Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Memorial Day -- And Fenceposts

Monday laziness...except we have 9 fenceposts for the chicken yard that need to be anchored with concrete. The 3-foot-deep holes are already dug -- a miracle, in this dry rocky area. (Lesson learned: don't kill your back - hire a teenager. Thanks, Jake.) Each post will take five 60-pound bags of concrete, mixed with water in the wheelbarrow and poured into the hole. Yep, you're reading that right: 300 pounds of wet, sloppy concrete -- and we have to do it nine times. Oh goody. 
     While we're shoveling:

     Don't forget -- this weekend is the time for remembering our armed service members, and the many ways they've sacrificed for us. We can never forget: we owe them too much. 

A surprising conclusion about the 'randomness' of prime numbers -- this breakthrough, along with some other recent discoveries, is changing the world of mathematics big-time. 

The Russian 'space ark' just landed . Some of the creatures lived. (Half the mice, some of the newts.)  Some did not. (The other half of the mice and all the gerbils. Don't take gerbils as a pet if you're transferring to a space station.)
    All of the lizards did just fine. Does this mean that "V" is true??

Don't ignore what you need to deal with! Debt Princess makes this abundantly clear, especially with credit card companies.

Ten Very Weird archeological discoveries. Horned human skulls? Clay dinosaur figures, dating from c.2500 b.c.? Some puzzling stuff on this site, as well as...

Ten people who disappeared for years..and turned up alive. Including a guy who wrote a New York Times bestseller on his experience inside the British Special Forces. (He didn't, but it made for good reading, anyways.)
     One of my college friends had a sister disappear from the law firm where she worked. She'd had dreams of being abducted beforehand, which makes it even stranger. (See the Unsolved Mysteries mention of her case here.) That's apparently just what happened, but no body was ever found, nor was anyone convicted. Cindy Anderson, where are you?

Did you know that the Donald has filed bankruptcy FOUR times? Other penniless celebs are listed in this interesting slideshow.

Maybe Trump just needs to pinch pennies like Warren Buffett. Dozens of tips here based on the Great One's basic habits. 

Speaking of debt, the slow-down effect student debt has had on one generation's plans and spending habits.

Navy dolphins find a rare late 19th century torpedo. Off the coast of Coronado, CA.

Oven-baked tacos. Cheap, easy, fast. (Thanks for sharing, Mommy I'm Hungry. Some other good recipes on this blog, as well.)

A beautiful gold-leaf serving tray, made from a $2 Goodwill buy. How-tos included...thanks, Design OCD.

Doing what you love...or what brings in the money? Making Sense of Cents tussles over the issue.

Forty-three helpful app tools for businesspeople...small and otherwise. Good stuff here - and much of it is free.

Investing in the stock market...scary even in the best of times. Well, yeah, Financial Samurai, but you're bringing out some excellent advice on investing, even while you pooh-pooh it.  And of course:

Scientists think they've isolated the blight that caused much of the suffering during the Irish Potato Famine. They call it HERB 1, and say it's 'probably' extinct -- I call it dangerous.

One interesting way to stop bullying -- with fashion. 

And one of the loveliest voice mixes'll recognize this from O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Have a great week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.