Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Prayers Needed for Libby

...still working on the quilt restoration, but almost done. I must be doing it in my sleep, as well -- gave up and went to bed last night, and the Brick said I was thrashing around all night. I so want to get this job done. 

If you've hung around in the quilting world for any time at all, you've probably bumped into Libby Lehman -- teacher, judge and quilter extraordinaire.

A few weeks ago, Libby was working at the AQS show in Paducah, when she began to have severe headaches. She went to her doctor when she returned home to Houston -- and had an aneurysm while at his office.
    She was apparently getting better, though the doctors kept her sedated and in a coma. Within the past week, though, she had a stroke. That seems to have paralyzed her left side. Prognosis is uncertain at present.

Please take some time to pray for Libby and her family. Although I don't know her as well as I would wish, she is a dear, talented woman who has affected many people's lives positively -- quilters, as well as nonquilters. (For more on Libby and her work, go here.)
    If you'd like to send a card or encouraging note, here's her address:
                 Libby Lehman
                 617 Caroline
                 Houston, TX  77002

Libby, get well soon. I'm praying for you.

1 comment:

Amy Caldwell - Willis, Virginia said...

Our Thoughts and Prayers are with You,Libby.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.