Friday, March 31, 2023
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Not Sure What to Think...
Woould you hesitate driving into this tunnel?
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Frugal Hits & Misses: March Report
In some ways, March has been the usual: sunny, warm days that make you think, "Yup, Spring is here" -- and stormy, snowy ones that promise it isn't.
That takes a real toll on hope and optimism after a while.
Nonetheless, we persevered. I had several deadlines to finish before a trip in our near future. The Brick needed to change the oil in the truck (a complicated procedure), and we both (he mostly) helped a friend move to McNeal, AZ. (Yes, the same place we volunteered at. And hope to go help at again someday.)
We're gradually moving back into the fifth-wheel, and tidying up the house. We only lived in a few rooms, so it won't be that difficult. Our friends are returning in April, and need their home back. I'm loooking forward to living in the fifth-wheel again, for several reasons. For one: it's our home! For another: I'll know better where everything is. And it definitely should look more tidy. We did not want to move our friends' things out, so generally we just piled our stuff on counters, shelves, etc., instead of emptying the cupboards. Now all we have to do is scoop our items up, lug them out to the trailer (the hardest part), then wipe off the shelves. So that's good.
I am not looking forward to lugging over the canned goods, though. .
Hopefully, we'll get lots ot rain and/or snow this coming month. It's so dry here in Colorado -- we always can use it.
A thank you to all you Gentle Readers out there -- the blog has consistently had nearly 6,000 - up to nearly 7,000 visits every month! I'm honored you would want to spend time here -- thank you so much. Please let me know if you have questions, or there are subjects you'd like me to cover. I'd be happy to help out.
(some of these are from late February)
*Finally got a haircut this month! We both needed one -- badly.
*Took a big risk and bought stock in Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Credit Suisse. We'll see if I was smart -- or not.
*Bought myself a bunch of Walmart clearance clothes: a long-sleeved 'flannel' plaid shirt for $5, several long-sleeved undershirts for $3, tanks for $1 each, a hoodie for $5, and new underwear! (Plus a very reasonably-priced swimsuit for the Brick.) These aren't best quality, but they're good -- and they wear out quickly over a year, anyways. These prices are better than thrift shop shirts. (Our local thrift shop has suddenly decided that its stained, worn t-shirts are worth $5 each. I don't think so.) We also got two sets of queen sheets ($20 and $30 each) and a $15 hand-hooked rug from our local Tuesday Morning, which was closing. (The same one I worked at.)
*Downloaded several free e-books, thanks to a heads-up from Money Saving Mom.
*Scored a few $2 videos from the library booksale room -- including Proof of Life, which we'd never seen. It goes on our 'Best Movies Ever' list.
*Used a $25 giftcard (given out at the Brown Palace tea) to augment Fogo de Chao's high-priced lunch. But the Brazilian-style meats and salads were wonderful at this restaurant, and customer service was some of the best I have ever seen.
This was for Son #1's delayed birthday celebration, highlighted by a very strange tradition: birthday cake, served off the back of the truck in the parking lot! It was too windy to keep the candles lighted, but we all enjoyed the chocolate cake, anyways.
*THREE free meals at snazzy restaurants. One was for a new restaurant opening up (Postino's), thanks to Daughter #2 and Son #1's invitation. The others (Eddie Merlot's and Fleming's Steakhouse) were for investment seminars. Hey, I always learn something!
*Planted the hyacinth I got last month, and held off until month's-end to put in peas and greens. This was much smarter than I'd intended. The temperatures have been much lower than usual this time of year. (In fact, it's about 16 degrees while I'm typing this.)
*Found money! A quarter, plus an Eveready round battery, in the change machine at Safeway. (No, I don't know why the battery was in there.) Just when I was getting discouraged, after checking the return slot every time I went there. The Brick thinks this is very funny....but it turns out that Daughter #2 and Son #1 do the same thing, with good results. (Maybe people are more careless with their change in Boulder.)
Discovered something helpful for cleaning out small giftcard balances -- reload your giftcard balance at Amazon! Sooner or later you'll order something from there. Otherwise, it's very hard to finish off a giftcard when there are only a few $$ left on it. I hate losing small amounts, even when it's just pennies. Or 22 cents.
*A $50 Red Lobster giftcard to spend -- thanks to Daughter #1, for her dad's birthday.
