined champagne glasses...

and I'm equally certain that Husband's right -- if it weren't an election year, and House members would have to explain to suffering constituents why they were rescuing corporations...and not them --

well, the bailout might have passed at the speed of light.

Gather Little by Little has their own take on the subject:


What's yours?

Monday, September 29, 2008


This rush of cooler air is making me think more about Home Cooking. But I still have zip extra time, what with the roofing, the house-y stuff and getting ready for the Phoenix gig this weekend.

So how can I indulge this urge?

Well, one possibility is cooking something easy. How do Mama's Spaghetti, Salmon Cakes or Oatmeal Apple Crisp and other goodies sound to you?


Here's another thought...a good soup that takes only a few minutes to make:


1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can milk (whole milk makes it creamier, but 2% or skim is fine)
1/2 - 1 cup vegetables of some kind, chopped
1/2-1 cup chopped meat (two kinds, mixed together is best -- try sausage and ham, chicken and ham, hamburger and pork roast)
1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper or paprika
fresh-ground pepper

That's it! Mix together and heat slowly for 5-10 min. Serve hot, wih a light sprinkle of pepper. Makes two large bowlfuls. (Double as needed for your family)

Last night's version used a leftover sausage patty from Saturday's breakfast, a handful of chopped ham from Sunday dinner, plus chopped red pepper and kale (the latter, leftover from a restaurant meal).

If you keep a container in the fridge, and take a minute after each meal to stash bits and pieces of meat and veggies, you can literally make this soup in one or two minutes.

I know. This sounds TOO easy. Trust me. This soup will taste like you've been working on it for ages. It uses up leftovers. It goes well with cheese sandwiches, PB&Js ...or in our case, a leftover burger from Red Robin.

Try it.

A recipe for oatmeal bars is calling my name...and I've got other work to do. See ya later.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Is This Bailout Really Being Handled Right?

...my beady little mind immediately starts wondering whether Congress can actually keep the average person's interests in mind, rather than their corporate big-bucks contributors.

Do I sound cynical? Well, I feel that way.

Dave, normally much more suspicious than I am, is surprisingly upbeat. After all, he points out, there's one critical part of this equation right now:

It's an election year!

If those up for re-election want to keep their jobs, they cannot just ignore Joe Q. Public that easily. So perhaps they will consider what the average taxpayer thinks.

Then again, maybe not.

Sweden had similar troubles in the early 1990s (which I did not realize back then, being more occupied with kids' backpacks and spelling bees). They handled the situation quite differently -- and the country actually came out of it in better shape.

Read here:


I'm hoping Congressmen read the New York Times, too. Who knows -- perhaps we do have a chance.

Friday, September 26, 2008

How Do I Know Fall's On Its Way?

*Trees down in the Flatlands are changing now. (The mountains got started weeks ago.)

*Hummingbirds are gone...two weeks later than usual. (They normally take off right around Labor Day.)

*Air, even when the sun in shining, has a bit of a chilly nip.

*Suddenly I have an interest in cooking -- mostly soups and stews. Is this the "nest-maker" kicking in?

*Snuggle afghans and pillows are back out and in use. Ditto the fireplace.

*Roof is progressing! We're going to push ourselves this weekend...Daughters #1 and #2, as well as Daughter #2's boyfriend, are set to help out this weekend, too. Then next week, we're hiring someone to come finish off...whew.

What do you look for as signs that fall is near -- or here?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Need A Quick Loss of Appetite? Read This...

still wandering about in food-dom, and found this...

A photo of a twelve-year-old McDonald's hamburger.

Next to a fresh one.

And they don't look too different from each other:


Eergh. Maybe I'll go eat a tomato, instead.


I must be hungry...

My favorite (new) blogs found today are all about cooking.

This one has some of the most delectable-looking photos ever...a real celebration of produce:


But she's also a graceful, meaningful writer. You'll want to visit her.

And this one is just making me drool for Japanese food!


(I rushed over and got out a package of sushi nori to munch on while reading posts -- plus a cup of tea.)

Unfortunately, she stopped posting, once she came home to Australia after teaching in Japan for some years. I wish she'd go back...or at least tell us what she's noshing on now.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The folks got back to Michigan in one piece. Dad insisted on driving much of the way, and paid for it by sleeping in his favorite chair last night, instead of bed. My mom's dizziness has subsided. And now I do not need to explain to my brother that I killed one parent (or the other) by having them come visit us in Colorado. (A definite fear)


We continue on the roof -- but a ray of light is showing. First, both girlies, plus a boyfriend, will be here tomorrow and Saturday to help. And DH has found a guy who'd be willing to finish the roof for us. I told Dave we MUST have done a good amount of the work already, because Mr. Roofer's quote is actually quite reasonable!

