Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Do the Bird!

It's been one strange bird experience after another, lately.

Last night, I went out to close the coop. (In case you didn't know, like much of the nation, Colorado's getting hit with extra-low temperatures, snow and wind lately. Last night, it was a balmy -8.) Normally, I just clump down there, bang the door shut and wish the ladies a good night.
    I just happened to hear an indignant cluck, though, over by the hot tub. Who should be there but the Boss Chicken (known here as "Mrs. Bossy"). She's the one who insists on patrolling when the others are inside, to make sure everything's ok. She's also the one who sounds the alarm when anything goes wrong, or something particularly tasty strolls by.
    I carried her down to the coop, with her clucking indignantly all the way. ("Oh, the shame - the shame!") What she was doing, up by the house, I am not sure -- but she had ice on her head, and was barely walking. If I hadn't noticed -- or she hadn't said anything - we would have had a chicken popsicle this morning.

I resemble that remark!

Speaking of this...a c.1875 brick farmhouse that became a chicken coop...then transformed back again. (Wish we could find one of these!)

Bird story #2:  I came in, after letting the chickens out of the coop this morning, only to find the dogs staring at a large aloe vera I keep by the kitchen sink. Turns out I also let IN a bird! A panicky robin, who kept throwing itself at the kitchen window. Finally, it smacked against the glass so hard that it fell into one of the pans in the sink. I carried it outside, thinking the worst -- that it had broken its neck. (The dogs, meanwhile, were mad that Mom wouldn't let them have this fascinating new chew toy -- "Gimme that, Mom -- I can get the squeaker out!")
     After some five minutes on its back, flopping around (me desperately trying to set it upright, all the while), the robin suddently flipped over and TOOK OFF, followed by two disappointed dogs.

And finally Bird story #3:  A Very Large Something has been sitting high up in our neighbor's tree, watching the chickens. (Up to no good, I'm sure.) Too big for a hawk -- and too much in the daytime for an owl. Could it have been an eagle?!? Didn't think we had those around here.
     Charley expressed his opinion about this very firmly, and it left. But I feel uneasy about it yet.

And of course...

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