Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Monday (Ahem - Tuesday!) Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Home Edition

Finally back in Colorado -- after a long bus ride via Megabus in the early morning (4 - 6:30 a.m.), and getting stuck in the Chicago airport because of the icy, snowy weather. Nearly three hours after we were supposed to lift off, we finally did -- only to get to Denver, bone-dry and warm. And of course, the people in Chicago made all sorts of comments on how much skiing we'd be doing this season, etc. 
    All I can say is -- Ha.
Woke up way early this morning, wondering where the heck I was. My body has no idea what to do with the 2-hour difference between Michigan and Colorado time. While it's adapting, take a look at this goodies collected via the Internet:

Ten small projects that keep your house spiffy and cared for. (Thanks, Money Beagle.)

A surprisingly simple - and fast - way to clean that rubbed-in grime from vinyl floorsCourtesy of The Graphics Fairy's DYI column.  

Caryl Bryer Fallert got married! Now she's better known as Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry. See the full story here. Congratulations to you, Caryl and Ron.

Are all those buying-airfare myths true? Well, yes...and no. Donna Freedman explains the difference. 

Neighbor housing protests that made their point. In other words, be careful what you complain about -- because you may just get your wish.

A family that chose to live in a public toilet, so their son could get free education. Whoa, and we think we make sacrifices...

The 20-minute rule, as discovered by Crazy Aunt Purl.  This one could literally change your life.

Five easy tricks that will mprove your photos. Cleverly Inspired has some good ideas here.

Celebrities you didn't know were related to each other -- 24 of them!

And, of course, the Super Bowl's 2013 commercials. Got a big lump in my throat for the farmer one, thinking of my dad...and the Budweiser Clydesdale one was a weeper, too.

Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are home was thinking about you recently. Are you interested in any hankies? taking a break from downsizing and slowly getting back into quilting Diane in Florida. anothersnowbird

Cindy Brick said...

Hey, Diane --
Yes, we're always interested in hankies! E-mail me at cindyjbrick@gmail.com, and we can talk...

Glad you stopped by.

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...