My 'roofpan hands' may soon be a thing of the past. One more weekend to go.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We've Got A Winner! And...the Kidnap

Congratulations, LouAnne Sassone! You've won the birthday pack drawing. Take a look at LouAnne's blog. I enjoy her approach to crazy quilting, stitching -- and life:


(Happy blog anniversary to you, LouAnne!)

We'll be offering more freebies in the future -- stay tuned.

* * * * * * * * * * **** *** ** ****** * **** ****

Last Friday. Dad was propped up in the chair, snoozing. Mom was cutting fabric and chatting away. I was on the computer, booking tickets for Phoenix. (I'm headed there next week to do a gig for the Phoenix, AZ guild.)

The doorbell rang, the dogs arfing away. It was two dear friends, Chris and Jo. "Grab your bag, pack it for 24 hours, and come with us," they said. I looked at Mom, who was laughing. Dave, who had just gotten home, was laughing. Chris and Jo were smirking. What was going on?

Well, it was a full-scale kidnapping, birthday-style. They refused to tell me each development until we were right there -- but we had coffee out on the patio at the 16 Street Mall to start. (A great place for watching strange people, horse-drawn carriages, buskers...) Then to the hotel -- with another good friend, Lizzy, peering from behind the door! Then on the Broker and a wonderful meal. And refreshing, renewing talk...until our eyes drifted shut at 3 a.m.

The next day, we ate a leisurely breakfast, then I got a facial! (Wonderful, but a little unnerving when you're laying there in your bra, being observed -- and commented on -- by three bemused friends.) Finally, it was on to see "Les Miserables," a stomping, shouting musical based (sort of) on Victor Hugo's novel. And finally, we had birthday cake in the park, then supper before heading home. Dazed, content and somehow refreshed.

It was one of the nicest weekends ever.

I am so grateful to have these loving friends.

It was a wonderful memory to keep me going -- because my actual birthday was difficult. Dad wasn't doing well. Mom had dizzy episodes, which turned out to altitude sickness. (24 years of visiting us here at 6250 altitude, and she gets it this year?!?) That made Dad want to leave NOW. And he sure didn't want to go into Denver for a birthday supper, even if it did save the girls (coming from Boulder via bus and lightrail) an hour of travel.

Fine. Ok. We'd wait until the girls got into town, and go somewhere local. Only that took more time...with the folks not seeming to understand that we couldn't go out to supper RIGHT NOW because the girlies weren't there yet. So they ended up peeved -- the girlies had to eat quickly, then turn right around and leave for home again -- and the relaxed birthday supper turned into a gobble-and-rush affair. (Oh yes -- and Dad refused to come.)


The folks left for Michigan yesterday morning, more than happy to leave. I heard from them this afternoon -- they were almost to Chicago, three hours drive from their place. Mom's dizziness had subsided. Dad was driving. And I really, really hope this is not the last time I ever see him.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

An Insider Look at Publishing

If you're a writer...if you're considering writing a book(s)...this gives a closer look at things like royalties, advances -- and when they DON'T pay off for the publisher. (I only wish that writing and publishing quilting books paid as well.)


Postedy Post

Well, according to Cheap Healthy Good, they taste terrific. They're certainly easy:


And Frugal Dad has an interesting list of all the ways he wasted money, time and effort -- maybe you goofed up this way, too.


Monday, September 22, 2008


It's finally happened...

the birthday.

Do I feel different?


But over the weekend, I was kidnapped and forced to enjoy the celebration. More on this in a bit...

sorry for the weekend's blank spaces, but when you're a hostage, not much gets done.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Lost and Found

A lot of things are in this category nowadays...including my stocks. (Except it's generally the opposite for them, poor babies.)

Like a wooden Viking shield -- the first one ever found in Denmark:


And a mystery ship uncovered on the Alabama coast by Hurricane Ike:


And a handwritten Mozart score, rediscovered since the early 1800s:


Dad and I had a long talk this morning -- something I would have missed, had I gone to the funeral in Missouri. I was able to tell him how I felt about him. Not that he didn't already know, but it was good to make sure he knew. This is a guy who adopted me when I was two. He didn't have to when he married my mom -- but he insisted on it. And he has never treated me any differently than my little brother, who has a full blood claim on him.

I love my dad. And I'm a lucky woman -- he loves me, too.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Decision Made

THANK YOU THANK YOU for your kind words about my dilemma. This has been a rough week.