*St. Patrick's and Easter cards: 40-50 cents each, both from the thrift shop and Dollar Tree.
*Mysterious Island -- the dvd was $8 and change from Amazon. Love this odd Harryhausen movie.
*Helped our friend clean and pack for moving to McNeal, AZ. We hope to be there ourselves next winter for a while.
*Closed the door on buying a subscription to the symphony. I'd still like to go, but we'll pick and choose what we attend, instead of trudging to everything.
*Kept repeat-growing green onions.
*Did an appraisal day at Holly's Quilt Cabin in Littleton.
*Got a 'happy package' from my blogger friend in Boise: a cookbook plus more recipes. (Thanks so much, My Tireless Retirement!)
*The Brick did more chores, including cleaning/maintenance on ceiling lights, and changing the oil in the truck. (The latter is much more difficult than you would think.)
*Sold more Red Robin stock -- after it made a huge jump (28%!) in one day, then jumped more the following days after. (I still have no idea why, but I should have waited longer to sell.) Almost messed up by buying SVB stock; thankfully that order was cancelled when the stock was frozen. I would have lost a lot.
*Got my teeth cleaned and checked, as part of the 'Membership Club' at our dentist. I'd paid that fee earlier, so it was 'free.' Fortunately, the club also included a small discount. (See 'Misses')
*Our long-lost 2022 income tax refund finally arrived. Eleven months late. Fortunately, modest interest was included.
*Complained about Tostitos Mexican Three Cheese chips (the taste was off), got replacement coupons for two bags. I believe if you don't get what you paid for, you point that out -- and I've been quite effective doing it. I also got replacement coupons for three DiGiorno pizzas. (Problems there, too.)
*Grocery Bargains: 97-cent half gallons of milk, 75-cent peppers, free cream cheese (gave the coupon to a friend) and Tostito's Toppers (the latter used for salad dressing), $1.97/lb hamburger, accompanied by an admiring comment from the checkout clerk: "Boy, you got a bargain there!" (Safeway) A free jar of dip for every two (sale) bags of Tostitos, $1.48/lb sausage (I haven't seen this price for at least two years), a dozen fancy pastries for $3.60, $1 snack-sized packages of Reese's peanut butter cups, 99-cent mesh bags of green peppers (3) and apples (6), and a dozen eggs for a then-astonishing $3.19. Eggs are lower now, for some weird reason. (King Soopers) Snow's clam chowder and Mary Kitchen hash -- two canned goods for the 'keeper' shelf, and a little more than $2 each. (Amazon/Amazon Warehouse) And a kind friend threw in a free dozen eggs, courtesy of her chickens. (I paid her back with homemade bread.)
*Three rewards from Safeway (for being an 'elite' member -- snort), plus one already in my account, earned us a free 8-piece bucket of chicken.
*Four books, all short story collections by Joe Wheeler: $13 and change on Ebay, plus free shipping. (A friend gave me a book a of Joe's old-time story collection, and it was wonderful. I passed several books on to other friends.)
*Bought a plant tunnel, plus packets of sugar snap pea seed and bush bean seed on Amazon. (The Brick found my other seed packets in the trailer.) I planted the hyacinth plant I'd gotten earlier, plus some of our sprouting potatoes. I'll start peas, greens and marigolds under the protection of the tunnel. Let's see if those pesky deer can figure this one out! After all, April showers bring May...
*A new crown for me: $1700 and change. I had a toothache on the other side, but it didn't need a filling. (Our dentist photographed and checked it for free...which was kind of him.) I am on the tail end of a 'membership club' at the dentist, which did save us $370 off the crown price. But still... the Brick got a crown last month. How come we both have crowns -- and still didn't get invited to King Charles' coronation?? (I know - silly me.)
*Once again, had to go to customer service (once at King Soopers, once at Safeway) to get mistakes fixed. Both clerks were nice about it -- but I am getting very tired of this. Be sure to check your receipts; this happens now more often than not.
*Changing oil on the truck is EXPENSIVE. We saved some, though, because the Brick did it himself. The one filter he couldn't replace, our friends at Tombstone Diesel fixed -- for no charge. ("Fellow Michigander," he told the Brick. What a nice guy.)
If you need truck repair and live in the Denver area, this is the place to go to. They have always been fair with us. Now you know their coordinates, too!
*Wasted some onions. (They went mushy on me.) The potatoes were headed the same direction -- but I managed to get them eaten, and planted the sprouts. Considering that onions are not 79 cents EACH, instead of by the pound, this can get a bit pricey. But I've been doing better lately at not letting produce go bad. That's a comfort, at least.
*Still haven't gotten our Red Robin bonus bucks. This is freaky.
* I think I may have lost some change. A any rate, I was jingling somehow walking to Red Robin. And before that, I was checking rolls of half-dollars, hoping for some silver ones. (They weren't there.) Did a half-dollar hitch a ride somewhere, and land in the parking lot? (sigh)
Last month is here. March 2022 is here. And just for fun, here's March 2021. We sure have had different experiences in March-April of each year...and this one is no exception.
Working on taxes now -- we may actually get them done early!
Monday, March 27, 2023
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Busy, Busy...
Nine hundred million things to do -- and some cleaning in the house, as we move back into the fifth-wheel. Plus TAXES. Yuck, yuck, yuck.
STUFF is getting done, though. That is a wonderful feeling.
The first wolverine sighting in 30 years in Oregon. (Not that they weren't there all along...)
That tempting fajitas sizzle is... water??
One of our favorite guitar players -- friend Sal Mancini covers "Wicked Game:"
A Maserati purchased from Carvana is confiscated by the police. Turns out it was 3 years older than the buyer was told -- and stolen, to boot! Someone messed up on this one...
Butterhorn crescent rolls -- three ingredients!
Two boxers meet a dinosaur in their backyard.
Coventry God Cakes. That's right... you heard it here! (From Lavender & Lovage)
Camp Sane is open for business! Better get your application in -- if you support Latino critical race theory, that is. (I'll be very, very interested to see who exactly is allowed to use this haven of wokeness. Shades of Patrice Cullors and the BLM compound. If you're curious, more here.)
Another Native American faker exposed. (sigh) This one's in Hollywood.
Grow your veggies in a pallet garden. (From the Cheapskate Cook)
Weird cases of 'time slips' -- missing time. Here's another batch, too.
Celebrities who read a lot -- and the contents of their bookshelves.
Jeremy Renner is walking again -- after the horrendous accident that broke more than 30 of his bones. Keep improving, buddy!
Where were these famous Wild Westerners buried? Also:
Unsolved mysteries of the Old West.
Strange photos from Mars - a slideshow.
"BLM: Where did the money go?" Some of these questions still aren't answered, a year later.
Ancient mysteries that are STILL unsolved.
Medieval era treasure, including gold jewelry, found in the Netherlands.
Barbecued green beans. (Thanks, Elle, for passing this on!)
More on the 'fifth plane' mystery of 9/11.
'Interesting' (and sometimes downright odd) regional dishes -- including cannibal sandwiches and Colorado's famous slopper. (Check out my book, Ghosts & Legends. It started in Pueblo, by the way.)
Those weird activists that keep gluing themselves to things? Florence, Italy's mayor finally steps up against them. Then stays to clean up the mess they made. Gutsy.
Linda Neal: How to create an awardwinning quilt.
Some really weird historical relics. But interesting ones!
Are green space lasers reportedly seen in Hawaii originating from China? A Newsweek 'Fact Check.'
World Athletics bans transgender women from competing, based on their physical advantages.
A fascinating interview with artist Stefan Bondell.
This is truly weird -- why was Nancy Pelosi's son-in-law hanging out with the Qanon Shaman on Jan. 6? Reasons are given...but there's still something iffy going on here.
Casa Bonita's fountain is working again!
Celebrity car collections -- including (gasp) Greta Thunberg's! (Wait a minute...I thought she was 'agin things like this. But I guess that a 20-year-old needs THREE vehicles for her busy life. (At least two of the three are electric, though. That okays it.)
Photography contest winners - using cellphones.
Unusual items 10 music legends were buried with.
How to make frugal meals feel special. (From Little House Living)
Have a good week.
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Friday, March 24, 2023
Heads... Or Tails? And Updates
You probably guessed it -- I am deep in finishing up reports, but making P-R-O-G-R-E-S-S! What a wonderful word. This weekend, we'll clean out the fifth-wheel and start moving things back into it from the house. At night, though, we'll work on taxes.
