Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Sunny Daziness

Sun's out, the Mama is busily sweeping, and the week's towels and sheets are churning away in soapsuds. (Like the Days of the Week dishtowels, I grew up being taught that Monday was also Washday!) The dogs are just plain happy to have everyone home, and follow us all around. Charley, the Golden Lab/Chesapeake mix, has had a heck of a time with allergies, snuffling and scratching himself raw. We finally had to take him to the vet's for a steroid shot and antibiotics. Thankfully, his fur is starting to grow back in, and he seems much less miserable.
    I'm still working on catching up...but the pile of 'done' projects is growing. Meanwhile:

Don't forget about the annual Perseid meteor shower. It's at its peak Aug. 12 -- today!

Get a free meal this month at IKEA -- just for requesting a catalog. This is a great way to fund a night out, and maybe pick up a bargain or two, as well.

Ten Ways to Save Money...without even thinking about it much. (From The Simple Dollar)

A U.S. family decides that they're going to go live on an island. (They don't like government interference, they say.) They buy a boat and sail it out from San Diego (no prior experience, of course), only to be disabled after a series of storms. They drift for weeks, gradually running low on food. Eventually, they're rescued and flown back to the U.S. Now they're planning on rethinking this whole experiment -- and trying something else.
    Oh, and guess who paid for their plane tickets home?
    The U.S. government, of course. Not to mention us, the taxpayers.

An Illinois golfer is playing through...and a sinkhole opens up underneath him! (Guess the course got a hole in one.)

Somebody swiped the keys to the Tower of London. Fortunately, the authorities noticed right away, and locks were changed. (Or did something 'disappear,' and they don't want us to know about it yet?) Suspicious minds are welcome to chime in here. Or Sherlock.

Granny Jordan's chicken casserole. Bake it hot, or eat it cold as a salad, plopped on lettuce leaves - it's delicious either way. (From Southern Plate.)

More weird stuff about Steve Jobs than you'd ever care to know. Wonder how he acts at a yogurt shop, or a football game? In public? Out of public? This website is obsessed with the Apple founder.

A centuries-old box of silver coins found, while clearing for a parking lot in Jamaica. (The worker was breaking up some ruined concrete columns.) Could they have come from a monastery that is thought to have been there, originally? Finders are not always keepers, though -- in the Jamaica case, the coins belong to the landowner, not the 19-year-old wielding the sledgehammer.
    (If you enjoy reading about treasure troves, don't miss this long and involved explanation of the Staffordshire Hoard, found in a vacant field in England in 2009. Some scattered pieces were found years later.)
    Or these gold coins, just found recently on Florida's Treasure Island (Sebastian shore) by treasure hunters:

Visual Catnip -- several minutes of "small, very fast birds" for you and  your favorite cat:

Charley isn't the only one in the Brick house struggling with allergies. We all have fussed with swollen eyes and scratchy throats the past few days. (What in the world has suddenly bloomed, to cause us so much trouble?)  Better that, than what Johnny Rivers has...

Have a great week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...