Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Ireland Is Calling

Now that I'm back from Cheyenne, there are only a few days until we leave for Ireland. Somehow I must clear away the remaining appraisal items, make lists for the Mama (who is going to hold the fort, and take care of everyone while we're gone). Plus, I do a lecture Tuesday night for the Piecekeepers guild in Parker, CO. ("Quilts with Secrets:" you're welcome to visit!)
    Also pack for Georgia. I'll be teaching a three day Crazy quilt class, plus opening up a Crazy exhibit at the Southeastern Quilt & Textile Museum, the week of Sept. 10-14 (Leaving for it the day after we get back.) There are still spots in the class -- and I plan to lavish everything I've got, including many free samples, on the students. Come on by!
    And of course, get ready for the Irish trip, as well. It's going to be zany, but worth it in the long run. We have had a rough week, what with losing at least two of our babies -- who are now nearly adults, and getting ready to lay.

This week's posts are a little sparse -- I haven't had much time for trolling. But I think you'll find them interesting. 
     We have no guarantees how much we'll find wifi in Ireland. So posts may also be a bit sparse for the next few weeks. I promise I'll make up for it, though, when we get back.

Ten things you can do during the evening -- this evening, even! -- to save money. (From The Simple Dollar) 

Overspending...and dealing with the debt hangover that follows. Real-life advice from Get Rich Slowly. 

Killing the thousand-dollar grocery bill. Good stuff from Mr. Money Mustache...don't miss the comments, either. Some great ideas and recipes here.
     I love MMM. He is bossy, opinionated, and eminently practical. He's also a wizard contractor who can make renovation dollars stretch until they scream for mercy. Take a look at his "relatively sweet shower" for evidence.

And looking forward to this -- have a great week, yourself.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...