The Brick had to make a stop at the local emergency room for kidney stones, but has recovered completely, thank God. My wrenched knee (thanks to Charley jumping up on it early this winter) was not helped by all the walking needed to lead the tour. But then again, maybe it did. I am walking stiff-legged until the legs warm up,and definitely slower than my family's pace, but with less pain. So that's good.
The extra work may have done havoc with my legs, but it did start filling up the emergency fund again. We were paid for a few events we hadn't planned on, which also helped. I honestly don't know how we went from broke to reasonably healthy so quickly -- but God is good. All the time.
Now it's on to keeping up with the appraisals, clearing out the house for our upcoming move...and practicing on wedding cakes and such for Daughter #2's and Son #1's wedding early next month. I am having way more fun at this than I is a real joy!
*The Australian tour! Got to spend a lot of time with very interesting people. Ate out a LOT and stayed at nice hotels. (Although after a while, this gets old.) We went to Nashville, Branson, Paducah (for the full Quilt Week) and Hamilton, over a two-week span. It was an amazing time I won't forget.
*Met the book editing deadlines -- in spite of being two weeks late turning in manuscript. (Which was too long, to begin with.) I write fairly clean copy, which helps. So does a willingness to let your editor hack away at your poor 'baby.' John was reasonably gentle about it, at least, though I lost a whole chapter on one of my favorite interests: Baby Doe Tabor.
Maybe that will turn into an article for someone -- or, as the Brick suggests, another book by itself.
*Applied for another writing job -- and made it into the finals. I should hear this week whether I got the job. If I do, it's 15 hrs/week steady pay. That would be nice.
*Picked up two shorter dogsitting jobs. Nothing huge.
*Sold a video on Amazon -- after a month-long drought for sales.
*The Brick (and I) did a few musical events, which we were paid for.
*Turned off the heat. Whatever we need from now on will be covered by the woodstove or electric fireplace.
*Bought a book, then some more during my trip -- 50 cents each for the latter, and $2 for the first one. I was reasonably frugal -- got some items, including fabric/thread/fusibles I needed. I did spend more on fabric than I'd intended to...but it's good stuff, and usable.
*Kept my aging cellphone going. It's quirkier than ever, though texts go through just fine. It does run out of power way too quickly now -- I must keep it charging whenever I can.
I'm going to have to do something about this soon.
*The Brick fixed our dear friend's laptop. I am so proud of the Brick's skills and talents. He also fixed his own computer when it had a problem. (Do the computers talk to each that what happens, when the Brick's laptop shares physical space with our friend's laptop?)
*Kept up with our shows: finished up The Walking Dead, Blindspot -- and am continuing to watch Fear of the Walking Dead and Designated Survivor. I'd like to start watching the series based on the Franklin Expedition, The Terror. Saw an episode one hotel room night, and it looked very interesting.
*Work done: a few piano lessons. An appraisal day in Pueblo, plus more done at the home office.
*Made up project kits for the Australians from what I had in stock, rather than purchasing more.
*Brought home leftovers from meals out -- then made another meal or two from them. Stretched other food. We're not eating as much, on this ketogenic diet. Now extra food just makes me feel bloated and lethargic.
*Waited to stock up on dogfood and other staples. Tried to buy mostly produce and other items fitting with a keto diet. Got a boxful of Anaheim peppers for $3.
I would love to say that I've been buzzing around town this month, finding all sorts of good buys. But first, we didn't really need anything -- in fact, we're in 'getting rid of stuff' mode. Secondly, I spent much of the month with my behind parked by the laptop, finishing up the book. We ate out some -- but used up items from the freezer and pantry, too. Which isn't bad at all.
*I'm behind on a few jobs. Hope to make those up this week.
*The Brickster went out to eat a fair amount while I was gone on the Aussie tour. Or bought tv dinners. Granted, he didn't spend as much as he could have. The stinker.
*Bought two more research books for my book -- but I needed them. Both were on Pueblo history, which I have learned so much about these past few months. Fascinating.
*Medical bills from the Brick's ER stay. Fortunately, they weren't horrible. The insurance company has messed up some of our paperwork, which has meant extra hours by the Brick, trying to work things out.
*Bought some clothes. I felt guilty, but the Brick encouraged it. And I did get them at reasonable prices...
*Bought a lot of fabric, notions, fusible, etc. during the Aussie tour -- but they were also usable pieces I wasn't going to find too often.
*Went out to eat too much -- at least most of it was expense-paid. Daughter #2 and Son #1 treated us to a great Japanese/Tibetan meal.
For last year's frugal report on this month, go here. Last month's (March) report is here.
And now I'm going to take a quick nap.
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All flower photos from Morguefile |
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