Friday, August 24, 2018

Frugal Hits & Misses: August Report

      It's hard to believe, but I've been writing this feature more than two years! The first Hits & Misses report was for July 2016.

August and September have some unsettling anniversaries for us. We still deal with feelings and memories from events that happened three years ago. Those took a long time to heal. Every time certain dates come up, I have a shiver of apprehension that I must shove back in the closet. After all, it's over -- and has been, for years.
      Thankfully those events are now scars, instead of scabs.
The Brick was still dealing with health issues when August began. Thankfully, those are just scars, as well! He is much better, thank God -- and I mean that literally.

I just heard from a friend, though, who is going through a similar situation at her job -- and enduring much right now. I can do nothing on her behalf.. I try to encourage her -- "This too will pass" -- but remember the pain and frustration all too well. I wish I could do more. 

     On the plus side: some work jobs have helped pay the bills, and even put a little back into savings. (September should be even better.) The Book is actively in production, and more speaking offers are coming in. The temperatures jump between cooler and warmer, and my favorite season is on its way. 
     Welcome, Fall.


A little early, but there you go.

*Caught up on Detectorists -- this is still one of my favorite series -- quiet, low-key, but extremely memorable. Ordered a copy (marked WAY down) on Amazon for us.

*Finished watching Longmire (again). We both love this Western 'cowboys and Indians' series... only wish it hadn't stopped. Also caught up on Shetland; waiting for some other shows to finish up their latest season, so we can start watching them again. It's no fun waiting, but watching these in a chunk, rather than piecemeal,  makes a lot more sense.

*Twenty cents discount/gallon on a diesel fillup for the truck. It was practically on empty.

*Ordered flowers (in a vase) and chocolates delivered for our aunt's 90th birthday -- for $16, thanks to a Groupon purchased some time ago! The Mama also got a dozen roses for her birthday, at a much-reduced price. Love those Groupons. If you haven't tried them, go here. (It doesn't cost a cent to sign up. Disclosure: I do get a small discount if you do.)

*Food savings:  Bacon for less than $3.00/lb -- and it was the custom stuff.
        Red peppers: 3 for a buck. Five pounds of baby carrots for $5. Mild onions: 3 lb/$1.
        Still working away on a large bag of zucchini given to us by a friend.
    Chose not to buy some items on sale -- like BOGO lobster tails. (Bought 99-cent/lb country ribs with the money, instead.)
     Stretched out the period between necessary purchases -- like milk. (We currently have a few tablespoons in the fridge -- enough for coffee. Time to head to the grocery store.)

*Didn't make a trip to Palisade to buy peaches, after all. (I'm sorry we had to forego our previously-annual jaunt -- but it couldn't be helped.) Saved on gas, meals -- and bought peaches at home for as much (or less) than what we would have spent: 97 cents/lb.

*Free tickets to Operation Finale -- saw it, along with friends. (The theater had gratis popcorn and soda -- an extra bonus!)  A terrific, nerve-wracking show about the capture of Adolph should see it.

*Two sample boxes  (yay, items for Christmas stockings!), including a coupon for a free bottle of mayo.

*Cleared out the refrigerator. Got rid of smelly stuff (much of it left over when the Brick was in hospital -- or couldn't eat that food), and found what we had that was edible. That way, I won't waste what's left...and get an easier to use fridge.
     Cleaning out the house shelves is having the same effect -- I'm finding various presents, books, etc. that I put away 'in a safe place' ages ago. No money yet, though, darn it.

*Sold a Crazy Quilts book, plus two on Amazon.

*Made dinner (and supper) at home several times, when I didn't feel like it. We really haven't gone out to eat much, except for work.

*Worked the Cheyenne gig. We were careful on food purchases; the main splurge was two trips to Goodwill.

*The Brick made several repairs, including some electrical work and water systems on the trailer.

*Fifteen for $15 -- Goodwill. Three pairs of shorts, and a bunch of tank tops for myself and the girlies. Plus some shirts*, a toy pirate ship ($3) -- for Blayde, one of my piano students -- and a teakettle shaped like a cat! (That one cost $6.)
     *The Brick tells me that one of those shirts was specially designed for 'carrying.' It has inside pockets and lined sections that make it comfortable, yet easy to transport. (And unobtrusive).Shirt value: $50-60. We paid $3.

*Some really nice kids books and videos: 50 cents and $2 each from the library's used book room. These will be Christmas presents and prizes for piano students and young relatives.

*A last-minute catsitting job. (A neighbor mowed our lawn, after I took care of their dogs and fish. Thanks so much, Betty.)

*Began teaching piano again - a new adult student.  My kiddoes won't start up until October...which, with my work schedule for fall, actually works better.


These have been minimal, considering.

*Multiple trips to the airport for friends and family: we are thinking of naming ourselves the Brick Taxi Service! The tab currently stands at 7 for a three-week period...with another for yours truly scheduled in a week or so.

*A TON of medical bills to pay. We'll chip away at these, a little at a time.

*Bought a TV we didn't really need...but it's a smaller size, with updated features, that will work better in the trailer. (Our current TV will go to Daughter #1.) Got a similar TV for The Mama, whose elderly model bit the dust a few weeks ago.
      The Brick found them on deep discount...which is really a frugal hit, as well.

*Repairs for the trailer. These are necessary; my teaching and judging gigs will help pay for them.

*The Outback's still up for sale. Daughter #1 will be refurbishing her Jeep, instead...but needed to borrow the Subaru while her car was in the shop. Anyone interested in a good car?

*Missed out on a few small opportunities -- by not returning a book on time (a few days overdue) and having King Soopers/Safeway freebies expire before I got to the grocery store next. (See above.) Nothing big, though, for this dedicated Hollander.

Check out last month's report by clicking here. You can compare this year with last, as well,  clicking here. These reports have kept me honest -- because I know I'll have to admit them to you!

Shrine Pass near Vail -- thanks, Pinterest

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