Monday, January 30, 2012

Dreaming About Homesteading

Okay, I'm not thinking homesteading for us -- right now, at least -- but it's fun to dream about possibilities.

Like thinking about chickens (again). I still haven't talked the Brick into these, but Daughter #2 has her own 5 hens. And if I'm lucky, now and then I get a dozen eggs. This chicken blog is lots of fun.

And following Surviving the Suburbs
(She's talking about maple sugaring right now. She does slip a tad more philosophy and ideas she doesn't always support with evidence -- but hey, that's what a blog is for. To express your opinion. And I enjoy following her progress.)

Or my favorite -- Living the Frugal Life. (Her photos are as beautiful as her prose. Patterns sometimes show up, like fingerless gloves. And she has chickens.)

Or watching this wonderful documentary on Dolly Freed, the original Possum Living girl.
(The link will give you the whole thing -- the imbedded video below is Part 1 of 3. More on Dotty today here, plus links to a longer interview.)

It sure beats scraping walls downstairs in the basement. (sigh)

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