Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl? What Super Bowl?

Fine. I'll admit it. I do know that the Patriots and the Giants are up for today's slugfest in Super Bowl XLVI. The thing is: if you live west of the Mississippi (and/or root for the Broncos, as is our case), do you really care? (Len Penzo's Magic 8-Ball predicts the Pats are going to win...we'll see.)

     The side stuff is fun. Like parties...we're headed to one this afternoon. Last year, people talked, with occasional cheering and booing, until the commercials -- then everyone, men and women, stopped to listen.  Like this Jerry Seinfeld Acura commercial. (Jay Leno makes a surprise appearance at the very end!)

I just enjoy the party. These are feisty friends, who revel in a good discussion. No doubt one guy will come up with some hairbrained argument why the Giants will win, or vice versa, then the others will enjoy arguing with him.  As Arlo Guthrie used to say, "Thass America."

It's not too late to have your own Super Bowl celebration. Or at least, use 'party posts' to gather ideas for your next get together, like these ideas from The Simple Dollar. I'm bringing 'pigs' to ours -- 'Pigs in Blankets' are frugal, easy to make, and tasty when dipped in mustard or barbecue sauce. Cocktail franks are good for appetizers, but I'm going for the gusto this afternoon, and using hot dogs.

1 cup water
1/2 stick (1/4 pound) butter or margarine
1/2 cup milk (dried milk & water works great)
1 tablespoon yeast
1 teaspoon sugar
2-2 1/2 cups flour
1 package hot dogs (if using bun length dogs, cut them in half)

Microwave the water and butter/marg for 1 minute, until butter is melted. Stir in milk, and check -- mixture should be warm, but not hot. Add the sugar and yeast, and let stand for five minutes.

Add flour gradually until you have a soft dough, then turn out and knead for a few minutes. Dough can be used right away -- or let rise for at least an hour for puffier 'pigs.'

When you're ready to bake, turn oven to 425 degrees. Grab a small handful of dough and wrap around a hot dog, then place on an ungreased cookie sheet. (Keep it up until you're done -- you can also add a slice of cheese or cooked bacon before wrapping the dough around.)
    Bake approx. 12-15 min., then serve. Makes 16 half-'pigs' or 8 full-sized.

There are other wonderful things to take advantage of on a Super Bowl afternoon, like SALES. We quilters know, for example, that the fabric stores usually have great specials today.

And, of course, there's always The Puppy Bowl.

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