Friday, September 14, 2012

Baking...Right From the Freezer!

Want crunchy cookies at the drop of a hat? Bake them straight out of the freezer!

It's very simple: mix your dough, then drop balls or scoops of dough on a cookie sheet, taking care not to let them touch. Let freeze. Pop the balls off the sheet and put them in a plastic bag back in the freezer. That's it!

When you're ready for a warm cookie or two, put the frozen balls on a cookie and bake like normal. The cookies may take a few minutes longer, but they'll set up beautifully. (In our high altitude, this method actually keeps them from spreading too much.) Serve and enjoy.

Here's a good recipe for lemon-pomegranate cookies, thanks to Make-Ahead Meals. But it's also a pictorial walk-through of the freezer method.

* * * * * * * * *

Just finished up at Quilter's Anonymous in Lynnwood, WA. (Thanks, girls -- I had a great time!) Now staying at Jon &Judi's house, our brother and sister-in-law, in Bellingham. The fall colors are beginning to show lovely streaks of red and orange, and there's a pleasant crisp in the air. We'll have a few days with J&J before heading back home Sunday night.

What a relaxing time.

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