Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Breakfasts Galore

Many bloggers have been on a breakfast kick lately. Maybe it's the success of the Breakfast Burrito... or people are finally trying to eat in healthy ways. All I know -- I get lots of great ideas from their ideas. Now, so can you:

*Donna Freedman's post at Get Rich Slowly got me started...she's got good ideas, but so do her many reader comments. (Although I'm not as big on the joys of oatmeal as she -- and many others -- are. So spank me.)

*Then there's what The Kitchn's whipped up in this department, including fast prep time, plus that lovely word "cheap."

*Notes from the Frugal Trenches weighs in from England on her breakfast choices.

*A nice eggless pancake recipe here from Grocery Cart Challenge.(Good for allergies and last-minute pantry emergencies; you'll find some excellent Super Bowl-style entrees and snacks via this link, too.)

*Zen Habits seems to focus on fruit a lot...but hey, add nuts to it, and, as Bill Cosby says, "That's Nutrition!" (Cosby was talking about serving his kids grapefruit juice and chocolate cake for breakfast -- because it has eggs, wheat and milk!)

*Brin over at Messy Thrilling Life is a terrific baker, and I stop by regularly to see what she's got in the oven. Her cheese scones may well make an appearance at tonight's supper, but they'd be good made up the night before for breakfast. Not to mention her blueberry breakfast bars and southern-style pecan banana muffins. My stomach is growling already!

*And finally, ideas for students heading out the door, from Cheap Healthy Good (who has good recipes anyways, especially if you're vegetarian).

I like the burritos, but also find myself cooking a variation on our family's Cheese Guys:

 (doable in 15 min. -- or less)

Turn oven on to 450 degrees. Layer corn tortillas (3 for each eater) on a cookie sheet, and slide it in.

Now grease your frying pan with a few squirts of olive oil. (Or leave this step out if cooking with meat.) Add a handful of chopped or sliced bacon, ham, or sausage -- any kind -- plus a handful of chopped or sliced vegetables: onions, broccoli, mushrooms, whatever. (I will often use leftovers from the night before.) Cook until sizzling, then pour in beaten eggs -- 2 per person. Turn the heat off. Stir the eggs gently until they scramble. Sprinkle on a handful of cheese.

By this point, the oven should have reached maximum temp. Check the tortillas; they should be soft and slightly puffed. Pull them out; place on a plate, then layer the egg mixture on top. Serve with a spoonful of salsa or guacamole. While everything is still hot, fold up the shells and eat taco-style. Served with juice, fruit and hot Panamanian coffee, this will keep you going.
    If none of these ideas sound good, there's always leftover pizza -- the breakfast of champions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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Talkin' Bout Boogers...

  At least he didn't keep his 'art collection' ON the couch! Hey, only quality stuff on this blog!!!