Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday Stuff On The Way to Other Stuff: Up Early (Groan)

     I am not an early morning person.
Chris and Jo will confirm this. Two longtime friends, they (and yours truly) have been meeting for coffee on Friday mornings for decades -- usually at the ungodly hour of 6:15 a.m. In recent years, it's been a more reasonable 7:15 a.m., so another friend, Willo, could join in. (Notice that I didn't get cut any slack.) 
     It's still too early. I sit there like a slug while they chatter away and solve the world's problems -- until an hour later, when the coffee and sunshine finally kick in. 
     Now that the Brick is driving bus, he often has to be out the door by 6:15 a.m. That means rolling out and muzzily grabbing the frying pan so he can have a hot breakfast. 
     Then, blessedly, back to bed for an hour or so.

IKEA just won the Beazley Design of the Year award -- for its flat-pack refugee shelter.

Bloopers from the 2017 Kitten Bowl. Hey, only quality stuff from this blog! Not to mention:

An easy way to sew triangle points accurately.  (From Tales of Ineptitude -- sadly, she's not been blogging in recent years.)

A writer's life. An old classic from yours truly.

15 photographs with strange backstories.

Jackie Kennedy wardrobe sketches revealed -- only the Oleg Cassini assistant who wants to auction them is being accused of theft, instead.

Rice Krispies turkey legs...instead of cookies!  (From Kitchen Fun With My Three Sons)

A fast and frugal Valentine's Day lunch idea. (From Moneysaving Mom)

3-D scanning...with just a camera.  (From Instructables)

Ten things you didn't know about Fleetwood Mac's Rumours album. Released Feb. 4, 40 years ago -- can you believe it! (Here's its backstory, if you're curious.)

A Four Patch charm quilt that's a true charmer.   (From Tamarack Shack)

Ten historical treasures lost in the past century. Some out of spite -- many because of wartime. Sad.  (From Livescience) Also from them:

Eleven spots littered with dead bodies. Hmmm...they left out Jamestown. When I visited there, the receptionist said cheerfully, "You probably walked in over bones." The colonists lost many of their number to sickness or starvation, and were careful to bury the bodies, supposedly so the Indians wouldn't know how many had died. (I suspect they did, anyways.) Over time, those burials were forgotten, and other buildings -- and sidewalks -- built on top.

And in honor of last night's game:

Although the Terry Bradshaw Tide commercials were funny:

This one was my favorite. And I don't even drink beer. (The rest of my family does, though.)

Sorry, Atlanta. We were really hoping you'd win. Hopefully you're sleeping in this morning.

Have a great week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.