Friday, February 19, 2016

Don't You Feel Like Doing This Some Time?

Harley the Chocolate Lab takes a mud bath. (Charley would love doing this, if he could get away with it.) 

It's been quiet at the Brick house. The Mama has done several small jobs for us, and seems mostly content to putter and read. (And ask questions. LOTS of questions, usually spaced 4 or 5 min. apart, so you've gone back to whatever you were doing before that.)

I have a batch of appraisals on my plate, and the Brick is finishing up some computer work. Nice just to be together, listening to the Beatles and George Strait while we type. (Elvis too, for the Mama.)

Colorado's wild chinook winds have been banging around the house for days. Yesterday they almost ripped away the huge IKEA sign that overhangs the highway in Denver.

The Powers That Be promptly shut I-25 down, stranding hundreds of commuters. Last night when we came home around 9 p.m., the highway further north must have finally opened -- a long string of  headlights were barely crawling down the road, heading south. Poor people.

Didn't the IKEA people realize we get these winds every year? 

It's peaceful now...but who knows for how long. We'll enjoy it while we can.

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