Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Paperwork...and a Weedy Garden

Other than the mountains, Colorado is largely what's called 'high desert.' Did you know that? We Flatlanders start with a green spring, but by the time July rolls around, the heat beats down on miles and miles of tan/gold/brown, punctuated here and there by green (irrigated or watered) lawns. Luckily, our evenings cool off enough for good sleeping. (6250 ft elevation will do that for you.) And there are the mountains to escape to.

If you don't get your plants in the ground by the end of June around here, you're generally out of luck -- they'll just pant for some shade, and you have about a 1-in-3 chance they'll survive until the cooler temps of September.

Since the Brick and I were in Brazil through early June, we didn't plant as much as I'd hoped. And when we got back from the Amazon, we enjoyed the dry atmosphere...but our flower gardens were one big mass of weeds and grass.

I've been doing my best to get out there and clean out the interlopers, but time is weaving by -- and I've got another week, tops. And the green beans haven't even been planted yet!

My 'inside garden' is weedy, too -- plenty of paperwork must be done asap for future gigs, and reports need to be submitted for sales tax, tax, sales, etc etc etc. (sigh) I like to do this myself, rather than burden a staffer with it. (double sigh)

Thankfully, friend Constance is coming over tonight for supper -- and weeding. That's the mark of a true heart's friend...they help you do the chores you've been putting off!

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