Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff...Back from New Mexico

I got home late last night, after driving six hours from Albuquerque. Gee, I had fun with the girls at the New Mexico Quilters Association! (More about that soon...thanks so much!)
   While I'm recuperating, here are some goodies I found wandering around the Internet:

Dozens of ways to have fun -- for little or no money.

A stolen piano and other ways to get robbed... if you're not paying attention, that is. A good reminder, especially when you're living somewhere else temporarily, or traveling. (Thanks, Daily Money Shot.)

Captain Bill Farquharson died back in September. His name is not familiar so much to us Yanks, but he was a brilliant military pilot back in WWII. (In spite of his heroics, he wasn't afraid to admit he was "frightened all the time.") 

Take a minute, also, to read the story behind a poignant note left at the Bomber Command Memorial

Photo - Alamay
  For you literary types, T.S. Eliot's wife, Valerie Eliot, just died recently, too.

Feeling like you just can't get even the important stuff done? You're not alone. Some good ways to cope with it here, thanks to Get Rich Slowly.

A St. Bernard who's too afraid to walk down the stairs...the gentle (and sweet!) solution

Strange uses for a credit card. I'd add scraping paint and smoothing out frosting. I also remember some police drama that used credit cards to break into locked apartments. Hmmm.

Speaking of credit cards, some straightforward ways to deal with -- and take advantage of -- Black Friday, without straining yourself...or your cards. (Thanks, Retire by 40.)

A very long look at couples, dressed in each others' clothes. Gives the idea "cross-dressing" a whole new meaning. (I am positive that the Brick will never ever want to wear my fur collar sweater and high heels. No matter what.)

31 very easy how-to projects. Insanely easy -- but wow, they work. (The mug trick is related to last week's 'how to paint knobs easily' post.)

Plesiosaurs gave birth to their young, apparently similar to how whales or dolphins do it. This may seem logical to you, but scientists have been arguing about it for centuries -- until recently, when they found an unusual fossil.

A man and a church have a lifesaving impact on each other. Quietly touching.

And in honor of Thanksgiving -- and news reporters:

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Don't Look Now -- DUCK!!!

  "I usually get the duct cleaning guys calling so I will just yell out to my wife and ask if the ducks need to be cleaned. I will resp...