Friday, February 28, 2025
For All You Southpaws Out There...
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Frugal Hits & Misses: The February Report
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"So we settled down...meanwhile doing the chores and whatever things we could to get ready for another winter of skimping."
"But we had a debt and it had to be paid. There were no two ways about it; you paid your debts. If you didn't owe money, you could go on short rations and make out somehow, but when you owed a debt you got to work and paid it back. It was more than a financial obligation, it was a moral obligation... You paid your bils, you squared yourself with the world and, if you were thrifty, you put enough aside to pay for your final illness and burial. It was more than a custom; it was a way of life."
Hal Borland High, Wide and Lonesome: Growing Up on the Colorado Frontier
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I've felt some like Mr. Borland this month, even though we're not homesteading in Colorado's boonies. (Well, maybe we ARE in the boonies...) But given last month's higher expenses, we decided to go on short rations in February.
And, other than the Brick's birthday celebration, which was quite modest... we did.
Not only did the economizing result in a healthy surplus -- it was enough (barely) for the final payment on the house loan, without taking from the emergency fund! Wonderful. It means we'll have to watch it in March, but I feel certain that's possible.
We've had only a few snowstorms -- one on Valentine's Day. No snow on the ground right now, except for some dirty patches. No new growth yet -- it's been too cold. But I think I'll plant some spinach in the deck planters, anyways, and see what happens.
*Money found: zip. Zero. Nada for the most of the month. Then a quick check revealed 72 cents from a coin counting machine at Safeway!
*Sold some Red Robin stock at a nice profit - again. (A bit more than $200.) I cycle in and out of this stock, probably because we like their burgers so much. BUT there's no location close by (boooo), and the company is not doing that well. I'll keep an eye on it, nonetheless.
I kept the profit in the stock account, but cycled the original amount invested back into the credit union account. This is typical, and gives me the mental freedom, at least, to experiment, stockwise. I just bought some Zeekr stock, based in part on this report. But it's not doing that good, so far.
*Another $25 Amazon giftcard. Added to a $20 Christmas present gift card, that makes $70 this year, thanks to Swagbucks. Didn't cost me a cent, either; I just use it for searches, a survey now and then, and points on an occasional purchase. You can benefit from this, too!
*Looked at Ebay items several times, especially books from my favorite Buy-3-Get-1-Free seller, Second Sale. Drooled, swallowed hard...then closed the shopping cart. After my multiple purchases last month, I promised myself -- and the Brick-- that I wouldn't buy anything in February. (Fortunately, I'd purchased his birthday presents already.)
*Vacuumed and-washed the truck inside. It needed it, too.
*Painted and shingled the 'Little Free Library' I'd initiated. Hopefully it can be installed soon. (The paint and shingles were house leftovers from the previous owner.)
*Valentine's Day: we kept this really frugal this year, in part because we were having a snow/ice storm much of the day. (And frankly, there's not much available close by except Dollar General.) The Brick printed off a lovely card for me; I made up a Snoopy house kit (thanks, Oriental Trading!) and included some of his favorite chocolates: Toblerone bars ($1.60 each from Amazon). Romance is in the air...
I left Toblerone bars for Daughter #1 and Adopted Son #1, and Daughter #2 and Son #1 got some when they stopped on their way home from Tucson. Plus a Snoopy house. (My piano student got one, too. What can I say...)
*Helped our friend out with propane -- we can buy it in quantity for approx. a third of what he would have had to pay.
*We saved money by spending money -- a two-pack of lasagna ($16.99...I think), a double salad kit ($7.99), blueberries ($4.99) and a cheesecake ($19.99), all from Costco, fed the kids and us for one supper in Denver. I realize this sounds like a lot -- but these members of our family enjoy higher-level restaurants than we normally patronize. Considering a meal with them usually runs between $120-200, $50 is a bargain!
I used the second pack of lasagna for a church potluck, plus a quart of ice cream already in the freezer. (Just didn't feel like cooking, after working to meet deadlines.) Another save!
Just a few grocery visits. The Brick picked up an extra gallon of milk at our local Dollar General, which I secretly stretched with a little water. Yes, he paid more...but it kept me from picking up extras at the grocery store.
