Sunday, December 3, 2017

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Catching Up

     After a hectic (but different) week, we're back to regular duties again. The kids went home. The Mama flew home last Saturday, and says she loves sleeping in her own bed again. Between working and The Mama, I've had little chance to explore the Internet this past week, so pickin's on the list are a bit spotty. (I'll do better next time.) 
     Charley the dog misses all the extra company...especially Karma, his friend and chewmate. But the Brick and I both are appreciating the chance to wander through the house in our underwear again, especially in the morning to let the dogs out.
     Hopefully the neighbors don't mind. 

     The Christmas tree is up, as well as some decorations. (Discovered that more are in Michigan in storage. Guess they'll stay there for now.) Our stock of Christmas movies is out for viewing, along with a boatload of hot chocolate and the rapidly-diminishing Christmas cookies. (Darn.)
     Now if it would only get chilly. 

Buy one, get TWO candles free -- from Yankee Candles(Thanks for mentioning it, Moneysaving Mom.)  This special is only good through Dec. 6.

Some fancypants efforts to sting the Washington Post in the Roy Moore affair -- that didn't work.    Not that Project Veritas would ever do this...

Was Garrison Keillor REALLY fired for just cause? I don't always agree with the man's viewpoints, but loved his show. And the one complaint (so far the only one, by the way) seems kind of silly. See what you think.

NFL players keep kneeling. In spite of 'bribes' to knock it off.
     Keep it up, guys. Viewership is down, and so are ticket sales.

A flash mob does Handel's Messiah.  Whoa.

The Walking Dead is heading toward its midseason finale; that episode shows Dec. 10.
     I hate waiting...

Weird forest mysteries around the world.  (From Listverse)  Also:

Ten parents who pretended their kids were seriously ill.

A thoughtful commercial for the holiday season: The Man in the Moon.

''Make A Gift A Day" series.  The Prudent Homemaker's extensive how-to list of a wide variety of gifts for all ages, including a Harry Potter pencil bag. (I intend to make a silk version of this zip case for The Mama.)

Have a great week...and take time to rest and enjoy this Christmas season.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.