Monday, December 26, 2016

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: 35 Years With The Brick

     Today is our anniversary! How can so many years have gone with this guy. We met in a Chinese restaurant in Ann Arbor. (He sat at my table -- see, this really does happen sometimes!) He had just finished six years in the Navy, and was a freshman (Engineering) at Michigan. I was in grad school (English Lit), living in the attic of a family home, acting as their unofficial housekeeper. 
     I was headed to New York after graduation, looking for a job in publishing. Instead, we stayed in Ann Arbor, then went on to Boulder (after a summer spent traveling on a motorcycle) for the Brick to get his M.S. 
     Thirty-two years later, we're still in Colorado. But that may change in the future. 

How to get ahead in 2017 -- advice from a bunch of famous people.

Holiday lighting -- at night. Some wonderful candlelit photos here.  (From Tidbits)

Amy Schumer bought her family's farm back, after they lost it. What a girl -- and a great daughter.

Christmas in Amsterdam. My Canadian blogger friend is there right now, house-sitting. A LOT of photos and descriptions -- nice, if you can't be there yourself.  (From A Life By Design)

A guy gets kicked off a Delta flight, and announces it was rascist.  Turns out he's made a career out of obnoxious 'Arab' Youtube videos he characterizes as fun pranks -- but are obviously scaring people on the planes he's riding on. And most times, he's allowed to stay. (This flight, he was shouting in Arabic, in a way that suggested threats. Harmless, huh?) 

A Yule Log how-to.  No, it's not too late to make one.  (From Hard Up And Happy)

The weirdest gifts people have received for Christmas.

The 2016 Naughty List -- in the art world.  (From Artnet)

Ten female spies who fought against the Nazis.  (From Listverse)

Sherlock (as in Holmes) is finally back for Season Four. It's about dingdang time! (Their Christmas special last year was an embarrassing joke.)

Seven habits of creative renters.  (From Apartment Therapy) Also from them:

Holidaying up a 490-sq-ft apartment in Hell's Kitchen.  

Staying warm in winter -- even when you've got inadequate heat. (From Harvest Lane Cottage, a new blogger I've been reading lately) Also from her:

A Christmas miracle on the frontier.

Homemade snow cone syrup.  (From Hundred Dollars A Month)

"It burns:" the horrible result of an artichoke dip gone bad -- on live TV!
   If you've ever had anything go'll be able to relate.

Happy Anniversary, David -- with love. I'm looking forward to spending many more years with you.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Happy Anniversary, a week late! I'm watching the Rose Parade and catching up on my emails and blogs. Our anniversary was the 19th. So, Christmas weddings for both of us! May you have many, many more! It was 46 years for us. You two are just kids! (smile)

Investing Advice: Uncertain Times

 -- from one of the Great Ones, Warren Buffett. *Stay calm.  and: *Don't let fear control you.       (or over-optimism, for that matter....