*Kept Freya, our granddog, for much of the month, while her parents were working a booth for their rock business, Phenomenal Gems.
*The Brick did some hanging around: two prints and the Breakheart Pass poster. Sweet man.
*A $7.68 Walmart giftcard (refunded for the crumbly tatertots last month). I also got a $5 coupon for calling about some bland P.F Chang's honey chicken. (Their Mongolian beef dish was much better.)
Thrift shop buys: $5 heavy-duty turtleneck sweater (reg. $9.99), Orvus shirt (the Brick's) for $7.99; heavy wool afghan $5.99; small watercolor ($3.50) and a large ($20) print (ARC Thrift/Denver). Cast iron heavy pot ($14.99), two pairs of jeans for the Brick ($7 each), yellow/green plaid tablecloth ($4.99) and two heavy wooden boxes ($7.99 ea), a few shirts ($2.50 each) and four $1.99 budget-themed books (Goodwill/Colorado Springs). Filleting knife (50 cents), huge Tigger mug ($1), $5 black summer dress and a 50-cent paperback (Pet rescue thrift in Trinidad). Senior 20% discount for a few small things - sorry, can't remember what (Treasures in the Park, Castle Rock).
*Freebie dinners: The monthly church potluck, and Sunday dinner at a friend's house. (Daughter #1 and Adopted Son #1 also made a chili meal for us.) We got a free concert, as well, in return for eating supper at Lu's, a local diner. (The music was great.)
*Several appraisals -- in both the Denver area and Trinidad.
*One big snowstorm that filled the driveway. The Brick figured out how to 'plow' with the truck, which will do...until we can save for a Kubota!
*Meet-and-greet for ASA -- appetizers and free drinks at a Cherry Creek restaurant while we met and greeted, and I gained a few learning credits for my appraisal certification.
*Kept the wood rack filled, thanks in part to the truckload of aspen we got last month. When things got chilly in the office, I just used a blanket. Our down comforter, a 2022 Goodwill buy still going strong, kept us warm at night.
*The Brick helped an older couple in the Valley figure out their heating problems -- and was given $75. (And a Coke!) He also worked on the Little Free Library.
*Daughter #1 got a huge promotion at work! We are so proud of her. (And yes, I did the "poor and needy" business for her, too. She just laughed.)
*Used a second ham up, purchased during the holidays: fried ham for several breakfasts, plus ham and navy beans. Baked the pumpkins used for decorations in October -- and used some of the pulp to help Ruby's constipation. My goal is to keep using down the pantry and freezer food as much as possible. (One more pumpkin to go.)
*Grocery buys: Cans of 36-cent organic kidney beans...really! (Amazon). Cans of corned beef hash and pea soup (79 cents) , 2 1/2 pound pkg of beer bratwurst ($3.99), Jimmy Dean sausage (about $1.50/lb) -- and 18 farm eggs for $5.99 -- a steal here in Colorado. We got a few extra cartons for the kids, too (SLV Amish grocery).
*An absolutely wnderful 1796 framed newspaper of one of George Washington's addresses -- for a buck! (And it wasn't Mount Vernon, either, you dad-jokers out there.) This was a birthday present for the Brick.
I got some discounts on other birthday presents for him, as well, thanks to Amazon and Ebay. Plus free shipping.
*Earned $15 in giftcard credits from our Humana Go365 health plan -- thanks to exercising and volunteering.
*Got a library card from the Broomfield Public Library, in north Denver. Now I have another place to go when I need to reserve a free study room.
*Watched THE NEWTON BOYS -- about four brothers who hit dozens of banks in the late Teens and 1920s -- as well as All The Queen's Horses and about a billion episodes of American Greed. All for free.
*No 70th birthday party for the Brick. (His decision, not mine.) We did spend a luxurious -- for us -- afternoon at the nearby Hooper hot springs -- we even paid extra to use the enclosed tropical (i.e., 'greenhouse') area! A great lunch at My Brother's Pizza was part of the day, as well as a fried pie from the local Amish bakery, Worth the Drive. (I'm not making this up. That's the place's name -- and it's definitely worth it.)
