Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lovely Saturday

A skim of snow and frost everywhere, with foggy clouds drifting over. Blurs the vivid reds and golds that I just noticed a few days ago, when the sun finally stayed out. Or were they there all the time? I've never seen so many reds here! Usually we stick to gold, bright yellow and a sort of dull orange around here in Colorado. And green.

Slept in, snuggled against warm Husband. Now, hours after waffles for breakfast (his absolute favorite) and a hot bath (my fav!). Chicken soup bubbling on the stove. (Friend is sick with the flu that's taking so many people here.) Candles burning. Hot tea. Classical music swirling through the house. And a talk with you.

Brace yourself for some of the nicest (and most unusual) pictorial quilts I've ever seen. This is a German museum's exhibit, but you'll be able to figure out an astonishing number of titles. Zowee.

The orders for QUILTS OF THE GOLDEN WEST are coming in! And the kind words, as well...thank you so much.

I still am behind, but somehow am not so discouraged, anymore. An encouraging feeling.

1 comment:

allie aller said...

What a fantastic link! Thanks, Cindy!

Talkin' Bout Boogers...

  At least he didn't keep his 'art collection' ON the couch! Hey, only quality stuff on this blog!!!