Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Fall Wreath...Fast!

Homebody Holly has a bee-you-tiful fall wreath (actually, it's a rectangle) she made with foam board and artificial fall leaves from the dollar store. Gosh, it's nice, and it took her just minutes to make. She was inspired by Thrifty Decor Chick's version. (Go to the Sept. 14 post for that one -- which actually looks a bit larger-scale than Holly's. I like both. This happens when I get back from the cruise!

It is warm and dry (again), but the fall colors are gently moving in and around Castle Rock. (The rock, that is -- a large butte that actually looks more like a big ship than a castle.) Friend Constance asked me over for breakfast, and we ate it outside, looking out at the shimmering golds, rusts and browns. Lovely.

Our local thrift shop is in the process of moving to a new location. I love this place, anyways, but right now they're holding a 50% off sale. Good enough...but then the volunteers in back opened a whole bin chockful of Chico tank tops, sweaters and pants. (Here's the brand website.) I bought at least ten, plus a multi-dozen set of antique "Woodlands Fantasy" dishes. (You can see the pattern here.) All for $97. WHOO HOO!!!! I am dazed, dizzy and excited.

This is really what Colorado looks like right least my part of the state. Have a great fall weekend yerself.

(thank you, spiroll from


Anonymous said...

Oh my word, those dishes are absurdly beautiful. I can't wait to see them.

cakes to eluru said...

very very beautiful.

Frugal Hits & Misses: April Report

 Tired. Just tired. But a week's visit to see family in Washington helped. Now on to finishing up things, so I can start new things. One...