I bought a box of bubble gum cigars to hand out at church to friends. ("You're weird," said the Brick..) I ordered two pound cakes from our friend for the party...but those will go in the freezer, instead. We did have a very nice Mexican lunch with the kids. (thanks, Dears!) Son #1 and Daughter #2 gave their dad a delicious tiramisu cake, as well as a new strap for his mandolin.
*The lemon/lime trees were showing sticky leaves (bugs) -- pulled those off and kept spritzing to a minimum. (Mites love moisture, and these little buggers were apparently taking advantage of the misting.) We sprayed neem oil on them, too. These were partly inspired by The Prudent Homemaker's Meyer lemon trees -- my lemon tree is the same kind. (Yes, each has several little fruits on it.)
*We may have to wait UP TO A YEAR to get our adjustments, thanks to the passing of the Social Security Fairness Act. The bill passed in late December, and we haven't seen anything yet. Update: Social Security is now posting that these may come as early as late March/April. I hope they're right!
*Missed out on two Lord & Richards events -- fancy suppers and all. Ah well.
*We needed a money order. for a county fee..a real problem, when your personal bank account is a few hours drive away. We got it at the post office, but I am wondering... what's wrong with cash?
*Same old story - ordered 2 jars of mixed nuts on Amazon, got just one. I did eventually get credited for the missing jar.
*Hot water heater repairs made, by my in-house handyman. The Brick ordered a humidifier, as well. (It does get dry here.)
*Dr's visit for my knee, which still gives problems. Joyous. (He is a nice guy, but still...)
*Had to re-send my sales tax form. I forgot to put on the last four digits, showing where we live now. Of course the state mailed the letter to our current address, so they KNOW where we live.
*Lots of appraisal reports to catch up on. Had better get to it...
Last month's report is here. February 2024's report is here, and the report from 2023 is here.
And Spring is on its way. Hopefully.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Romance vs Reality
Don't forget the crackers and summer sausage...
Monday, February 24, 2025
Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Happy Birthday to the Brick!
Much of the week was spent celebrating my darling man's birthday: pizza out, lunch with the kids at a Mexican restaurant, fun speculations, presents, cake...and a good long soak at the Sand Dunes hot springs. A fun time was had by all...but now, back to work.
Just one week before March...and hopefully spring.
A treasure chest -- found on an English beach during a cleanup day!
Did Stacey Abrams' climate change group get a surprise TWO BILLION from the Biden administration? P.S. This group only had $100 or so in donations the previous year. Looks like they may have to give this windfall back.
The Bayeux tapestry museum will be closing for two years -- for renovation in late summer 2025. Go see it while you can!
Joy Reid's MSNBC show has been cancelled. Boo hoo...and she was so kind and tactful.
Now we know what Moses looked like. Sort of.
Oops...both Presidents Obama and Biden advicated the same spending curbs that DOGE is promising. Here are the videos to prove it.
Thrifty hacks that save a lot of bucks. I may have posted this before, but it's well worth reading again. (From My Tireless Retirement)
'Ancient artefacts' -- incredibly beautiful.
Can autistic symptoms be reversed, or at least slowed down, just by adding a simple ingredient to kids' menus? This study suggests so.
And finally -- never piss off a farmer. Particularly when they're pulling a manure spreader.
Have a great week.
Friday, February 21, 2025
We've Been Mooned!
No wonder conspiracy theorists are so skeptical about this...
More photos and true stories here, thanks to Bored Panda.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Maybe They Should Get Married!
Monday, February 17, 2025
Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Life Hasn't Been Easy,...
On the other hand, when IS life easy??
Valentine's Day alternately threatened snow and ice, so instead of going out, we ate grilled elk steak from the freezer. We watched The Scarlet Pimpernel: Just as romantic as P.S. I Love You-- but more swashing and buckling. The Brick enjoys calling him "The Scarlet Pimple." Booger.
This week, I continue on reports (some are overdue -- finish 'em off, Cindy!), and head to Trinidad to do another big appraisal. Two friends are coming with, and we'll have lunch at a great Chinese restaurant there. Maybe even find a thrift shop -- who knows.
