Thursday, October 11, 2012


Stayed up until 3 a.m., finishing up some things.

Got little sleep -- but definitely making progress now.

Appraised all day at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum. They've got a terrific exhibit of political quilts in the main gallery, and an eclectic (and slightly quirky) selection of quilts from Pat Moore's collection. I admire that woman's fine instincts for intriguing quilts! (In fact, I have two in my own collection that I purchased from Pat. She's got a great 'eye.')
   You only have a week or so left to see these exhibits -- they're getting ready to change soon. The main gallery will feature a large selection of Crazy quilts, many of them from the collection of Allen and Patty Brown. Beautiful. 

If you've never been to this place,you won't regret it. Take time to visit both gallery areas -- the one in downtown Golden, and the other at the RMQM offices.

Teaching Hanky Panky tomorrow -- a private lesson. (No smart remarks about that!) Then a few piano lessons to give -- and maybe a short nap.

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