Monday, February 16, 2009


Hanging on...but barely.

A batch of appraisals and reports need to be finished and mailed in before I leave next Tuesday for the Mid-Atlantic show. One quilt needs a few more hours of repairs, then binding. The new book (on California gold, gold, silver, copper, mining, etc.) is begging for time spent on it. And I must finish a few sample tops to take with...and ship a few send out invitations to a bridal shower in Michigan for our new niece, to be held while I'm there in early March...

And Husband's birthday is Friday, which means celebratory meals, a birthday cake, presents, etc.. Go figure. (Actually, he's been very understanding about this part -- which makes me all the more determined to do up something nice for him.)

Then there are the everyday things, like a sinkful of dishes, three wet shirts (that need ironing), an ice-clogged freezer and the round of meals/cleaning/errands that make up life.

Can't I run away to Panama? (Husband says he'll join me.)

Finally I realized I am obsessing about some of the silliest of the items -- like whether people who go to the bridal shower will be able to see Niece's favorite colors. (I'll scan the paint chips sent, and e-mail anyone who's interested. Problem solved.) Or whether I can get the bathroom scrubbed by tomorrow. Or whether one of the dogs (who are both old, and have been having health problems) will die before I get back home.

Or -- and this is probably what's really bothering me -- whether my dad can make it a few more weeks, until I'll be there to see him. The doctors discovered a new line of tumors down Dad's spine, and he just had the fourth treatment of what is definitely a stronger, more agressive radiation than any before. To top it off, he also got the flu...which means achiness, fever, chills, weakness, vomiting, and -- if he's lucky -- sleep.

Dad has eleven more treatments to endure. He is definitely getting weaker. I must do this upcoming gig. I must also give this uncertainty to God -- there is nothing I can do about it.

* * * * * *
George Washington is crossing the a new frame!

But, as the Met museum spokesman quipped, "George Washington crossed the Delaware, but we can't get him off the second floor of the Metropolitan." The canvas is room-sized, and rolling it -- the way it first got into the museum a century ago -- would cause too much damage. So the frame will come to HIM.

And The Simple Dollar has a long, thoughtful look at his approach to finances lately, including his primary goal in life. (Hint: it's NOT about money.)

And I'm off to seal some envelopes for a wedding shower, then memorize the folds on my pillow. After all, it's midnight.... g'night.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

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