Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Frugal Hits & Misses: February Report

What did we do in February? Other than Tucson -- and a lot of that trip is in a haze, thanks to the flu we brought back -- not much. We ate mostly out of the freezer and pantry. We cancelled out of several commitments, including some events for the local quilt museum, and our church Worship Team. (You don't sing well when you're coughing.)
      I didn't even read a lot, which is pathetic. Just didn't feel up to it. 

What I did work on were a host of little research jobs, plus prep work for the book. This week, I finish off getting the photos ready. Next, I start writing. I also have an increasing teaching/appraising schedule for the next few months -- and, of course, continuing to work on getting the house ready to sell.

Plus Daughter #2's and Son #1's wedding on June 5!

(Yes, this is a little early...but I had the time to write it now, and won't later.)

*Three mice caught! Including a big one that I suspect was our main offender. Now, if we can only get the others...

*Split the costs of the Tucson trip with Daughter #2 and Son #1. They were champs about paying their share of gas and food expenses. (I brought some extra food and a crockpot, but other than snacks, we didn't use it.) Once again, we stayed with friends...which was very, very kind of them.

*Did NOT go to the doctor for this flu business. He would have said: 'It's a virus, rest up and get over it." The Brick is more optimistic in this area. I like our doctor -- it's not that. It's just that I've heard this little refrain once too often. And I HATE paying good money, just to hear him say it.
     I also had a skin infection of some kind -- shingles, I'd guess, although in my nightmares, it was some weird flesh-eating bacteria. (I thought I'd kept this fear quiet, but the Brick said I talked about it in my sleep.) Thanks to regular applications of calomine and other lotions, THAT'S almost cleared up, as well.
     I do need a physical -- which is okay. (And the Brick just got another root canal, though it was on a tooth that was already 'crowned.') Fortunately, we still hae money in our HVA account.

Sooo glad The Walking Dead is starting up again...zombies are the spice of life.

*Did two appraisals while in Tucson...and a few more after coming home. 

*Finished up two restoration jobs. A third one is next on the list.

*Used up the bonus bucks from buying gift cards in December. 

*Did very little grocery shopping. It's easy, when you don't feel like eating much -- you stick with basics like milk, bread, eggs. I'm still interested in saving money in this area. It's just that neither of us was that hungry.
     The surprising bonus on this? I definitely have lost weight! My knee is feeling considerably better, too. (The Brick thinks that's a side benefit on the weight issue. He's probably right.)

It still feels weird to buy eggs.

*Watched a LOT of videos, including the full JAG series.  Cleaned out the collection, and donated extras. (Or put them up on Amazon to sell.) Hey, you have to do something, when you can't think clearly. Even the mediocre ones seemed more profound, while viewed in the company of Mr. Fever.

*Purchased photos for the upcoming book, but got them on sale. I need more, but we'll be making a few trips this week to get those. (Thankfully, the Brick is an excellent photographer.)

*Sold a book and video...and the first issue of O, Oprah Winfrey's magazine.

*The Brick's birthday celebration was modest -- in great part because neither of us felt up to whoop-tee-do celebrating. I did make a cake, and got a very nice buy in a present from Amazon. Other than that (and Valentine's Day too, frankly), we didn't do much.

Maybe a Bigfoot birthday cake next year? (Pinterest)

*His big birthday splash was a lunch stop at Red Robin. We used his free birthday burger, plus the bonus bucks expiring soon. A nighttime supper was covered by our friends...and I suspect that the upcoming supper with the girlies to celebrate Dad's birthday will be on them. That's how they usually do it.

*A lovely bunch of flowers, from my piano kids.  (And a few lessons given.) Picked up two more piano students, as well.

*Continued to make our loan payments in mid-month, saving on interest.

*Bought some rocks for our growing collection -- at wholesale prices.

*Saved on Valentine's Day buying them at after-Christmas prices. This pillow was a bargain, too. (For the girlies, of course, who are one of life's greatest pleasures. The Mama got one, as well.)


*Sales tax paid for 2017 -- plus the property tax for 2018. Necessary evils.

*Wasted food on our Tucson trip...because we ate out more. (Or had Son #1's grandma cooking for us. I'm grateful, since I was so sick at the time, but a little embarrassed.) A few dozen eggs and some milk had to be thrown away, along with some fast food leftovers. (Fortunately, I'd brought mostly canned goods along, which are fine.) Some stuff left in the fridge had to go, too. (A negative from no longer having chickens -- you waste more.)
     We've been slogging through the bread, but most of it was used as breadcrumbs for the Brick's birthday Sachertorte.  So that was ok.

*The dogsitting job committed to this month was cancelled. The clients got the flu... and no, it wasn't from me. We're not the only ones struggling around here. (It should be rescheduled in mid-March.)

*Paid for our own dogsitting needs -- for both Charley and our granddog, Karma. They were well cared-for while we were gone, which was important.

The twosome, doing what they do best -- snoozing
Upward and onward.

Here's last year's report for February -- or check out what happened last month around here.

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries