Friday, September 24, 2010

Teaching Without Light - Living Without Money

Last night's talk at the library was one of the most interesting ever. We'd lugged in the books and quilts and started to lay everything out when BAM! The lights went out. And stayed out.
   A big chunk of town had no electricity, including the library room where I was speaking. Fortunately, the room next door had a little natural light from several windows. The librarians found a few flashlights, and we looked over the first quilts with flashlights playing up and down them. Forty minutes later (it was supposed to be only 10-15 min.), the lights came back on -- Hooray!
   At least the audience, and yours truly, got a better feeling of what it was like to make -- and view -- quilts in the Golden West.

And from the "Whoa, Let's Think About This" Department:
   Mark Boyle has lived for two years, he says, without using any money. He lives in a camper he got free; scavenges wild fruit and dumpster food; and cooks on an outdoor stove, using wood he chops himself. Here's the general scoop, plus another take on the subject (with some great photos). Boyle even wrote a book on the subject: The Moneyless Man.

I must be getting old -- because my first thought was that Boyle was lucky. Lucky to find a place he could park the trailer without having to pay rent; lucky that he even got the trailer in the first place. (They don't give 'em away in my neck of the world!) And good luck finding lots of food when it's winter out!
    He's got some interesting tricks for getting things free. (Including making maximum use of the Freecycle movement.) So why not pick up what you can from this interesting book...and gently leave the rest.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Quilts of the Golden West -- in Castle Rock

Got some free time tonight? I'd love to have you join me to discuss Quilts of the Golden West -- and the Gold and Silver Rushesl. We'll see lots of antique and new samples, and talk about how quiltmakers have expressed their opinion about money, finances and politics in their quilts. I think you'll be surprised...

The talk's at the Philip S. Miller Library in Castle Rock, CO -- 7 p.m. Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Husband's Progress

Thankfully, it's optimistic -- he gets a bit stronger every day. But he is still not back to full strength. Hours spent at work mean that he comes home wiped out and sleeps for a few hours. And he can't put in a full workday yet.

That's okay. Beats the alternative...

Graphic courtesy of ppdigital at But don't think this is typical for Colorado -- we don't have much, other than gold and orange...and very few maples.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Baking Cakes

A rainstorm cleared away the dryness this's been nearly a month. I called the Mama, yelling "I'm scared!" She fell for it. "What? What's happening? Are you ok?" I yelled, "I'm scared, Mom -- there's something wet falling out of the sky!!"  She started laughing...

This new coolness is so refreshing. It made me think more about fall-type projects, like baking. Our family has a tough time eating a full cake, but these tiered pans from the Lakeside Collection are the perfect size:

And the price? You're not going to believe this -- $7.95!

They've got an interlocking numbers cake set:

as well as giant 'cupcake' pans, that are intriguing, too. Other novelty pans available. Prices are extremely reasonable. (And nope, I'm not being paid by the Lakeside Collection -- I'm just a fan. You have to be careful to pick among the flotsam and jetsam, but there are some great bargains there!)

Monday Oddball Stuff

The World's Smallest Cow -- she's the size of a sheep! Swallow has had nine regular-sized calves, and is due with her tenth. Her size isn't the only unusual thing -- she also enjoys listening to BBC classical music.

A Brooklyn?? The recent storm left a 14-mile swath of destruction...

Randy Quaid arrested AGAIN??  For squatting in a guesthouse he and wife Evi owned some years ago? This goes hard on the heels of the couple's previous charges, for not paying a $10,000 hotel bill and other mayhem.  I've admired this talented actor's work -- what in the world is going on?

Odd and gutsy -- Phillipe Croizon, a quadruple amputee, has completed a swim across the English Channel.

And one of the decade's most clever, absorbing movies: Inception. It's a meditation on architecture, a spin on Escher's work, an engineer's love of gadgets and gizmos...and a James Bond-style thriller on a group who can steal -- and influence -- your dreams. It will be out on DVD soon, but the real way to view this complicated, absorbing flick is on the big screen. (Little details and comments do matter, in this case.) I finally got Husband to go last week, with only a few people in the audience. He loved it; you will, too.

When Someone You Love Is in the Hospital

Things from Home That Help:
   *a clean set of clothes for wearing home (also acts as a mental reminder that they WILL go home)
   *their own pillow (enormously comforting -- and more comfortable, too)
   *a favorite snack for both of you (most of the hospital fare was at best edible. Husband craved, among other things, a Coke.)
   *slippers and/or comfortable socks
   *laptop computer, if you've got one -- you'll also need charger cords for it, as well as cellphones
   *something trashy for you to read while you're waiting  (a friend gave me the most recent issue of People, but I also found comfort in silly romances and 'haunted stuff' books.)

Don't Plan On:
   *understanding what's going on, especially at first. Just think what your loved one is feeling -- they're really out of it! You MUST listen carefully, for their sakes. Ask lots of questions until you do understand.
   *getting much work done while you're waiting. (See next comment)
   *getting much sleep while you're there. Everybody and their brother will come in to poke your loved one, take blood, check on them, etc. Your bed won't be very comfortable, to begin with. Plan on waking up every time the door opens. (Now you know why you won't be getting much work done -- you'll be dozing a lot more!)
    *having much done quickly. You'll have to wait for tests, doctor visits and even simple things like IV changes, Get used to the idea, as distasteful as it seems. (Husband's IV would 'beep' when it was finished -- and that beeping would keep on until the nurse stopped by. As long as 30 min. later.

Do Plan On:
    *Being your loved one's chief defender. You're the one who will have to listen to doctors' comments, answer questions when your person is out of it, insist on clarity.
   *Their Primary Go-pher. If their ice runs out, the IV starts beeping (previous comment), or they're trying to get a shower (and need their IV detached)...guess who's going to be the one who either does it -- or goes to find the nurse? Yep, you.
   *Their Head Newsperson, Cheerleader and Reassurer. You'll be the primary one people call for information. But you'll also be your loved person's main conduit to The World Outside. Tell them about everyday life -- pass on the news. Tease and fuss over them.
      Remind them that this is temporary, that they'll be home soon. And you'll still love them just as much as ever. No matter what.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Getting Itchy...

Husband Dave actually went into the office on Friday....yay! He came home exhausted, and has spent most of today resting, but he is definitely doing better.
   I am so grateful.

Spent most of this week cleaning up and putting stuff away. The house was full of dusty piles of papers, clothing that needed to be folded and put away, stuff like that. I took a room at a time -- throwing stuff away (2 garbage cans' worth), filing the taxable receipts, and rearranging things as I went. Sweeping, cleaning and dusting followed. The living room -- the kitchen -- we now have clear surfaces! This hasn't happened in months...

Trying not to wonder about the medical bills which will be coming in soon. I've read a couple of books about people who lived homeless, as a reminder that this too will pass...and worrying about it won't help. I even found a blog, ImtheWorkingPoor, that deals a lot with living on a miniscule income. (Donna Freedman's blog has tips on the same subject, but handles it more cheerfully.)
   I found several Christmas presents for the girls at great prices this week -- one, from a store that was closing, was especially incredible. Was God reassuring me that we'd be ok? That He was aware and caring about us and our situation?
   I think He was.
   We've been short before -- we'll handle this ok. Dave's getting better, and income is coming in again. Orders have picked up for Brickworks, too. I've got some ideas for homemade presents. Fall is finally starting to kick in, in spite of hot temps and forest fires around favorite time of year. The Hawaii cruise looms -- two weeks of spending time with Mom, strolling the circuit, and four days of teaching.
   It will be all right.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bonnie Leman 1926-2010

A giant in the quilting world died back on Sept. 4. Bonnie Leman left as unassumingly as she'd lived. Yet this classy lady founded Quilter's Newsletter and a handful of other quilt-related magazines. She did so at a time when quilting was thought of as a 'little old ladies' field, and dismissed to back bedrooms.

Bonnie was inducted into the Quilter's Hall of Fame some years back; they have a thoughtful retrospective (including some great photos), including a link to a live interview.

I worked for four years (1992-96) for the company Bonnie founded, Leman Publications. During my time, Jeannie Spears, then Mary Leman Austin, were the editorial directors, and the business was sold to Rodale. But Bonnie was the person I interviewed with. Her name still appeared as author on Leman Pub. titles. And she still visited regularly. She had a quiet way of making her opinion known about the magazine pages of the current issue posted for review. (These lined one of the hallways, and everyone was expected to check and double-check them before actual publication.)

Her passion for quality and excellence -- something she passed on to the editorial people under her -- had a huge influence on my own work as a designer and editor. I was fortunate to learn the trade from writers, editors and artists who not only cared how the patterns and quilts looked on the page. (Great photos and layouts weren't encouraged - they were demanded.) These were practicing quilters, who also demanded that the patterns and info be accurate. If that meant tweaking and revising, or sewing the pattern yourself, so be it. Our magazines had a reputation for being ready to use -- pick up an issue, cut out the patterns, and sew the blocks, with no problems. Bonnie (and we) were proud of that.

No doubt Bonnie is choosing materials for her next project, or picking out a favorite book from the Heavenly Library. Find one from the Library of Alexandria for me, Bonnie...and rest in peace.
              * * * * * * *

Bonnie Hale Leman, 83, of Arvada, CO, passed away on Saturday, September 4, 2010. Born in Purdin, Missouri on September 28, 1926, to Rex and Laura Hale. She left home for college at 16 and graduated from Park College three years later. She moved to Denver in 1953 and met her husband George Leman while they were both pursuing master's degrees at the University of Denver. She was a mother, teacher and freelance writer until she found her calling in the publishing business, when, in 1969, she founded Quilter's Newsletter Magazine. Through her magazine she helped revive and foster an appreciation of quilts as a great American art form that continues to this day. Bonnie grew her magazine readership to more than 200,000 subscribers in over 100 countries, as well as writing and publishing numerous books and other publications on quiltmaking. She travelled much of the world in the course of her career, made hundreds of friends, and contributed to the growth of the quiltmaking art in many countries. She retired in 1995 to enjoy her children and grandchildren. Preceded in death by her husband George Leman (1986), she is survived by her daughters Megan O'Gorman (John O'Gorman), Mary Leman Austin (Milton Austin), Emilie Leman, Georgianne Holland (Ted Holland), David Leman, Andrew Leman (Glenn Alfonso), and Matthew Leman (Tara Williams Leman). Her cherished grandchildren include Jerome and Pauline DeFelice; Jessica, Laura, and Eric Bender; and Avery Leman. Also survived by her beloved brother Roy Hale and family of San Francisco; and the Jack and Betty Most family of Carlsbad, New Mexico. A Rosary will be said Monday, September 13, 7:00 p.m., Mt. Olivet, 12801 W. 44th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, 303-424-7785. Funeral mass will take place Tuesday, September 14, 10:00 a.m., Sts. Peter and Paul Church, 3920 Pierce Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-4942, (303) 424-0402. Reception information will be available at the funeral service.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Best Financial Books

J.D. over at Get Rich Slowly posted a bit ago about his favorite "money" books -- and lots of people (including yours truly) threw their ideas in the pot, as well. I've only heard of some of J.D.'s book suggestions, but I intend to find some of them -- especially The Incredible Secret Money Machine, which he raved about.

Here's my list --

The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley (but don't miss his Millionaire Mind and Millionaire Women books, as well. (His most recent book, Stop Acting Rich, is good -- but I got more from the others.)
How to Live Without A Salary by Charles Long

The Complete Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacyczyn (pronounced "decision")
Possum Living by Dolly Freed  (A profile on Dolly is here)
Debt Free Living by Larry Burkett
The Courage to Be Rich by Suze Orman (I learned a lot from her 9 Steps To Financial Freedom; her other books are good too, except the Road to Wealth -- don't bother.)
Frugal Indulgents by Kera Bolonik and Jennifer Griffin (a bit too obsessed with sex, and obviously just fine with getting wasted from drugs and alcohol -- but I enjoyed quite a bit of this book)
Frugal Luxuries by Tracey McBride (Frugal Luxuries by the Seasons is also great)
You Can Live on Half Your Income by Camilla Luckey

Good Old Days' series books are inspiring because they're based on real-life accounts -- I thought the Thrift, We Survived And Thrived and Kitchen titles especially good. (Try the Thrift title first.)

There...that's a start. If you've got additions, I'd love to hear them!

Picking Up the Pieces

You've been so patient with me...thank you. And thank you for your kind comments. I'm not unaware at how close I came to losing my husband.

Dave came home Saturday afternoon, in time to watch Michigan (barely) beat Notre Dame. Ever since, he's been on the pill version of the antibiotic: the pills are about $35 each! (On the other hand, that doesn't seem like much now, since Hospital Standards kicked in. We both know a big bill is coming, and our deductible is huge.)

In spite of an occasional fever and getting exhausted easily, he gets a bit stronger. Every day. Thank God. He actually put in some time today on the computer system he's been working on...a good sign.

In the meantime, I've been picking up the pieces leftover from trying to cram business stuff in the tiny bits of time I had after hanging out at the hospital. That's getting better...but somehow it doesn't matter that much right now. Just waking up next to a warm back is far more important.

You should be hearing more from me in coming days.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The End is In Sight


Only minutes after I'd typed the last post, Dr. Carson (the doctor who'd first seen Dave in the emergency room) stopped by, and asked if Husband would like to go home tomorrow.

Would he!?!

Klebsiella oxytoca, the nasty "hospital" bug that I'd come to think of as the secondary infection, actually caused all the trouble all along. Husband picked it up somewhere -- possibly weeks ago, when he first started struggling with stomach pain. (No way to tell, since there were no tests done then.) K.O. literally did that -- somehow escaped from Dave's digestive system, and proliferated in his blood. This sepsis, or infection, spread like crazy throughout Dave's body, concentrating on his liver and slamming him into the hospital for a week. The good doctor confirmed what I'd suspected when we first hit the emergency room -- they had seen people not recover from a fast-moving infection like this, and were worried for Dave.

