Friday, February 3, 2012

Blizzard! And Bunnies

It is snowing like crazy here in Colorado.

By 10 p.m. last night, nearly every school and organization had closed. By mid-afternoon, the banks were closing. We live high on a hill overlooking the highway -- and though I-25 is still open, very few cars and trucks are using it. (See for yourself here via live webcam.) I was supposed to visit Daughter #1 in Denver today...nope.

Just as well. After watching one set of neighbors get stuck, and another struggle to get out of their driveway, I think we're staying put. The Brick works for the school system in transportation (he's a trainer for bus drivers) -- so he got to stay home, as well.

Spaghetti sauce is bubbling in the crockpot, and we'll watch a movie tonight by the fire. Lovely.

In the meantime, thought you might enjoy some gems, including a Swedish sheepherder...who's a rabbit!

The Olivers find a $21,000 diamond at the Crater of Diamonds park.

A shipwreck, the S.S. Port Nicholson, is found off Cape Cod -- it's thought to contain a fortune in platinum bars. (Which the British government would love to get their hands on.) Read all about it here. (More news as the story develops.)
    Incidentally, why are so many dolphins washing up on Cape Cod in recent months?
(More than a hundred in the last three weeks alone.)

Facebook stock is going public -- not that any of us are going to make big bucks on this.

Wanna go on a buffalo hunt? The Colorado Springs police department got to do this...again.

And one of the stupidest Bigfoot 'sighting' videos ever. Please tell me people in Osawatomie, KS aren't this dumb.

Have a good one...and stay warm.


Joe said...

Re: the Facebook IPO -- you're right that us average folks will not make a dime on it. The investment banks will. It's trading at a P:E ratio of 75. That's a ludicrous valuation - it's the internet bubble all over again lol

Cindy Brick said...

I hate to say this, Joe...but I've flirted with the idea of buying (or trying to buy) right when the IPO comes out. There's bound to be a bidding war when the stock first hits, and that's going to drive the price up. But would it keep its elevated status for years and years? Google, Ebay and the others are WAY overvalued, for what they produce -- this one is, too.
Thanks for writing.

Monday (er, Tuesday) Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Peaks 'n Pines on Thursday -- Here I Come!

    I'll be speaking at the Peaks 'n Pines Guild on Thursday evening this week in Granby, CO , on what makes a 'quality quilt...