Monday, February 13, 2017

Want to Try A Little Hanky Panky?

    You have your chance on Wednesday, when I'm teaching for the Piecing Partners Quilt Guild in Colorado Springs!

Here's the basic info, including the address of the Elks Lodge, where I'll be giving a talk on Quilts of the Golden West in the morning.

         (Yes, it's based on my book...and lots of stuff about pioneers. And money. Mining and pioneers always have money involved.)

Then in the afternoon, I'll be teaching a class on my popular "Hanky Panky" handkerchief quilt method, at High Country Quilts on Academy Boulevard. I hardly ever teach this class in recent years -- and I've had people asking for it. Now's your chance.
    (Don't worry if you don't have enough handkerchiefs. One of Brickworks' staffers just made up an armload of beautiful kits.)

Lots of history during class, too...

Click on the link above, or e-mail me at, if you have questions.

The Hanky Panky class is pretty full, but I'll bet we could squeeze you in there...

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.