So, unless his liver 'bad numbers' skyrocket, it's home for the Bricks tomorrow morning. Although today's procedure pointed out nothing amiss, the specialist did clear out and dilate those troublesome ducts...which should also help with future stomach issues.

I have every confidence that the God of Creation knows and allows events in our lives, both good and bad, which help shape and guide us in wisdom. Why in the world did Dave get so sick this time, of all? Why couldn't I make that teaching trip to Washington? Why this incredible expense? (Our deductible is huge. But at least we have insurance...) Why??
     Can we trust Him, that this week happened for our greater good? 
     We must.

So it's one more uncomfortable night on the chair, and one nasty night for the Brick, with tubes and yet more blood samples. (They want to be sure.) But it will not be for much longer.


Another near-sleepless night, trying to sleep sideways on the pulled-out chair. It would fit if I was 5-foot or less....but at 5'7", I'm out of luck and perpetually hanging off the edge.

But both Husband and I were feeling hopeful, for once. This new 'rotor rooter' procedure would solve Dave's problem!

Well, hours later, it's finished. Husband has a headache and a scratchy throat, from where the camera tube went down his throat and into his digestive system. According to him, the doctor said they didn't find anything wrong -- "everything was normal."

But Husband talked to the doctor just after he'd come out of the anesthesia...was that it? Did the doctor say anything else?

I don't have a clue...because even though I was sitting in the waiting room (waiting, like I was instructed to), no one bothered to let me know. The doctor didn't come out. Repeated requests to the women at the desk only brought the response that Husband was ok in the recovery room and "they'd let me know when I could go back there."

Hours went by. Fortunately, friend Jo was there to keep me company. After two hours had gone by from the 'husband in recovery' comment, we'd had lunch and read everything in sight, I finally went back up to the desk and insisted I would like to see Husband. After some time, the front desk lady said, "Oh, they already took him back to his room!"

Husband, who HAD requested I be told, was unaware why I hadn't shown up sooner. Friend Jo, who is much more patient, was amused. (And taught me a good lesson in patience in the meantime.) And I was ready to bite someone.

So here we sit -- me, determined that I will wait it out until a doctor finally decides to bless us with his or her presence. And we STILL do not know exactly what is going on with Dave's infections, only that they're continuing to slowly recede. Today's day nurse, Gabrielle, sensing our frustration, has gone way out of her way to offer help with little things like tums for Dave's upset stomach, a fresh bottle of saline solution, a pat and encouraging word. She's a champ.

Thank God for all those small encouragements. Prayers are welcome.

Update on Husband Dave

See earlier post...

   Finally -- finally -- we are seeing a ray of light. The doctors finally isolated the 'bug' that was cultured from one of Dave's blood samples -- and it turns out to be one that hangs around in hospitals (and often turns into pneumonia). How it found Dave and decided to take up residence is a mystery neither we nor the doctors can figure out at present.
   They've been pumping antibiotics into Dave intravenously ever since Monday night, and finally both the liver infection and the 'bug' are starting to back off. Today, Dave went most of the day without a fever -- the first since he got here. The 'bad' liver infection numbers have gone from around 1000 to 150, today's score. ('Normal' is less than 50.)
    Also, after reviewing the tests, one of the specialists realized that Dave's bile ducts are far smaller than they should be. (2.5 mm vs a more normal 5.5 mm) This morning (Friday), around noon they'll send a camera down his gullet and do what Dave calls a "rotor rooter" operation, checking down through, plus scraping out any gunk and gently enlarging the ducts. (They also may take a liver biopsy for further tests.) The specialist thinks this problem may have been growing quietly for years, and God willing, this procedure will take care of it permanently.
   She thinks the bile backup may have been causing the liver infection, too...Dave's got through a whole battery of tests, with little showing as a problem. Thankfully, the tests have proven that his heart is strong. (His dad died from a heart attack at age 55.) The tests are also showing no sign of tumors, cancer or gallstones -- another persistent worry.
    In the meantime, he continues to slowly improve. Today was the first he actually sat up and showed any interest in ANYTHING.
    It's been an incredibly surreal week. But we are grateful he's still here and finally starting to improve. The doctors say he can't leave ICU until the infection numbers are down, the fever stays gone, and they figure out what in the world happened. Please pray that all will go well with this procedure, and Dave can improve enough to be allowed to go home.
    Thank you so much for your prayers, visits and kind words of encouragement. We are both so grateful.

Ruby Is Gone

    She died Monday afternoon. We buried her under a cedar tree, and I will plant lavender on her grave -- because she was such a sweet dog...