Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Robin Williams...and Hanging in There

I'm in Cheyenne, Wyoming for the rest of the week. Not because I'm working...because I'm not.
    Not always, that is.

The guild needed judging done yesterday.

I needed to be here Thurs - Sat to do appraisals.

I tried hard to do the judging today (Wed)...but the judge last year was so slow that they literally had to wait, quilt by quilt, while she made up her mind.

The upshot of that: I needed to judge yesterday.

Which meant an afternoon (Tues) and a day (Wed) I had nothing to do but wander.

Actually, it was kind of nice. I spent much of yesterday being sick, for some odd reason, but still had time to visit the Cheyenne museum (which is quite interesting - and FREE), and gaze up in a haze at the shining capital building. It looks a lot like the Denver version.
    Today, I lazed about, read a couple of books (yes, I read fast), visited a few thrift shops and a flea market, then finally settled down at the library to get some work done.

It's been very peaceful.

Oh, that Robin Williams could have hung in there a little longer. I have to believe that he would eventually have come out of the bleakness that made him take his own life.
    What a huge waste of a talented, funny person.

Like this bit, from the Denver Bronco cheerleaders:

I didn't always agree with the decisions he made in his personal life -- but he made me laugh. And good belly laughter is rather rare in this crazy world.

We will miss you, Robin.

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