Monday, August 13, 2018

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Cheyenne... And Updates

Chugging along.

The Brick is finally starting to act like his old self again, cracking jokes and spending a lot of time on the trailer. He's already fixed several problems, including water pipes that had frozen and cracked before we purchased it. He also fixed the washer (inside the house), and is currently tinkering with the electrical system (on the trailer). He loves doing this kind of work -- and is good at it. (He was in charge of his electrical shop when he was in the Navy.) What a guy -- I'm lucky to have him in my life. 

We've both had some struggles with allergies. (So has Charley the dog, quite frankly.) There's certainly plenty of work to take care of -- the Brick is increasingly picking up his share, but still gets tired quickly and has to rest. I understand that. 

This week, I'll be judging and appraising at the Cheyenne Heritage Quilters' annual show, in (where else) Cheyenne, WY. The show runs Aug. 16-18... if you're in the area, plan on stopping by. Go here for location and times, as well as more information.

I've had a long and memorable relationship with these quilters...and have become very fond of them. Looking forward to it!

An unusual quilt story -- revolving around an early handkerchief!  (From Civil War Quilts)

Six movies that exploited sets and props from... other movies!  Did you think Indiana Jones and Das Boot, or Star Trek and Andy Griffith, fit together? You will, after this.  (From Cracked) Also from them:

Seven musicians who stole their hits (or at least big chunks of them) from someone else. And actually got away with it a good percentage of the time.

Avid can and trash collector -- secret New York City millionaire.

Magazines are in trouble... even the big splashy ones like Vogue. This has been getting gradually worse over the years -- and won't be stopping anytime soon, either.

Chocolate cheesecake -- sound good? (It was, made for Daughter #1's birthday. From Kraft)

The $25 purchase that made all the difference in a rental kitchen(From Kitchn)

Handed-down recipes that are winners. Including (of course) cabbage rolls!  (From Taste of Home)

Ten treasures found by accident:


Ten lucky discoveries by people that made them rich:

"What's the most insensitive thing you've seen a tourist do?" Some illuminating answers via Reddit -- and not all the tourists are Americans, either. (Though we seem to grow our share of morons.) My favorites were during college years, when I was living in Vienna, Austria with my cousins: loud guys in equally loud shorts, cameras across their chests...certain that they were 'blending in.'

Ten actors who regret their iconic roles. Sean Connery...and James Bond? Yup. (From Suggest)

A fire in Ireland reveals a long-hidden WWII pilot sign.  (From Newser)

Seven small frugal ideas that pay off -- big.  (From Money Beagle)

Cattle make a citizen's arrest! That'll teach a carjacking suspect to run through their field.
    I grew up on a farm with 'feeder' cattle, raised for meat. They're incredibly curious creatures. If you lie down and wait, they'll eventually gather around you: 'Whatcha doin'?'

Movie set extras whose antics changed the whole scene.  (From Grunge)

"Box of memories:" a wistful look back -- including textiles. (From Diary of A Stay-At-Home Mom)

The best way to freeze zucchini... and use it afterwards.  We just got given several large ones... (From Living Life in Rural Iowa)

And in keeping with my current mood: a very feisty version of "Keep Your Hands to Yourself" by the band Precocious --

And the originals, of course --

Have a great week. Stop by and see the Cheyenne quilt show -- it's bound to be terrific!

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Don't Get Discouraged...

 one was too big, one was too small...