If you're going to make accusations about waste, DOGE, you'd better have statistics and receipts to back yourself up. (So they did.)
Americans are finding it harder to pay off debt...not surprising when you hear who the top culprits are: auto loans and credit cards.
Unusual things crows do. This is by far our most common bird here, along with ravens. And they are SMART.
A lady squashes some bread, is chased down and arrested. (Value of the bread: $1.20. Weird. Thanks, Mavis of One Hundred Dollars A Month, for the tip.)
How to make crispy, crunchy fried cornmeal mush. (From The Frugal Girl)
An ex-FEMA employee's defense: "Hey, it's okay -- we avoided pro-Trump homes in other states, too, like North Carolina. Everybody does it."
Interesting -- and some incredibly brave -- facts about various people in history. Plus...
Historical finds that somehow survived... in spite of -----.
A dozen archealogical discoveries scientists are still having trouble explaining.
Buffy Sainte-Marie loses a Canadian medal of honor, for lying about her Native American heritage. She says she's innoceent. Am I the only person in the universe, thinking that a DNA test would resolve this??
Remember the supposedly innocent Chinese spy balloon that was shot down? (Yes, the one that the Chinese said was accidentally let loose, and drifting on its own. Except it suddenly changed direction to 'drift' over another military installation.) The balloon contained US-made technology...available online.
Have a great week. Take a chance on love.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
To My Valentine
Friday, February 14, 2025
Happy Valentine's Day!
If you're being hit with a snow/ice storm, like we are today, it might be best to stay home.
You could make some fancypants meals, a la Martha Stewart...
Or try one of these ideas, from the Pioneer Woman. They're delicious, even if you're making them just for yourself.
We'll be having things I pulled from the freezer, including butterflied elk steak and Chinese dumplings. A green salad and egg drop soup will round things out. Peach crisp, one of the Brick's favorites, for dessert. (It's the same recipe as apple crisp, but a touch less sugar. Doesn't take any eggs, either.)
Then a romantic movie -- maybe P.S. I Love You.
And to keep life on an even keel, movie #2: The Thing!
Happy Valentine's Day.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
The Brick thinks 'dad jokes' are just hilarious. Here's one for his ever-growing collection.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Do You Disagree?
"If your taxpayer dollars are not spent in a sensible and frugal manner, then that's not okay. Your tax dollars need to be spent wisely on the things that matter to the people."
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Just watched a very intriguing documentary.
All the Queen's Horses explains how Rita Crundwell got away with embezzling more than $53 million from the town of Dixon, Illinois -- over a period of TWENTY YEARS.
It isn't pretty.
Does that name sound familiar? It should. Ms. Crundwell was one of the pardons President Biden gave out on his last days in office. She'd been sentenced in 2012, but was actually been out of jail since 2021 by playing the 'Gee, my health is endangered, I'm going to die, anyways' card during the Covid epidemic. (She'd served less than half her sentence.) After Biden's pardon, she was released from 'home confinement' just before Christmas 2024.
Most probably her 300-plus horses were not sharing her stall. They, along with five properties, dozens of cowboy hats, $250,000 of jewelry, and other flotsam and jetsum, including horse semen, were auctioned off for $10.5 million years ago. It was bargain day.The horses, for one category, sold for considerably less than she'd paid. Her $2.1 million luxury trailer was sold for $800,000 -- to the company she'd originally bought it from. But of course, there was no getting back the money spent on spa days, fancy living quarters and luxury items that Crundwell had splurged on.
Rita, during her Grand Champion days
Townspeople asked, quite logically, why Crundwell's activities hadn't been noticed sooner. The entire Dixon city council was replaced, as well as the mayor. The town elected a city manager to oversee things. The auditing firm and a bank in charge of the town's funds settled a civil suit out of court. (The town ended up paying $10 million-plus just in lawyer fees.)
And now, finally, more than one person has to sign each check and expenditure.
Where is Rita Crundwell now? Back in Dixon. (See below.) How much, if anything, has she paid back, besides the auctioned items?
Here's what Dixon's city manager had to say about the whole mess. (They weren't consulted when Crundwell was released on 'compassionate leave' back in 2021, either.)