Oh joy.
It has been going through every phase of weather possible here. We had sunshine earlier today, but it's back to snow clouds. We're expected to have snow and cold through the weekend. Ruby deals with it by snuggling down on her pad and snoozing the afternoon away.
Have a good weekend -- back shortly.
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Guess What It's Been Doing in Colorado?
Add hail to the mix -- and you've got what's been happening here. More than once, all day and into the evening. It was raining, a bit ago -- but who knows now.
Just another way to keep us on our toes.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
A Crafty Warning
...if you think, "Hey, they're a quilter. Or a cross-stitcher. Or knitter/crocheter. They're an easy pushover."
Don't take the risk.
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Exciting News
(No, not really.)
We got a snowstorm last Wednesday that melted just as quickly the next day. The Brick wonders when we're going to get our annual 'Spring Break blizzard' -- but Spring Break WAS last week. So who knows.
Life continues on. Nothing exciting -- just work, more work -- and taxes. We enjoyed a free 'testing' supper at a new restaurant opening in Boulder, thanks to Daughter #2 (who got reservations). A birthday supper with good friends at a snazzy restaurant is planned for Thursday, Friend's natal day.
Otherwise, it's more of same, as the ground slowly warms and comes back to life.
Was there another plane scheduled by the terrorists to crash on 9/11? This crew thinks so...except they caught them in time.
Advocate defunding the police -- then a few years later, beg for more police presence in your San Francisco district. Hey, makes sense...
An early David Hockney painting shows up on Antiques Roadshow. Wow!
Lance Reddick died this past week. He was 60. The Brick and I have admired his work in movies and TV for ages, including Fringe and the John Wick movies-- a brilliant actor. And from all reports, a surprisingly kind and modest man. I would have liked to meet him.
'Mind-boggling facts' -- some interesting ones here.
'Lost' ancient mosaics -- parts and fragments.
The world's most expensive abandoned places -- including a cruise ship.
Moraine Park Campground will be closing for more than a year -- renovations. This is really going to affect people wanting to camp at Rocky Mountain National Park.
Weird questions to ask Alexa. (To get funny answers.)
Cashflow for the Bidens and a few colleagues in 2017 ... fascinating.
A scientist giving an important talk to 30,000 people online -- and her dog starts noisily throwing up in the background! (We can relate to this one. Try concentrating after that.)
What social trolls are often like, personality-wise.
And if you're intrigued by that... Great Britain's self-described "Worst Troll."
A psychedelic version of Carol Burnett's cleaning lady?? Yep.
The story of the USS Grayback -- lost during WWII, and found in modern times.
"Think like a rich person--" that's what this 'wealth expert' says. for you to get rich.
More news on the Arizona rancher who killed an intruder on his property.
Thinking of buying a home overseas? These Americans did -- in Italy.
Another person caught claiming 'indigenous' heritage who can't prove it. This time, it's the president of a Canadian university. (Only 'ancestry' was claimed-- which is different than 'identity,' she says. "I deeply apologize." The question: would she have admitted to it, had she not been caught claiming it? And how is this different?)
There's a new crater on the moon -- thanks to a recent visit by a meteor.
What's the least-visited national U.S. park? You might be surprised on this one...
Oscar awards -- for the most selfish and clueless celebrities at awards night. (The donkey looked terrified, by the way, in spite of the ovation for it.)
Funny tweets from the National Park Service.
Frank Abagnale may not have been the supreme fraudster he claimed to be -- and certainly, according to the people he scammed, he has not paid all of his debts. Hmmm...
Bug tacos are on special at a Denver CO restaurant!
Did you know that Harrison Ford and the Best Actor winner Sunday worked together in the second Indiana Jones movie? (Yes Ke Huy Quan was "Short Round" -- his first role.)
A "ghost submarine?" Yes, found floating off Columbia -- and jammed with cocaine.
26 Irish foods you need to try.
Lesson learned -- blow your mouth off at the wrong person, and you'll pay for it.
Have a good week. And try not to yell...
Friday, March 17, 2023
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
From an Irishman and an Irish woman-- have fun today.
Erin Go Bragh!
Want to make some Irish dishes to celebrate?
