Friday, January 16, 2009

Stuff, Etc.

Sister-in-law called this morning...they were enduring 10 degree temps -- and worse. That 'ol Alberta Clipper really has been nailing Michigan and parts east.

While I was listening, I looked out at our gray-and-tan world. The snow's gone, and we've been in the 40s and 50s for the past few days. I was even thinking about going outside and sunning!

This stupid flu just won't let go.

Did a talk yesterday for a group of Geologic Wives -- elegant women whose husbands' work had brought them all over the world. You could tell, too. They all had touches -- unusual jewelry, scarves and such that signaled they were familiar with other cultures.

One surprise: Daughter #1 (who was helping), said "Mom, look at all the red and kelly green clothing!" Many women were wearing red or bright green jackets. When I mentioned this to the organizer, she laughed (as she put on her red coat) and told me a story -- their last meeting, two people had accidentally gotten each other's red coat...but didn't realize it until one had left.

Paid Twice has good ideas for keeping warm these coming months:

And Brin over at Messy Thrilling gives me hope that winter won't last forever -- she's talking about a great forum for collecting unusual garden seeds:

Back to life...sigh.

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