Monday, June 11, 2018

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: In A Daze

...but recovering.

We straggled home to a house full of piles, dirty laundry and dishes, after Daughter #2 and Son #1's wedding celebration. (Which was wonderful.) Everything is green and growing, but starting to wilt around the edges -- it is really, really hot. And very little rain.

     Welcome to Colorado.

I have a few restorations and other business things to do this week-- including some appraisals, and turning in my recertification paperwork for AQS. Then it's back to working on the house and yard. 

     Welcome to mid-June.

Let's get to it, Mom!
On another subject: the Brick just got me a new cellphone-- for my birthday, he said. (That's in September.) 
      He says it's 'much improved.'
      And it's 'easy to use.'
       I'll really like it.

I'm frightened.

As this blogger points out:
The only way out a situation (or an extremely hectic, busy time) is through.  (From Beauty That Moves)

17 quilt binding tutorials.  Hey, these are never easy -- except when you have help and helpful tips! (From Sew Mama Sew)

Big-time celebrity clapbacks.  WARNING:  Plenty of Rudeness.  But clever and very telling!  (From TooFab)

How to disappearOne of the stranger how-to stories I've ever read.  (From Cracked)

'The three biggest mistakes I've made in real estate investing.'  (From White Coat Investor)

The woman who says she's a dead NY developer's daughter. Of course, she has no interest at all in his $94 million fortune! Plus:

The ex-stripper who inherited a six-figure fortune from a former customer...and won a challenge in court by his family.

'Justify' wins the Belmont! This makes the horse the 13th Triple Crown champ...and his jockey the oldest to do so. But did he get help from a stablemate to accomplish it?  (How are you going to prove this, anyways...)

Funniest texts parents have sent their kids. WARNING: Rude Alert. But if you have children -- or contact with kids -- I dare you not to laugh!

Two recent suicides: Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade. Yet another reminder that big bucks and fame don't necessarily equal happiness -- or contentment.

Why in the world are there public serial poopers out there?!?  This article attempts to explain why. (I'm not sure it does, but hey...) Update: now there are road rage poopers, too.

Creamy Fire & Ice Salad.  Intriguing title, huh? (From Approaching Food)

German chocolate brownie bars.  Oh my.  (From Hundred Dollars A Month)

What do seven bloggers famous for their frugality splurge on?  (From The Simple Dollar)

Ten screwups that had international consequences.  (From Listverse) These are weird, too:

Ten mysteries of the jungle, including Amazon rings that predate the rainforest itself.

Ten actors who died during the tv shows they starred in. Including one of my favorites: 'Coach' on Cheers:

Ten particularly strange mysteries -- and disappearances -- that still don't seem to be solved. Someone, somewhere, knows the answers.

Frugal comfort food.  (From Little Home in the Country)

A stolen Christopher Columbus letter is finally returned -- to a library in Barcelona, Spain.

Have a great week. 

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Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: It's Over

    The holidays, I mean.      I loved having our kids, and some friends, over. I did not love having the flu while they were here -- but we...