Stop by our sister site, Holiday Goodies, for recipes and ideas.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Monday, March 13, 2023
Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Reports, Reports
A busy week, added to by an appraisal day at Holly's Quilt Cabin in Littleton. Both the Brick and yours truly are working at slicing tasks off the 'to-do' list, including (aarrghh) taxes. At least we finally got our tax refund from last year -- it only took 11 months.
More of same this week, along with a visit to Boulder to see Daughter #2 and Son #1.
Oh yes, and taxes.
I should mention the Academy Awards. But truly, we didn't see most of the movies -- and the ones we did, other than Top Gun: Maverick and Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris, weren't that impressive. (I would like to see The Whale in the future, though.) But just in case you're interested -- here's the link.
Everything Everywhere All At Once took home a boatload of trophies, including Best Picture. (Which really ticked off some People of Color. No doubt racism of some sort or another had a hand in it.)
SVB employees were paid BONUSES just hours before the bank shuttered. What is wrong with this picture??
How to prepare for another run on the bank. You know it's probably inevitable... (From Financial Samurai)
Kamala Harris -- liability or help to the Democratic party? (You'll be surprised at who's hosting this post. Harris, by the way, dismisses all this as "political chatter.")
Famous lovers who inspired famous songs.
Money-saving travel tips that are especially practical. We use several of these, including shopping for food souvenirs at grocery stores and local businesses.
Photos of BIG anacondas -- close up -- and an interview with the photographer who takes them.
The Razzies Award-winners for 2023. Congratulations! (sort of)
Worm showers hit China! What's next... fish falling from the sky to grab the worms?
The Heavener Runestone -- did Vikings visit Oklahoma? (It certainly seems possible.)
Hundreds of pronghorn antelope have died in Wyoming in the past few months.
Facts from Gone with the Wind that may surprise you.
Making a specialized medieval mead called "bouchet." Are you up for it?
Kiviaq, Greenland's "misunderstood delicacy." For good reason, too.
Really Good carrot cake. No pineapple, either. (We tend to get cold sores with pineapple and other really acidic fruits. Not sure why.)
Travel cheap -- by eating the same things people who live there do. (From The Frugalwoods) Also from them:
"We spent $10,000 on groceries last year for a family of four. Here's what we ate." (I still think they overspent in some areas, but Mrs. Frugalwoods' explanations make sense, in a refreshing sort of way.
Three lynx, doing their business in Canada. I played some of their 'conversations' for Ruby, who immediately demanded to go outside and bark at them. (Sorry, Rubes. They're thousands of miles away.)
The strange 'Foo Fighters' of WWII. What were they??
Stuck in the snow for more than 3 1/2 days -- but survived on biscotti and candy. (And smart moves.)
Studying the dogs who continue to live -- and survive -- around Chernobyl. Many, according to the article, are household pets their owners were forced to leave behind.
'Paintings' (more like lickings) from a dog named Van Gogh sell for $10,000. At least it's benefitting charity.
Finally -- a funny police foot-chase!
An interesting kitchen cabinet door renovation -- reverse them!
"How growing up poor made me a bad-ass." The lifestory of the author of one of my favorite financial books. (From Millenial Revolution)
Ten people who became much more famous after their deaths.
A makeup organizer, using dollar store items, that SPINS. (The organizer is okay -- it's the spinning part that's brilliant. I intend to try this on my kitchen cupboard shelves. Uses two cake pans -- and marbles!)
Spicy cheeseburger soup. Ooh.
A savoury -- and frugal -- sweet & sour sauce for Chinese food. (From Little House Living)
Have a good week. (More snow's scheduled for us on Wednesday. Good -- Colorado needs it.)
Saturday, March 11, 2023
Friday, March 10, 2023
Thursday, March 9, 2023
Ruby Is Gone
She died Monday afternoon. We buried her under a cedar tree, and I will plant lavender on her grave -- because she was such a sweet dog...

I really don't understand this. But from Julie Silber's FB page, here's the mention of Laura Shaw's quilt-- Following CENSO...
What a July -- a huge amount of credit card bills, thanks to truck repairs and the letters . Hot weather: on one trip north, we experience...
I loved this cheerful, engaging quilt when it first was publicized in 1994. Jonathan Shannon used a two-pronged approach: it celebrate...