As I mentioned earlier, Husband's Uncle Bill died Monday morning...funeral is tomorrow in Missouri north of Kansas city. Some ten hours drive away. Plane tickets just weren't feasible.

Should we go? Bill was very dear to both of us for many years, though in recent times we were not as close. Neither of Dave's brothers could make the trip. His aunts were elderly...who knew how much longer they would last. (Bill was 91.)

Complicating things --

*The roof(s). We must get these done before the snow flies.

*My parents, still here, visiting from Michigan. My dad's health is uncertain enough that leaving him and Mom here -- no real knowledge of where to go for medical care -- is really frightening.

*Our finances, which have been soaked up by the roofing costs (less of an issue -- I am learning more and more that this isn't the most essential thing to consider at a time like this. People are more important than money -- always.)

At first, we, along with Daughter #1, were going to leave tonight, drive most of the night, then leave to come back after the funeral. Twenty hours drive in two days.

Then Dave came home, unsure. He was so busy at work that he literally could not find the people to ask for the time off. Was God telling him this wasn't the right decision? Dave looked exhausted, telling me this. (He's been busting himself even more with the roofing than I have.)

Daughter #1 was hesitating. (Both she and D#2 have the flu. Bigtime.) Still willing to go...but hesitating.

I felt more and more unsure about leaving the folks. (Nearly all of your comments suggested I stay home with the folks, and let Dave go on his own. I love Husband and feel terrible sending him off to bear a burden by himself. I didn't want to do this.) But...my going meant other issues.

After a long talk, we decided -- we'll all stay home.

I made several phone calls, to Bill's daughter, our aunts. I'll send cards and a donation to the family's choice, the hospice that took care of Bill.

It wasn't the easiest decision, but my mind is at peace about it.

Thanks for helping me -- us -- make it.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I spent most of today just being with Mom and Dad -- watching 'Ice Road Truckers' (our mutual fix), cowboy movies...and just trying to let Dad know I loved him. Quietly.

Tomorrow will be mostly on the roof...the skies finally cleared up this evening, and it's supposed to be a nice weekend.

So, in the meantime, check out this interesting thread:


And this longer answer to the same question:


I'll tell you my opinion shortly. What's yours?

Money, Money

The folks came in from Michigan last night...my dad looking particularly awful. Once again, I remembered I probably don't have long to live with him.

This morning was better. Dad looked healthier, Mom more cheerful, and life in general seemed rosier...

I have work to do, but somehow don't have the gumption to start a new job. Think I'll work on the quilt restoration, instead.

Here are two money-related carnivals that are especially interesting this week:



Our skies are gray and rainy today -- no working on the roof until it clears up a bit. Maybe I'll build a fire in the fireplace...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Another review of CRAZY QUILTS


And this one, I'm especially honored by...

Remembering 9/11

The Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum will be displaying the "Freedom Quilt" through the end of the month:


This quilt was made by the students of Yasuko Saitoh as a remembrance to the people of the U.S. after the horrors of 9/11.

See it in person at the museum in Golden, CO... for more info, visit

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


The Mama mentioned a new salad making the rounds in Michigan -- watermelon mixed with onion, greens...and basil viniagrette! This is a refreshing mix of sweet and sour...I've seen tomatoes sliced and mixed in, as well.

This got me to thinking about other 'interesting' foods...including a slice of meat in aspic I gagged down one sunny afternoon in Nuremberg. (It was the cheapest thing on the menu...and I didn't quiiite understand the German translation!) If your penchant is for this sort of thing, you'll find a full list here, including an incredibly revolting Tripe Wiggle. It's all courtesy of Slashfood:


Don't think this isn't real -- it is! My grandma would whip out all sorts of meat jello types, including headcheese. Fortunately, she didn't usually go quite this far...


And on a better note, some very good chocolate chip cookies, courtesy of the New York Times.

Very Good Chocolate Chip Cookies
(adapted from a recipe by Jacques Torres)

Time: 45 minutes (for 1 6-cookie batch), plus at least 24 hours’ chilling

2 cups minus 2 tablespoons
(8 1/2 ounces) cake flour
1 2/3 cups (8 1/2 ounces) bread flour (for high altititude, make sure these measurements are rounded)
1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons coarse salt
2 1/2 sticks (1 1/4 cups) unsalted butter
1 1/4 cups (10 ounces) light brown sugar
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons (8 ounces) granulated sugar
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons natural vanilla extract
1 1/4 pounds bittersweet chocolate disks or fèves, at least 60 percent cacao content
Sea salt.

