Monday, May 31, 2010

Rags to Riches

I am a huge fan of Horatio Alger fact, I have about 30 in my collection. Horatio's boys are poor, proud and honest. In spite of hard situations and lots of abuse from snotty, sneaky rich boys, Our Heroes triumph. Too bad the girls are usually younger little sisters that need to be taken care of, or rich girls that are just perfect for marrying...but hey, I got plenty of inspiration from the boys.

My favorite Horatio character is that lippy opportunist, Ragged Dick. When one of his enemies whacks him and says, "Perhaps you've seen me before," Dick whirls around and says, "Now you've seen me behind." I'll comfort myself sometimes with what Dick calls "cheering reflections" -- really, they're snappy responses to insults from people.
     Dick saves the money he earns as a bootblack (lesson #1, don't waste your pennies on cigars, oyster stews and going to the theater). He rescues a little girl when she falls in the water,  earning a reward, a new suit and a job offer. He gives his best friend a place to live, and that friend teaches him how to read, write a fine hand, and do figures. (lesson #2, generosity pays off -- and so does educating yourself -- Dick eventually becomes a bookkeeper). All along, Dick defends himself from people who look down on his bootblacking equipment, especially that sneering Roscoe Crawford, whose only quality is that he's a "gentleman's son." (He's an idiot at everything else.) Needless to say, by the end of the novel, Roscoe gets his, Dick's friend gets promoted...and so does Dick. What a guy. (You'll want to read Fame and Fortune and Mark the Match Boy to get the full flavor of this rough-hewn Everyman, but start with Dick's first novel. It's online, thanks to Project Gutenberg.)

Here are a list of billionaires who started out poor or in situations against the odds.  More "rags to riches" people are listed here; links to their stories from their name. Some surprised me!

Hope you had a very happy Memorial day.

Friday, May 28, 2010

NEW Giveaway!

It's a new contest! Blog readers liked the Carolina Pad collection giveaway so much that I'm doing it again --

take a minute to leave a comment on any of the posts for the next few weeks, and you're entered to win a "Chat Bundle" of Carolina Pad's "Chat" collection -- including a binder, 1-subject notebook and three 2-pocket folders. (In fact, it's so new that it's not on the website yet! But each item is covered with stylized words and letters...perfect for a returning-to-school kid or writer of any age.)

You can follow Carolina Pad on Facebook , or Twitter (@carolinapad). Contest ends June 10, and we'll draw a random winner soon after.

Take a minute to let me know your favorite Carolina Pad collection...or:
What would you use your "Chat" collection for?

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Taco Bell -- And Burger King -- Rockies Specials on Friday!

Yes friends, our beloved Rocks have done it again --

not only won the game today (8-2), but did it in spectacular fashion with three, count 'em, three back-to-back home runs in the 7th inning!

Which means that if you live in Colorado, not only can you get four tacos for a buck on Friday from 4-6 p.m. (with purchase of a medium drink) -- you can also get a free Whopper (with purchase of a drink) from 2-4 p.m.!

Enjoy... hey, it's Friday.

Stuff and More Stuff

Going in all sorts of directions today...

**Monster Quest has had all sorts of fun airing its Bigfoot/Sasquatch specials...including a rather silly "Snowbeast" version about Mr. S's doings in Colorado. Unfortunately, instead of dealing with the vast batch of credible reports, we are treated to guys riding horses aimlessly, and buzzing coyotes in helicopters. They also peer into an abandoned mine, notice some leaves blown in and posit that this, of course, is a bona fide Bigfoot cave.
    Give me a break.
    Skip the "Snowbeast" episode and press your ear to these audio excerpts of Bigfoot-related 911 calls, sightings and animal calls. Far more interesting, especially the "samurai chatter" and "911 call" items.

Another installment in the talking kitty episodes...this one's on fish.

Free mayo samples from Kraft!

And if you're living in Colorado, you're probably headed to Taco Bell this afternoon -- our beloved (and before this, losing) Rockies hit 7 runs in last night's game, which means 4 tacos for a buck at the Bell. Provided you order them before 4-6 p.m.

**From the "Strange Details" department: A look at Peter Getty's messy divorce proceedings. Getty, a billionaire, is described as a tad weird because he has "a penchant for knitting!"

And the funniest fight scene ever -- anchorman Ron Burgundy's network anchor fight. Hilarious...especially if you've seen West Side Story, the Magnificent Seven, gladiator movies and spaghetti Westerns. 

 I'd rather be fishing in Alaska, and putzing about with the whales.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Going Away

My zippity census job finished today -- blank forms passed on, EQs turned over, cloth briefcase handed in. (Darn it, I'd hoped to use that 'census bureau' label as a quilt back!) A few extra days' pay would have been nice, but honestly, I was ready for it to go. It's no fun trudging through hallways on a windy evening while your husband is cosily at home, watching the "24" finale. (He taped it for me, the sweetheart.)

Daughter #1 spent the night, and headed back today...the house, without her and dog Jack, seems strangely quiet. I feel restless. How about a trip?

