Saturday, September 9, 2023

Monday (er, Sunday) Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Fifth Time's The Charm!

I am pleased and relieved to say we think we've finally found 'our' house. It took 8 trips, and 5 houses seriously considered. But now that's finished. On to getting a loan, and packing up here. 

It's further south, in Fort Garland, CO -- but near enough to easily make trips to Denver and Boulder to see the kids, our friends -- and do my appraisal work. The house is large (by RV standards, anyways), has a huge deck to watch the mountains at sunset, and work areas for both the Brick and myself. Plus, it has a large separate 'barn' that we could easily convert into living space. And storage! Oh my. It is the RV inhabitant's dream on storage. In fact, it's going to take us quite a while to fill everything up.

Or maybe we won't!

Closing is the end of October. We actually don't have that much to move, since 90% of it is already in the fifth-wheel. But now we can go back to Michigan and pick up the storage trailer there, too. This is going to be a different life -- but we're ready to try it. 

More about Fort Garland in the future. Meanwhile, we spend the time looking quizzically at each other, wondering how we got ourselves into this. For one thing, we had to pay more than we'd planned. 

But the change is going to do us a lot of good.

Mount Blanca and others from the Sangre de Cristo range, viewed off the back deck. 
You can take a Coloradoan out of the mountains --
but you can't take the mountains out of the Coloradoan.

The tragic events of 9/11 still live in our hearts -- they'll never go away. 

Never forget. Meanwhile:

The TWA pilot who dodged TWO of the hijacked planes on 9/11 -- and an unsung hero. (I honestly had never heard about this, although the passengers said he saved their lives. But no one knows him, except his first name is thought to be "George." He seems to have a Texas accent, too.)

London to New York in 3 1/2 hours -- would you try the 'Son of Concorde?'

The steps to the Pool of Siloam are uncovered -- steps Jesus is known to have walked down.

A classic Bigfoot post... by yours truly.

Parenting hacks. There are some clever ones here, including putting a fitted sheet over an outdoor playpen to keep mosquitoes away. I wish I'd thought of this!

A very funny John Mulaney.

And something not so funny -- 

Fauci -- and masks.  You need to read this.

Interesting airplane travel hacks.

Brandy Simper, one of my favorite blogger friends (The Prudent Homemaker), lives in Las Vegas, NV. Here she is, talking about gardening in the desert:

The Burning of Benedict Arnold festival -- an annual event in New London, Connecticut, burning an image of the famous traitor! (Arnold led a bunch of British soldiers to torch the town in Sept. 1781, burning most of it to the ground.)

The "lying down" contest -- wherein people just don't get up, except for 10 min. every 8 hours to use the bathroom. (As of Thursday, it was more than 20 days-- and counting.)

A history of Presidential vacations -- from Lincoln to Biden.

The very funny 'feud' between Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman explained. (It's actually Reynolds narrating commercials for Jackman's company, Laughing Man Coffee.)

Plus this silliness:

Quilting Inspiration has a number of free quilt pattern collections to consider. 
They're arranged by subject, and include:

*Kaffe Fassett patterns

*House-themed quilts

*Optical illusion quilts

...and several others. Clicking on any of these links will take you to the website. 

Groundhog Day revenge!   A man got sick and tired of the groundhog decimating his garden, and installed cameras to catch it, Instead, he realized that others were watching.

Here are Chunk the groundhog's greatest moments (season 1). Likes carrots -- not very good table manners.  But he and his family are strangely intriguing.

     My dad would have gone for the shotgun.

Barbara Corcoran reveals the most effective way to ask for a raise. 

More than 2,000 known dead in Marrakesh after a giant earthquake in Morocco.

'Power moves' that remind you to stand up for yourself.   I wish Quora readers would remember they have this freedom.

Ten of the most vicious political feuds in history. Yep, almost as bad as Trump vs Everybody Else.

Combine that with ten weird feuds in music history

Was there more than one shooter at John F. Kennedy's assassination? This former Secret Service agent (who was there) suggests the so-called "magic bullet" was actually an additional one. 

Celebrity prom photos. Amazing. I never went to prom -- but did go to a junior/senior event, accompanied by my wonderful brother. I was lucky that way.

It's not going to solve world peace...but being able to hang your paintings perfectly is something. 

Have a good week. 

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.