1. Sift flours, baking soda, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Set aside.
2. Using a mixer fitted with paddle attachment, cream butter and sugars together until very light, about 5 minutes. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Stir in the vanilla. Reduce speed to low, add dry ingredients and mix until just combined, 5 to 10 seconds. Drop chocolate pieces in and incorporate them without breaking them. Press plastic wrap against dough and refrigerate for 24 to 36 hours. Dough may be used in batches, and can be refrigerated for up to 72 hours.
3. When ready to bake, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a nonstick baking mat. Set aside.
4. Scoop 6 3 1/2-ounce mounds of dough (the size of generous golf balls) onto baking sheet, making sure to turn horizontally any chocolate pieces that are poking up; it will make for a more attractive cookie. Sprinkle lightly with sea salt and bake until golden brown but still soft, 18 to 20 minutes. Transfer sheet to a wire rack for 10 minutes, then slip cookies onto another rack to cool a bit more. Repeat with remaining dough, or reserve dough, refrigerated, for baking remaining batches the next day. Eat warm, with a big napkin.
Yield: 1 1/2 dozen 5-inch cookies.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Could you get by on nearly $3 a day? This teacher vowed she'd do just that --


Could this be a short-term solution for bills you know are coming up soon? Hmmm...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Want to Make $75 -- Fast?

Three posts in one day! This is stretching it, even for me...

but I couldn't resist telling you about this special.

Bank of America is offering $75 -- yes, seventy-five bucks -- if you open an online checking account with them, and add $25 to it in the next thirty days.

No fees to keep the checking account going, if you set up a direct deposit with them. But that deposit seems to be minimal. Another spot says it's a "Free Access Checking" with no monthly fee for use. Double check before you finish applying. (Read the fine print before you take advantage of this or any other special offer...you're responsible for what you do.)

Go here for more info:



I don't know about your neck of the woods, but ours is definitely getting chilly...

and a free pair of long underwear for a kiddo would be welcome. Ohgeezorganic is doing just that -- giving away a pair of well-made, organically-produced cotton long johns. They come in some beautiful colors, including my favorite, Purple Sky.

Go to SageandSavvy here, and she'll tell you how to enter...


And the OhGeeze site is here:


Monday, September 8, 2008

We've Got A Winner!

Seesawstar, you've won a dozen ribbon roses!! Congratulations!!

Stay tuned for more freebie drawings in the future...they're coming.

Good Work Well Done

TV show's done!

And I wasn't that terrified...

Didn't get much sleep the night before, though. Visions of demos, samples and Crazies whirled in my head, mixed in with the old inn I was staying in, bears (the inn warned they liked to wander around at night down the alley, and the sidewalk), ghosts (except there weren't any)...

The show, in spite of having an audience, was nearly as easy as just sitting down and talking to Ricky and Alex. ( I do like them very much -- Alex, I'd spent a wonderful day with while taping a 'Hanky Panky' segment on Simply Quilts.) Oh yes, and making a huge mess of fabrics and embellishments all over the demo table!

After picking up...and signing books...and stuffing everything in the poor Cherokee... I drove 2 1/2 hours to home -- to spend a few hours hauling shingles up on the roof. Nothing like roofing to put everything back into perspective.

The garage is tar-papered, drip edge hammered on, and ready for shingles.

Daughter #1 and I played Destructor on the first section of house roof last night -- more to come.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Off to the Races...and the Quilt Show

we're still in tarpaper and shingle stage on the garage roof -- but it will have to wait for a few days. I'm off to tape a segment on Crazy Quilts for "The Quilt Show" in LaVeta -- about three hours drive down to southern Colorado

My part is September 6 (Saturday) in the morning -- wanna come keep me company? Meet Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims? See some great quilts and learna few techniques?

Visit http://www.thequiltshow.com/ for more information. Audience members will each get a goodie bag from Brickworks, and have a chance at several door prizes.

Would love to see you there!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The new edition of CRAZY QUILTS is out...and going fast. Amazon just got a new shipment of books a few days ago -- and as of last night, only one copy was left. We still have a batch of books, though, and we're offering a better price than Amazon! Visit the Brickworks website to order a copy:


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I'll be back sometime late Saturday, 'dead beat and plum tuckered out,' as Dave says. (He's staying here to continue The Saga of the Roof, along with Daughter #1.) This taping business is very freaky -- I always feel like a deer in front of the headlights.

Off to it...have a great weekend.