So I traveled off to an island off the East Coast, and met with a woman whose husband is a commercial lobsterman. She's a knitter, and runs a bakery, too. A satisfying break away from the windy weather and to-do list around here. You can visit her at her blog, Maine Island Knits... tell her I said hi.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Housing Dreams

Stories like this one encourage me: this high schooler bought a house! It meant saving and scrimping, and putting away every cent of her 4-H winnings, but now she's got it rented and earning income. Good for her!

I've been trying to come up with new ways to squeeze out some dollars here and there...some cabins have come up for sale in Bailey, about an hour's drive away, and one of Husband's favorite fishing areas. (I could use a quiet spot for writing deadlines, too.) They're $30,000, which is a STEAL for vacation spots in our area. Oooh. Could we squeeze out enough extra money, especially if the prices dropped even further? I'm intrigued enough to try.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Things I wish I Didn't Know

More items from the "Say It Ain't So, Joe" Department:  

More paintings have been stolen, this time from the Paris Museum of Modern Art. (The security system just 'happened' to be disabled that night, and three -- count 'em, 3! -- guards never noticed a thing. Hmmm.) Well, at least police recovered most of the paintings stolen in Argentina last November.

Floyd Landis, American cyclist, has finally admitted to doping. But he says others, including Lance Armstrong and Armstrong's longtime coach, were involved, too.


Okay, here's one article you will enjoy -- a look at how designers are using scanning and inkjet printers to make amazing fabric prints. (Don't miss the slide show, either.) Wow! Let's see more digital printing in quilting cottons, and I'll be thrilled! 

(thanks to the Wall Street Journal for these tidbits)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Free Subscription to Ready Made!

Run, do not walk, to this site and nab yourself a FREE 6-issue subscription to Ready Made magazine. It's part crafts, part home dec, part woodworking, art and sewing -- and a heck of a lot about repurposing items, making do, and redesigning. You'll be amazed at how much it broadens the possibilities of what you can do with your clothes, furnishings and home.

Both girlies have found this mag refreshing and helpful, too. Quick, hurry before all the subscriptions are gone!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dear Anonymous Comment People-Types

(Yes, I know that's an odd phrase for an English major with an M.A. I did it on purpose.)

I'm glad that you took the time to visit my blog, as well as type out a response. Really, I am. However, it's very interesting that you must do so under the 'anonymous' flag. I agree: insulting and belittling someone is much easier if you don't have the guts to affix your name to said comment.

Congratulations. You may have made fun of me and the blog, but those comments also made you look petty -- and very small.  (P.S. I decided to okay their publication, so everyone can enjoy your discomfiture.)

Y'all come back now...ya hear?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm Not Sure What to Think About This...

A blog that, every Friday, features a picture of the food she wasted that week.


It's slightly more disgusting when she talks about it...but then shows a photo of a perfectly good food item -- like salsa. (I kept thinking, "this is spoiled??" Turns out she was just bragging how she didn't waste it.)

Negative reinforcement? (She even encourages fellow bloggers to post their own gross photos.) An unusual way to cut your food urges, and lose weight? The whole thing makes me a tad nauseous. But maybe you'll enjoy it.

Ten interesting things to do with your junk mail...this is much more fun to think about.
* * * * *
Four inches of snow, so far. More on the horizon, in steadily increasing clouds. I have to teach a Hanky Panky class tonight at the Creative Needle in Littleton -- hopefully it will hold off enough for me to get there and back.
    Spent hours last night in the rain and snow, standing on people's doorsteps and asking census questions -- one lady burst into laughter when I asked her if she was male or female. (I have to! I have to!) I have a new theory about all this -- the Pathetic or Sympathy Factor. The worse you look (wet, bedraggled, snowy), the more people are apt to take pity on you, and answer questions. Seems to work for me.
   Dragged myself home to a roaring fire and the company of Husband and Daughter #2...and Jack Bauer. ("24" just seems to get better and better, now it's nearly done.) Snoozed off, feeling warm and comforted. I'm a lucky woman.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

To Cosign...or Loan? That Is the Question

A lot of bloggers have been discussing this lately...if someone you care about asks you to cosign a loan, should you do it?

Here's one viewpoint on the subject -- including a warning that your good credit will not stay that way, if your cosigner doesn't pay -- and you don't, either. Here's another viewpoint, but it sounds suspiciously the same!

The Simple Dollar puts it straight: don't sign for the loan unless you're okay with paying it yourself. 

Next question: should you make loans to people you care about, knowing they may not pay?

In our experience...yes. And no.

A few times during early marriage, we borrowed money from both sets of parents -- for a motorcycle and plane tickets. Both times, we made the payments as promised -- and in fact, paid extra so the loans would finish earlier. Neither of the parents asked for it -- we just did it.

We've also loaned substantial amounts of money to family and once, to a friend. We've had about a 50% payback rate -- and nearly every time we were repaid, we had to remind the recipient that we were owed and needed it back.  Daughter #2 has been the shining exception: if she's borrowed it, she pays it back when she says she will. (Good on you, girlie!)

