Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: So They Won (or Lost...)

Watched the Superbowl with the Brick and our friends...what a wacky ending! The commercials were mildly amusing, including this one from Sprint. I actually laughed out loud on this one!

I also laughed out loud at the Brick, along with our goofy friends. All of them were wearing Broncos shirts, caps and sweatshirts...and the food was garnished with Broncos napkins. The Broncos may not have been playing this year -- but hey, devotion persists! 

(If you want to see what some people think are the 50 best Super Bowl commercials, go here...)

All sorts of food freebies for February. (From The Simple Dollar)

Getting a credit card refund when you've been scammed. (From the Brad's Deals blog)

An oral history of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation -- by the people who made it and were in it. One of my all-time favorite movies. And while you're at it:

Cary Elwes' take on Princess Bride. Another terrific one. (Did you know that Andre the Giant could down more than 100 beers in one sitting?)

The 32 greatest unscripted movie scenes. From The Godfather to Zoolander.

9 things you'll need for a rich DIY life. (From Living in Rural Iowa)

Why you should consider "shorting." (If this guy is right, we are in BIIIG trouble.)

Saving money on heating costs this winter. (From Penniless Parenting)

The best ways to pay your expenses while traveling overseas. I don't agree with all of these; travelers checks, for example, have been hard to cash, in our experience. But generally there's good stuff here. (From One Cent At A Time)

Hidden door bookcases. Dickens had one of these in his study in Gad's Hill, complete with funny book titles: The Virtues of Our Ancestors (1 thin volume) and Lives of a Cat (9 volumes), etc.  I wish, I wish... I'd love to have one of these.

the dummy book door in Dickens' study

Eating on 80 pence a day. What is that...about $20 a week? 

Frugal eating revisited -- practical ways to eat well, and cheaply. (From Womanhood with a Purpose)

Making your own 'Girl Scout cookies'...including thin mints! (From Blogher)

Why is this woman calling 911...and ordering a pizza? A Super Bowl ad that needs to be heard:

A cabin with a wall of windows...for $500? Yep, from Apartment Therapy.

Have a great week...regardless whether 'your' team won or not. 

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  More end of the week silliness here.. .hey, we all need a laugh.