CRAZY QUILTS reviewed again --

This time, in PieceWork Magazine's "Book Marks" section, September/October 2008 issue:

This is what they had to say:

After reading about the history of crazy quilts from their probable origin in the costume of the commedia dell'artes Harlequin through their heyday in the Victorian era to the present, and after admiring page after page of brilliant, outrageous crazies, you will certainly want to create one of your own. Thankfully, Crazy Quilts also covers the basics of planning, constructing (three methods), finishing, and embellishing your own quilt. An appendix offers a selection of historic embroidery motifs. Irresistible.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hellen Kelley: Another Quilting Spirit Passes On

This courtesy of Ricky Tims...
From her local newspaper:

I want to let you know about the death of one of our authors and a NE Minneapolis resident, Helen Kelley, who passed away on Sunday evening, Sept. 1, 2008. In August, Helen was inducted into the Quilting Hall of Fame as the 38th Honoree to receive this prestigious award.

Helen was known throughout the national quilting community through the column she wrote since 1983 for Quilters Newsletter Magazine, the oldest continuously published magazine dedicated to quilt-making and quilt history. In addition, she wrote seven books including three compilations of her columns, Every Quilt Tells a Story, Joy of Quilting and Loose Threads, all published by Voyageur Press, an imprint of the Quayside Publishing Group.

Helen started using a sewing machine when she was a child and taught herself to quilt as an about-to-be bride. In 1972, the Minneapolis Tribune featured a story about a family quilt she had made from quilt blocks garnered from friends around the world for her daughter's wedding. The unexpected news coverage brought Helen local interest and opportunities to teach quilting in the Minneapolis community.

In 1978 Helen was a founding member of the Minnesota Quilters and served as its founding president. Today, the Minnesota Quilters have over 1500 members. Helen taught quilting all over the world and was known not only for her skills as a teacher, artist and quilter, but as much for her warmth and humor and the joy she brought to the quilting community.

The list of honors that Helen has received throughout her career in quilting and service to her community are long and impressive:

1995 Artist of Distinction, Fiber/Metal Arts of Minnesota
1998 Minnesota Quilter of the Year
1999 Renaissance Quilt was selected by a prestigious national committee of quilt-makers and quilt historians organized by the International Quilt Association as one of the 100 best quilts of the 20th century
2000 Minnesota Textile Center's Spun Gold Award

Until her death, Helen continued to lecture, teach, and exhibit. A 30- year retrospective of her work was on exhibit in Marion, Indiana, at The Quilters Hall of Fame during her induction and her work was also on display at the Minnesota Quilters show in Rochester in June.

More information about Helen can be found on her website at:

Stupidest Purchase You've Ever Made?

Two hawks were wheeling in this morning's cool breeze, one nearly motionless while the other divebombed..."for rabbits or kitties," Dave said, paused in mid-hammer. (Our current kitty, Big Boy, has managed to avoid coyotes, hawks and owls for more than a year now, though he no longer speaks to us. We're the food providers, of course, and the garage is mouse-free...but that's the extent of our worthiness to His Nibs.)

one more board tonight, then we put on the last round of tarpaper, the drip edge and start nailing on shingles. Finally. Yes, I sound like I know what I'm doing. But really, Dave just tells me the words and I do whatever he says. Works for me.

I had never realized that Little Brother had done four roofs in his time, including working on the house as a kid, when the folks demolished a rickety outside set of stairs that we loved to play on -- and were undoubtedly a death trap. Grandpa DeVries, a retired farmer from Corsica, SD, often came and played on our farm, combining, plowing and putting up hay. Mike said he re-did the roof after the stairs were gone.

Beats me -- I must have been helping Mom with canning, or playing with my Barbies. (Note to adult self: do not rebuke any future grandchildren with abusing their Barbies. Remember that you used to nibble your Barbies' toes off -- even the early ones, which would be worth big bucks now. If they had their toes, that is.)

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Gather Little by Little has an intriguing new post: What was your dumbest purchase?


Ours is easy -- back in the early 1990s, we invested $7000 (or so we thought) in a partial share of a wireless license. A California company was doing radio shows about bidding for these, how they were limited, going to be worth big bucks, etc. etc. We did our research -- called the Better Business Bureau, checked references, and so on, before sending the check.

I had the strangest impulse to stop payment right after it went out in the mail...but I didn't.

We never heard from this company again. We never saw a cent of that money. My only comfort was that it was from an extra-large tax refund, and we didn't 'need' it -- and we hadn't purchased a full share!

Other lessons learned:

*listen to your gut. If something feels wrong, it is.
*never assume that because the BBB hasn't heard of the company, that it's fine. It isn't.
*don't trust everything a reference says. Even the saleswoman said she was investing her parents' money in this because it was a sure thing. Ha.

I should have bought Barbies, instead!

Ruby Is Gone

    She died Monday afternoon. We buried her under a cedar tree, and I will plant lavender on her grave -- because she was such a sweet dog...