Friday, October 2, 2009

Quilting for Dear Life

Just before I left on this trip, the publisher e-mailed...they wanted quilts to promote the book NOW, for display on the booth.

That would be just fine -- except the quilts made for the Golden West book were just in top form! And the antique quilts had either gone back into the museum collections, or were returned to their owners.

My Machine Quilter Extraordinaire, Tammy di Pasquale, finished one top and shipped it off. Mom and I have been busting ourselves quilting a second and third top...both are quilted, and we're busy stitching on the bindings this afternoon. They'll be in the mail, and on to a hotel in Houston.

I'm blowing kisses their direction, and waving them Godspeed. Hopefully they'll do their job.

It's been raining here in Michigan (north of Grand Rapids) today, but just an off-and-on drizzle. Kind of refreshing; we see so little rain at home in Colorado. The Brick and Daughter #2 are antelope hunting this weekend. Hope they bring home a nice juicy, hairy friend.

1 comment:

allie aller said...

A quilting marathon with your mom...what could be more fun!
Wish I was going to Houston, too....

I Shouldn't Be Laughing...

  Poor guy...