Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Go Broncos!

      To our happy surprise, the Broncos actually beat the San Diego Chargers last night! On to next week...and the Patriots. Who will not be pushovers, I'm sure. Memo to the commentators, who spent yesterday's game praising the Chargers (and grudgingly admitting, at finish, that the Broncos had actually won): Pay attention, guys. The Broncos might actually win the game against the Patriots, too! 

Frigid scenes from Chicago. (Plus a news story on a peacock who escaped from the petting zoo...and froze to death. Poor guy.)

Ice boulders are washing up on the shores of the Great Lakes. (Which are actually freezing over -- this doesn't happen often, but it's not unheard-of.)

Six treasures found by amateurs.  One was discovered because the guys were searching for a lost hammer! I especially liked this site for the up-close photos. For more inspiration, go to this list of the Top Ten Incredible Treasure Troves. (Haven't heard of some of these before.) And along the same track...

A man goes for a walk in Great Britain -- and finds more than $100,000 swirling on top of the river he and his dog are strolling by. Yow. Don't stop there, though. Take a look at the 'Unearthed' slideshow on the same page for more incredible finds. including a WWII carrier pigeon (with message still attached to a skeletal leg) found in a chimney; a Vietnam soldier's letters finally delivered; gold coins; a Really Early Viking tunic unearthed in a glacier; and much more.

Frugal Babe finds her own treasure - at the local thrift store. A high-end sweater for $6? That's the kind of math I like. 

California Barley Bowl...doesn't this look crisp and refreshing. (Although I'd probably use couscous, instead -- had too many servings of Campbell's beef and vegetable soup (with barley) as a kid, to be a big fan. (Thanks, 101 Cookbooks)

Donna Freedman feels like a (sorta) poor relation. Just temporary...we all go through this.

Lucy the beagle who swiped chicken nuggets -- don't show this to your dogs!

The carcass(es?) of two conjoined whales -- found in Mexico. The first...

Remember that small Renoir painting, found at a swap meet? The judge ordered it returned to the museum it was stolen from.

Dancing to Pharrell Williams...while you're stationed in Afghanistan.
     Get down!... and have a great week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...