Sunday, April 8, 2018

Weekend Work

But I gotta. 

Spent a very enjoyable day in Pueblo yesterday, appraising and hearing oddball/ghost stories. The girls in the Pride City Quilt Guild are great.

But now I have a big pile of books to my left...and a big pile of scribbled notes to my right.

And a coffee cup inbetween. Plus a slice of poteca ("po-teets-za"), thanks to my wonderful Pueblo friends. (See? I am a "bojon" now!)

The Denver chapter is done. The Baby Doe Chapter just has a few tweaks to finish. The Highlands Ranch/Boulder/Parker chapter is partly written; just need to get it all down on paper.

(Yow -- the Brick's Windows disappeared! He was worried mine would go -- and I'd lose all that writing. Crisis averted: he got his problem fixed, and my files saved to the Cloud.)

I'm itching to skip down to Pueblo, instead... but need to restrain myself.

Back to work. 


jude's page said...

Hope you get to the end of your book real soon. You will feel like you are let out of school when you reach the end.

Cindy Brick said...

And celebrating!!! But then, I have to leave next Tuesday for leading a tour in Paducah... :)

I am really hoping to be done late Wednesday night. We'll see.

Thanks for writing.

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...