Thursday, November 13, 2008

Home...and the phone's still working!

I'm finally back, after the Quilter's Gathering; a day in the White Mountains, where I used to work; and a few days with Husband's brother Jim and wife Marsha in Newport, RI. Four states in less than two weeks -- amazing! It takes 7 hours to go the width of the state...and we went from Conway, NH to Newport in 3 1/2 hours.

More about that coming --

I did a stupid thing and left my cellphone in the Boston rental car. (sigh) That meant the toll-free number -- and my cellphone -- had to be disabled temporarily. (The staffers at home couldn't access either number either. If they did, my cellphone would be usable by any yahoo who wanted to phone Timbuktu.) So no phone. And anyone who called it would be told the number was "disconnected."

Double sigh.

The toll-free number's back in use again -- you can reach the Brickworks offices 1-888-48-BRICK. (If the Denver area is local for you, try 303-519-8781, instead.) Hopefully, my personal phone will be back in business shortly.

In the meantime, take a look at this blog. If you're making do on a limited income...and you want to do it'll enjoy her take on things:

She's got a long and detailed how-to report on tiling laminate kitchen counters. Hmmm. We need to replace our counters badly...and I LOVE this look. Hmmm.

And I am very happy to report --

Both roofs are DONE!! They're fully shingled -- and beautiful.

A pile of shingles and splintered woodplanks awaits for tidying. In the meantime, there's stuff to put away, plus a gig tonight at the Arapahoe Quilt Guild in Denver...

Talk to you soon.

1 comment:

allie aller said...

How about a picture of that new roof, Cindy?

First Day of Spring

 . ..technically speaking, that is.  We've got cold temps and gray skies. Maybe Fort Garland just didn't get the message yet.  But I...