Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Drawing A (Deeper) Breath

     I finished the last gig for this year on Saturday...staggered home, and finished up work on a quilt restoration. Crossed off a few additional items on the list, as well. There are more to go, but I'm finally making some progress. What a relief!  
     The chicken coop expansion is done, thanks to the Brick and some additional 2-by-fours. Not that the chickies are of the chickens got stuck this morning in the pallet leaning by the garage. Did the others help their buddette extricate herself? Nah...they stood around and watched, according to the Brick.
     One more quilt restoration, and some scattered jobs here and there. The coop 'palace' needs painting, too...I just hope I can get it done before the snowstorm hits on Thursday. Meanwhile:

Donna Freedman gets snowbound. Almost makes we wish we've got snow. (We will, we will.)

Punch Debt in the Face shares something intensely personal -- his faith. (Which I also share.)

College - and regrets. Not just for student loans, which they focus on, big-time: 'she had no idea she'd borrowed so much money,' etc. My big question: WHY NOT?? Also covered: poor choices of majors, for producing income, etc etc. One of the whinier Get Rich Slowly posts I've read. Good, though, for showing to high school seniors and college student wannabes.

Incredibly easy refried beans. Got a crockpot, two pounds of beans and a few spices? Make them easy, for burritos and such -- and save a ton of money. (From Pennies and Pancakes.)

P&P's got some yummy-looking cinnamon rolls, too...

...and some very frugal living tips. Think I'd better subscribe to Pennies & Pancakes' blog!

Thirteen freebies. You've definitely heard of some of these -- like a free library card -- but some should be new to you. (Thanks, AARP.)

A wedding and honeymoon for under $5000? Some good ideas here from Len Penzo.

 An all-cash Christmas, courtesy of Moneysaving Mom. I'm not a fan of just sticking to cash -- the reward funds from my credit cards are too helpful. (I pay them off each month, so no interest.) But the ideas in this series are very, very practical -- and good.

Have a great week. Get some rest!

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