Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Sleep-Deprived

    Everything's wrapped in a soft gray haze -- too little sleep. Other than appraising at the Creative Needle, and a quick stop at church, I've been working on this crazy quilt restoration for a good chunk of last week. It's almost done; now on to binding it, and doing some final work fusing. Thank God. Where is the time I used to easily go on little or no sleep for days on end? Gone, gone.

Easy ways to keep your financial focus - simple, but effective. From One Frugal Girl.

Chetham's Library. Going strong since the 17th century, and still active. Wow, Andrew Carnegie must be jealous!

Tim Hetherington's portraits of war. What makes these especially poignant: Hetherington was killed during a mortar attack in Sierra Leone. Take a look.

A pallet clock?? This one really grows on you. (Thanks so much for sharing directions, Sugar Bee Crafts.)

Zimbabwe's central bank is getting ready to print 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollar notes. (About $300 in U.S. dollars.) Their inflation rates have skyrocketed, making 50, 20 and 10 trillion notes already small change. (Just one loaf of bread costs about 500 billion z-dollars. Ouch.)

An amusing obituary -- honest, too. I wish I'd known this lady; her kids and grandkids obviously loved her. 

25 Way-Too-Obvious Photos -- do you think anyone really believes them?

Warren Buffett's best tip for financial advice -- short and to the point. But meaty.

Have a good, sleep-filled week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.