We've cosigned on one loan. Which, very quickly, we ended up paying on. (In fact, we're paying on it now, but doing it to pay the loan in question, and help out the person.)  Nuff said.

Loans and friends/family are a strange mix. Don't do it, unless you can afford to lose it. Or just give it with an open heart. You may well have to do that, anyways, once you're done with the whole thing.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Where Did the Week Go???

...clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you..

Seriously, it does feel like I've been running in place all week. Apparently the wobbly feeling is coming from an ear infection; that hasn't helped with getting business responsibilities done -- or traipsing around, doing census interviews in our suddenly-cold-winds. I've got a big batch of interviews to take care of (called NRFU in census terms -- don't say those letters out loud!). Then a trip to the post office (Brickworks staffers are off today) and a stop to get milk and eggs.

An exciting life, huh?

In the bad news department -- Husband found out (along with all the other hourly employees) that his schedule had been cut from "12 month" to "9 month" -- a 25% pay/time cut. (Plus hourly employees may get benefits -- but the current plan gives them no vacation or sick days. Oh goody.) There are a lot of frightened people running around the Douglas County school district right now. One of Husband's best, most experienced bus drivers came to him yesterday and said, "How in the world am I going to pay my mortgage?" A very good question.

In the good news department -- Husband has been working on a new project for the school district. Yesterday, he found out that he will be even more heavily involved in its execution...and that is going to mean he'll get extra hours. Who knows -- it may even translate back into a "12 month" position.

So it's looking brighter for us...but not for many of the people we work with and care about. We have good friends who are unemployed, or working temporary positions while they search for more permanent work. Many of the people I'm working with for census are in the latter position. It's a tad scary here in Colorado -- and we're supposed to be one of the states with the brightest employment outlook! God forbid you even consider states like Michigan...

Well, off to work -- hope your Friday is going well.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Quirky Videos

Did you hear about the grandma who slapped granddaughter's face for being rude, plus using the F- word? She ended up in jail for a night, though at least the Powers That Be are showing a glimmer of wisdom for not charging her for assault. (Negative kudoes to the cop who righteously opines that one slap is 'domestic violence,' and 'we don't lak yer kind.' Yeah, right.)

My engineer buddy has a new kitty video out.

And this butt-scratching kitty is is good for a laugh, too. (Thanks, Daughter #1!)

Then there's the MysteryGuitarMan who with the magic of stop motion photography, becomes just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Here's his take on Flight of the Bumblebee and the Marriage of Figaro.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A New Drying Idea

...aluminum foil.


According to this blogger, a scrunched-up ball of aluminum foil takes the place of dryer sheets. She hasn't had to replace it for the past six months.

I'm going to try about you?


I was trotting across the Sam's Club parking lot during lunchtime, when everything went gray. It cleared up, and I found myself examining the concrete up close -- and not on purpose!

A coke, a polish dog, and some time later, yours truly staggered back to census training. I've never had this happen -- was it the hot classroom, no chance to get anything to drink, the muggy, changeable weather? Who knows. A couple of scratched-up, bruised knees, feeling a bit wobbly still. But doing better.

Out in the field tomorrow, doing my first evaluation.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Working, Working

Now that the Denver Quilt Festival is done, I should be putting stuff away, lounging about and working on the next deadline...right? Naahh. I've spent the past two days in a stuffy classroom, doodling quilt patterns, joking around with my tablemates...and learning how to be an enumerator. It's not Ahnold's copycat -- I'm learning how to be a census rep for NRFU--non-response followup. (It's also called "how to pay for an unexpected $1800 auto repair bill.")

And of course, it's been the most heartbreaking, achingly beautiful set of spring days we've had for a long while. I spent part of lunch hour dozing in the sunshine and soaking it in. Another day of training, then I can be outside in it while I'm working.

This is often when things slow down a bit at the Brickworks offices. Orders and work still go on, but it's quieter. My staffers take a lot of time off, since the boss can generally keep things going.

It also means that I can spend some time outside, and doodling around on various projects. The lazy days digging in the garden will come...I just need to do this for a while, too.

Gives New Meaning to "Costs Big Bucks"

You may not be made of money...but this dress is. Fifty million pounds, to be exact!

(thanks, The Berry)

I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it,
or these dresses stitched from credit cards. (But the bracelet's cool!)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Treasures Galore with a Scottish Burr

More treasures to add to the mix --

The museums of Scotland have an amazing 'collections highlights' page, full of Pictish hoards, famous paintings, Robert the Bruce's feasting cup -- even Dolly the cloned sheep! Click on every item listed, and the link takes you to crisp photos and a detailed description, not only where and why the treasure in question was found (or created, in Dolly's case), and why it's important.

I want to take more time to read through these links, but am rushing off to Show & Tell at the Denver Quilt Festival...ciao for now.

Ruby Is Gone

    She died Monday afternoon. We buried her under a cedar tree, and I will plant lavender on her grave -- because she was such a sweet dog...