Saturday, March 5, 2016

Home Bodies

We're staying home this weekend.   P.S. It feels wonderful.

The Mama's gone home. (She misses Charley, she says...but I'd guess she's loving sleeping in her own bed again.)

We slept in, had a leisurely breakfast of pancakes...then just messed around the rest of the afternoon.

Roses glowing in the afternoon sun
I'll have to do some work tonight...but it was worth it.

We've had sunny skies and barefoot temperatures for the past few days. One chicken apparently was inspired, and made a break for it. She didn't get far.

The Brick trimmed one wing; that way, she can't hop to the top of the coop and fly out. (Her usual modus operandi)

Boy, was she ticked.

We've been taking care of our neighbors' bunnies, cleaning up this, fixing that...and having a fire in the woodstove every evening, along with watching a movie. All this welcome rest has had an interesting effect: I suddenly have all sorts of writing ideas in different directions. Some ideas for the business, too. And lots of energy to do them with. Whoa. 

Either I've got some great stuff that's coming in 2016...or coming down with a cold. Could be either. Could be both. I'll think about it while we're watching the newest series we've found: Man in A Suitcase. Well, new to us -- this quirky spy/cop special aired in Britain from 1967-8. Reminds me some of The Avengers. Or maybe The Prisoner. (Turns out that was on purpose.)

Series titles over a suitcase
courtesy: Wikipedia

When one door closes...better just stay put. It might open other doors.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

I always enjoy the updates and pictures of the chickens! Since I've always been a city girl, your poultry stories always tell me something I did not know.

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...