Thursday, November 20, 2014

How Are the Chickens?

I'm sure some of you are wondering. 

Well, they're just fine -- in fact, they don't seem to be bothered by the increasing cold at all.

Mostly Black Austrolorps...but here are the bully Rhode Island Reds, getting their share

Although the freezing ground does interfere with all those refreshing dust baths.

They do seem to be easing back on the eggs, which is sad.

Notice the clever feeder-hanger-upper. The Brick came up with that, with leftovers from our roofing pipe.
    We do have a heater in the water, so they can have refreshing sips with their refreshing dustbaths. (This do-it-yourself heater would work, if we didn't have one already.)

We also keep a lightbulb going -- they need at least 12 hours of light to be stimulated to lay regularly -- and a heating bulb.

Now if they'd only kick out some more eggs. C'mon chickies, you can do it!

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