Tuesday, April 9, 2013


This link will give you a bit of an idea of what's going on in Colorado today...
    Basically snow snow snow. 

I thought spring was here! Where did it go?
A washtub of plants are biding their time next to the deck door, while Charley the dog toasts his belly in front of the fireplace.

The bone from the Easter ham is seasoning a pot of blackeyed peas for Hoppin' John -- hearty, tasty and very budget-priced. The recipe dates from the slave quarters in Civil War times, and is thought to bring good luck, especially when you serve it around New Year's.  (Clever people, those slaves!)


1 meaty hambone
1 pound blackeyed peas
1/2 chopped red pepper
1 chopped onion
2 tablespoons garlic
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning

Add water to cover -- about 6-8 cups. (Add more as needed while cooking.) Let cook in a crockpot on low 8-12 hours, or high 6-8 hours; remove the bone (give it to Charley the dog), chop meat and stir back in. Add salt to taste, and savor over rice.

Ah well... the weather makes it easier to want to stay in and work on taxes. (Sigh.) Now that Michigan lost the college ball championship (not by much, but lost, nonetheless), the world is a little quieter.
     At least it's peaceful.

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