"Dixon is shocked and outraged with the announcement that President Biden has given Rita Crundwell clemency for the largest embezzlement in the history of our country. This is a complete travesty of justice and a slap in the face for our entire community.
While today's news is unimaginable, the City of Dixon is in an incredible place today. We will continue to focus on the future and work to capitalize on the momentum we have created."
A nice long (and disgusting) look at the whole affair is here. There are all sorts of oddities: $4500 bail? Her lavish ranch sold for just a million to... her nephew?? Being released to live in 'home confiement'...on her brother's farm in Dixon? (Yes, she went back to the scene of the crime. And don't assume her new home was some scruffy shack, either.)
And the cherry on top: what in the world persuaded a President to commute her sentence? (In some ways, I don't want to know.)
This should be required reading for all towns, villages, cities and counties -- including yours.
Monday, February 10, 2025
One of the Strangest 'Final Words' Ever...
"This lady/patient at the hospital my sister did her residency kept on having visions of children.
"Stop those children! Control those children!" She would shout from her hospital bed.There were no children in her room, but she claimed there were many surrounding her bed, running in her room and the halls, not giving her any peace. She was the only one seeing children, none of the staff saw these kids.
Was it the medication?
...In her working years she gave bootlegged abortions."
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Winter's Back --
And so am I.
Last week was strangely warm. This week, however, is making up for it -- we're supposed to get snow every day. The Brick and I, along with dogs Freya and Ruby, spent most of the week in Denver: three appraisal sessions, a meet-and-greet for ASA (my appraisal group)...and a doctor's appointment. We spent the evenings with Daughter #1 and Adopted Son #1, which was wonderful.
Slowly making progress on these reports. Watching snow fall outside is a good tonic for work.
Our buddy the groundhog has seen his shadow -- get ready for more winter. (Are you surprised?)
The story of 'Scamanda,' a woman who faked cancer for more than seven years -- and raked in the money while doing it. (She's busy faking symptoms in jail now.)
Cowboy spaghetti -- oh my, this sounds good.
Another fun study that, thanks to shutting it down, you and I won't have to pay for -- more than a MILLION DOLLARS asking Superbowl watchers about their drinking and sex habits. (sigh -- who approves this stuff, in the first place?!?)
A sad -- and happy -- Auschwitz story.
A $5 thrift shop plate turns out to be 18th century Chinese -- and worth a whole lot more at auction.
We hear about Saturday Night Live's best musical performances -- now here's SNL's worst.
Did another photographer actually take the 'Napalm Girl' photo? (Probably not, based on this evidence.)
Dog versus Dog.
How to save, when you're living from paycheck to paycheck. (Some great tips from One Hundred Dollars A Month)
Also: some really great painting tips.
Susan Smith is NOT behaving herself...guess the parole denial was justified!
Guess it's dangerous to be a mermaid nowadays. At least in China.
A very interesting (and thoughtful) look at the trans controversy -- particularly as it applies to 'female' sports. (Am I the only person who wonders why you don't have this issue coming up forfemale-transitioning-to-male athletes, trying to compete on 'male' teams?? Doesn't that seem just a tad bit odd?)
Ah well. Have a great week.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Monday, February 3, 2025
Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Yes, I'm Here...
...and finally thinking pretty clearly! The snow has melted down a good bit, and we've been able to get out and about.
But I have several deadlines and commitments to catch up on. Asking your indulgence, Gentle Readers, for a week off -- so I can finish these, without having to stay up all night. I have a list of Stuff started, and will share it next Monday.
Have a great week. Get Stuff done!
Investing Advice: Uncertain Times
-- from one of the Great Ones, Warren Buffett. *Stay calm. and: *Don't let fear control you. (or over-optimism, for that matter....

I really don't understand this. But from Julie Silber's FB page, here's the mention of Laura Shaw's quilt-- Following CENSO...
What a July -- a huge amount of credit card bills, thanks to truck repairs and the letters . Hot weather: on one trip north, we experience...
I loved this cheerful, engaging quilt when it first was publicized in 1994. Jonathan Shannon used a two-pronged approach: it celebrate...