Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I Scream...You Scream...

Winter (again). The sky is a dull lead gray, and it's getting ready to snow. I keep thinking of playing Simon and Garfunkels' "Hazy Shade of Winter" would fit today.

On a cheerier note, if you like ice cream, here's the place to stop for more info on your favorite treat! (I already signed up for the Blue Bunny IScream Team...they have a seasonal 'bunny in a blizzard' flavor that's incredible.)

Dave has the flu...he didn't go to work, and has spent the day so far watching westerns and staring morosely into the fireplace. (Poor guy.) I have writing deadlines, as well as a headache that won't quit, the start of a cough, and achy body-ness all over. I suspect the Big Guy has shared his flu with me. Chicken soup has already been administered...time for some frozen pizza, and a snuggle.

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Made You Look - Stupid

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