Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Ireland, Here We Come!

Yes, this is a week early. We're leaving tomorrow for Ireland, and I don't know how much access we'll have to Ye Olde Wifi. So if it's a little quiet for the next few weeks, I'm fine...wandering around old castle ruins, exploring the oceanside and listening to 'trad' music at a pub. Everyday stuff like that. Nothing much. (!!!!)
     The Mama is holding the fort at home, taking care of the dogs and chickens (what's left of them), and looking forward to running this house on her schedule, instead of ours. I don't mind, honestly -- she's been a champ, staying away from home for more than two weeks (a month, by the time we get back) and adapting to the way we do things. Sometimes it drives her crazy -- she likes to be at events at least 30-60 min. early, for example, and we tend to get there right before it starts -- but she's generally been patient with us. 
     So here's your latest Monday stuff -- but on a bright, shiny Tuesday. I'll check in pretty soon and let you know how the Emerald Isle is. Erin go bragh!

Another video of the Loch Ness monster...or is it?

The snowiest place on earth. Would you believe it's in Japan? Don't miss this video for the incredibly cool  Japanese snow monkeys. (They hang out in the hot springs. Smart primates.)

Caryl Bryer Fallert: 30 Quilts in 30 Years -- a new traveling exhibit. This quilter has been a huge influence on our art today. And to see how her viewpoint (and methods) have changed over the years...well!

How to eat vegetarian on the cheap...from the Five Cent Nickel. I'm a diehard carnivore, but we eat like this semi-regularly, as well. And it does save money.

Can you tell your mom no? Get Rich Slowly explores this innocent little question. I winced a bit -- our trip to the airport tomorrow evaporated, and I was forced to call and ask Daughter #2 for help. Fortunately, she can give it...but I know she'll have to go out of her way to do it. GUILT GUILT GUILT.
    I can say no to The Mama, but it is incredibly difficult. She's a master at pushing the GUILT button, too. Fortunately, what she asks of us is usually not money-related.

And, of course:

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...