Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Another Terrific Bargain - Hickory Farms

Sprint, do not walk, to Amazon and check out their marked-down Hickory Farms gift packs. I can live with their discount -- 75% off! One gift pack went on its way to the folks; a second to Bro-in-Law and Sister-in-Law in Bellingham, WA. (They never got a Christmas present from us -- things were a bit zany toward the end of the month -- and I'm sure won't mind getting something much nicer a little late!)

And a third pack -- the largest, nicest I've ever seen -- is on its way to Chez Brick, as an early birthday present for the man I love. He usually cheerfully makes do with the 'economy' version; this time he gets the best.

Here are some of the goodies, including the Family and Friends gift box:


And the Family Reunion gift box -- I thought these two of the best:


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The gift closet is in a shambles -- boxes and paper scattered everywhere. I grabbed four boxes and will label them 'Birthday/other holidays,' 'food presents,' 'Christmas presents,' and a fourth for baby showers, plus presents for my piano students. Hopefully this will keep future items in better order. It's hard to keep my mind on sorting, and not pawing over (and gloating) on the bargains from yesterday's trip to Target. We went to a scratch-and-dent grocery store during the trip to Michigan; there are several goodies from that trip as well, including a jar of pears preserved in Greek 'green' wine; imported olives; and even some imported spring water -- Pellagrino for $1.29 a bottle!
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And here's another bargain -- a copy of the Declaration of Independence purchased at a thrift shop in Tennessee for $2.48. Actually worth in the neighborhood of $200,000. Wow!


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